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[X-Wing] Terrain and templates - upgrading from Card  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Mindless Servitor


Hi All,
Just to let X-Wing enthusiasts know there are now 3D asteroids and plastic bases are now available. My company is just starting up making tabletop accessories, and we're focusing on X-Wing for a start (check us out here). I've put up pictures in the gallery, and the asteroids themselves are now for sale on Ebay - as far as I know, these are the only ones available right now (if not, they're at least the best IMHO - no bias, of course .
We'll also be releasing templates for movment and shooting soon, and I'll post info on that here and in News under the Hammer and Forge info thread.

Lastly, we're really interested in finding out what people want, so if you've got ideas or want something for your X-Wing games (or othewise) let us know and we'll take a look at producing it.

NB: we're not affiliated with Fantasy flight, or endorsed, sanctioned or even given a thumbs up by them. Gotta say it for legal reasons.
Let me know what you think,
James @H/F

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Sniping Reverend Moira

Cincinnati, Ohio

What are they made of?

Made in gb
Mindless Servitor


The asteroid bases and up-coming templates are all acrylic plastic, so they are UV resistant and tough. The 3D asteroids themselves are extruded polystyrene coated with a sealant to make them tougher and then painted.

Hammer And Forge
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Made in gb
Mindless Servitor


We've just released measuring and shooting templates that are compatible with X-Wing - Come take a lok on our website below:


Hammer And Forge
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Speed Drybrushing

Chicago, Illinois

The odds of successfully navigating this asteroid field...

...are approximately 3720 to 1!

Rokugnar Eldar (6500) - Wolves of Excess (2000) - Marines Diagnostica (2200)
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Made in gb
Mindless Servitor


 Magc8Ball wrote:
The odds of successfully navigating this asteroid field...

...are approximately 3720 to 1!

Glad you like them - Back on sale soon via the site

Hammer And Forge
- Sci-fi, Fantasy and Steam Punk
- LARP and Cosplay
- Reenactment
- Bespoke Replicas and new designs

Blog - hammerandforgeblog.blogspot.co.uk/
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Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 Magc8Ball wrote:
The odds of successfully navigating this asteroid field...

...are approximately 3720 to 1!

Never tell me the odds!

Gotta take a peek at your ebay site as I'm interested in picking up some asteroids for a scenario game I've got planned in the future.

edit: Any update on when the asteroids will be available again? Also, how much is your shipping to the US? I can't seem to pull that up on expired/sold auctions on ebay.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/04/16 15:54:12

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