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X-Wing Miniatures June 1st, 2013 Tourniment Report Video  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Bounding Black Templar Assault Marine

Winnipeg, Canada

Here's a video of my last tourniment:

Made in ca
Blood Angel Chapter Master with Wings

Sunny SoCal

Thanks for sharing? (edit - punctuation fail! lol! Thanks for sharing!!! - left it in in case you saw it before I wrote this and thought I was being an ass lol)

It seems you handily dismantled the YT + 2 escorts lists both times without breaking a sweat... do you find that was a given, or was luck or skill a big factor in the games?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/06/06 20:21:40

Made in ca
Bounding Black Templar Assault Marine

Winnipeg, Canada

 MajorTom11 wrote:
It seems you handily dismantled the YT + 2 escorts lists both times without breaking a sweat... do you find that was a given, or was luck or skill a big factor in the games?

Personally, I found that the TIE swarm is formidable, but, yes, with some skill and decent dice rolls.

If you clump your TIEs together and just charge straight in, you may find your enemy weaves out of your firing arc. I like to spread out my TIEs from the beginning (as seen in the video) and converge on my opponents from all sides in a sort of pincer movement. Then the enemy ships have no where to escape and often get trapped in the resulting furball.

With the enemy ships trapped in the furball and at range 1, all those TIEs firing are truly devastating!

I was so impressed with my standard TIE Fighters in this tournament that I'll be going back to an 8 TIE swarm in the next tournament!
Made in de
Hoary Long Fang with Lascannon

I dont normally attend tournaments for the other games i play but i'd really like to play in a x-wing one. Unfortunately i dont think there are any around here :/. Thanks for sharing.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/06/06 21:29:50

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