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Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

I've found something possibly troublesome with the Star *TREK* Attack Wing game that uses the X-wing rules for its combat. I fully admit that my majority experience in gaming comes from the Minis wargaming and RPG side and not collectible games so the following may be old news or nothing special to collectible players. Apparently unlike the x-wing league kits, the Star Trek ones will contain unique ships that are either new sculpts or variants that are only available to winners of the league events as well as special dice that basically have more hits/crits on them than regular dice that are legal for normal play.


I have to say that I'm not a fan of that and really prefer the way FFG handles league kits. You get variant cards (with the same stats) and little plastic counters to replace cardboard ones but not things that actually affect gameplay. Hell, I'd be fine with them including new characters in the league kits as long as they *also* put out a free pdf on their site for people to print out and use as well. Company sanctioned loaded dice, however, are not fine by me. Combined with them just reusing the relatively mediocre clix models for the game, I don't think I'll be picking this variant up any time soon. I'll just have to stick with my Robotech X-wing house rules instead!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/08/12 14:52:22

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us
Old Sourpuss

Lakewood, Ohio

The Star Trek game is already gaining traction at my store, and this does not make me like it...

Non-standard dice are going to make for an unfun game...


Ask me about Brushfire or Endless: Fantasy Tactics 
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@Warboss: With Alpha Strike coming out for BT soon, you'll be spoiled for choice regarding rules for your Robotech miniatures.

OnTopic: Attack Wing is lame for so many reasons already, this bit of news is just sour icing on the bland cake.

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Androgynous Daemon Prince of Slaanesh

Norwalk, Connecticut

Ask the TOs to ban the special dice for normal events and they're at the opponent's discretion for pickups. Then have a tourney at the end of te year for a "winners circuit" where all those dice at okay. Otherwise people will quit. And yes, shoddy built ships...shudder.

Reality is a nice place to visit, but I'd hate to live there.

Manchu wrote:I'm a Catholic. We eat our God.

Due to work, I can usually only ship any sales or trades out on Saturday morning. Please trade/purchase with this in mind.  
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

 Manchu wrote:
@Warboss: With Alpha Strike coming out for BT soon, you'll be spoiled for choice regarding rules for your Robotech miniatures.

OnTopic: Attack Wing is lame for so many reasons already, this bit of news is just sour icing on the bland cake.

True.. hadn't thought about that regarding alpha strike. I got burned picking up Total Warfare and seeing the same crap I didn't like a decade and 15 years earlier but this one actually sounds different, not just different sounding.

Re: Attack Wing... apparently the final price is a large DS9 model... that part at least is nice but I don't think I'd allow it in a friendly pickup game, lol. Not with the likelihood of the national winner having so many monthly loaded dice winnings!

It seems like they've taken two things that made X-Wing successful (solid but elegant rules, great IP) and decided to ignore the rest (great minis, rewarding but fair community support). Eh, lost sale from me until at a minimum I see the core set reprint down the line (with hopefully new minis).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/08/12 15:31:28

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
Made in us


That DS9 looks like the toy one Playmates released way back.

I'll probably pick up the starter to give it a fair shake but I'm not very excited about this compared to new X-Wing releases.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


I'd use that DS9 model in xwing, might be fun to come up with a scenario for it

Made in us


What would you use it as? Some kind of defense platform?

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


 Manchu wrote:
What would you use it as? Some kind of defense platform?

Depending on the scale something like a defense platform or maybe a ship under construction that needs to be destroyed. Not quite deathstar scenario but something fun

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

The Battle Barge Buffet Line

Just come up with stats for each strut/section like people did with the correllian corvette.

We Munch for Macragge! FOR THE EMPRUH! Cheesesticks and Humus!
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