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Shattered Legions TS-WB confusion  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in il
Warplord Titan Princeps of Tzeentch

The why shattered legions work confuses me, so if you could shed light on it I'll be glad.

What exactly CAN be mixed in shattered legions?
Can rites of war be?
How do the rules interact?

Say, I want to go for TS with daemon allies, normally I cant, but would taking a shattered legion with WB make it possible? (it will also give me the awesome theme Gal Vorbak as fleshchange sons)
If so, what exactly are the requirements of the HQ/troop slots? (because its getting spinny between TS and WB restrictions)

Anyone with more 30k experience can explain?

can neither confirm nor deny I lost track of what I've got right now. 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Ok so.
Word bearers can't take daemons as allies by default, they need one of their special characters or their rite of war. Either way you need a WB warlord.

Shattered legions you can take pretty much whatever as long as you have a character of each. Even better, the WB charismatic leadership rule doesn't apply.

You can take any RoW, but to take a legion specific one the warlord has to match.

Remember that if the warlord dies, the alliance shatters and only the primary legion scores.

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