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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I am really liking the idea behind terminators have 2 wounds and have been toying with loadouts. My current favorite is 5x models each with an axe and a combi flamer. what is the community's thoughts on this?
Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

Flamers seem like a bad plan since they can't be used when you teleport strike in. I think the combi-plasma backed by a terminator lord is the best loadout.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

plasma seems bad this eddition to me, outright killing stuff on a roll of a 1. I know the lord reduced this chance but losing an almost 50 point model to a double 1 roll would be aids

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2017/07/27 22:55:58

Made in gb
Water-Caste Negotiator

How are you intending to get them in range to do anything?

Your options boil down to:
1) Walk them up the table
2) Transport them in a Land Raider
3) Deepstrike them

For any of these options, i feel as though the combi-flamer is a poor choice. Walking will take them too long to get in range; the Land raider is an extremely expensive option and limits their ability to use their own guns; deepstriking will leave them just out of range of their flamers.

If you use Deepstrike and Warptime then your flamers may be able to do something. However, the flamers will likely be targetting the closest unit which is probably the one you're intending to charge as well - your opponent may simply remove the closest models killed by the shooting attack and leave you with a very long charge distance to make! I'd prefer to give the terminators a little more reach in the form of Combi-plasma.There is no rule that prevents you from shooting and charging against different units, so you can spread your damage and improve your charge chances.

I'd probably opt for:
3 Terminators with Power axe and combi-plasma
1 Terminators with Power axe, combi plasma and Icon
1 Terminator Champion with Chainfist and combi-plasma

They'd take the Mark of Khorne for re-rolling charge distances and be supported by a Sorcerer or other form of Psyker with Warptime (and Prescience if available). This could give a fair amount of 3+ to hit plasma and bolter fire (or plasma on 2+ if you sacrifice the bolters) and then a very high chance of pulling off your charge. You can deepstrike 9" away, move 5 with Warptime and then have 2D6 re-rollable charge for the remaining 4".

Obviously this is a pretty expensive set-up, the terminators themselves will run at least 300 points or so before you consider adding a Sorcerer and a way to deepstrike them. There are definitely better options in the CSM book, but if you're dead-set on using terminators then I believe this is way to do it.
Made in us
Loyal Necron Lychguard

One thing that's interesting about a Terminator Sorcerer as a back up is if you get Prescience off it's actually impossible for the plasma to kill a model; a roll of 1 will always miss, but it's still 1+1=2, and therefore does not get hot.
Made in sg
Longtime Dakkanaut

I think if we really want to make Terminators work well, we have to include Abaddon. A lot of synergies between him and deep striking terminators.

Combi meltas or plasmas are expensive, so you really want the reroll that Abaddon gives in order to make sure your meltas or plasma hits.

They are really expensive once you start equipping combi meltas or plasmas on every terminator, but with the rerolls that Abbadon gives, they can take down something big.

Combi bolters would obviously be a lot cheaper. But I feel that unless you are facing hordes, otherwise, since you can deep strike in so close, might as well shoot a more powerful weapon. I ever had one squad of Termis with combi meltas take down a full hp storm raven within the one round of shooting where they teleported in because Abaddon helped them make all their hits (and they rolled high on their d6 damage).

And with Khorne mark and icon of wrath, decent chance Terminators can charge something and destroy it after the shooting too. And if you bring enough Terminators, they can act as a sort of escort for Abbadon, shielding him until all the terminators are dead (which will take a fair amount of firepower).

They are something that forces the opponent to have to deal with them. With precise placement and ability to take special weapons, Chaos termis are a lot better this edition. Its just that they are so expensive in terms of points. So, you really need to make them an important part of your overall strategy. Because if you are just going to deep strike one unit of termis alone into enemy territory, then they will surely get swamped and killed by the opponent's whole army the very next turn. And they are too expensive per unit now to be throwaway termicide units now.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

The new SM stratagem that allows a free round of shooting against reserve arrivals is making me rethink deep striking altogether. Free rounds of shooting gives me shivers. )on top od overwatch, and being able to just walk away from assauts and shoot again.)

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