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Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Tangentville, New Jersey

Nice! Reminds me of Sven Ole Thorsen in Abraxas.

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

It's been very quiet on here lately but I'm hoping to change that soon. There are "reasons" for it... mostly the fact that I have got a new job... you can read more about it here:


... and that includes some of the "not dwarf" sculpts I have done (hence I've linked to it ).

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in au
12th Cadian Mech Regt Orphan Brigade



Like the latest scuples mate. The grave guys would make great mortar men.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/07 03:23:24

Colonel Jacka
12th Cadian Mech Regt
Orphan Brigade
All Hail St Pius
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Cheers .

I think that, if I was to convert/sculpt mortar crew, I'd probably start with the Sgt sculpts... but I guess the standing mourner would be OK too (due to the arms being away from the body, like the Sgts).

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
Made in au
12th Cadian Mech Regt Orphan Brigade


Indeed, and I am using the Sgt sculpts for the Mortar Crew as well.

Colonel Jacka
12th Cadian Mech Regt
Orphan Brigade
All Hail St Pius
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

I was never asked to sort mortar crew... and seeing as Chris already converted a few from my existing sculpts AND sorted a mortar, I couldn't see much point.

I don't have any mortars in my army... otherwise, maybe I would have sorted them myself...

Currently, I'm struggling to sculpt... but I have been working on a complete distraction, behind the scenes. It's an important miniature to finish off an "advisors" unit for 10th edition... a second Astropath (I have enough of the artillery/navy bods for two units so I needed a second Astropath to finish off two complete units). I've almost finished it (just a head and a few details to go) so it should arrive fairly soon... if I can get a grip !!!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/18 10:16:56

Another day older; another day closer to death ...

BLOGNESS: http://insosworld.blogspot.com/

Shop: https://insoemporium.blogspot.co.uk/ 
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