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Imperial Recruit in Training


I have been following 40k lore for about a year and a half but have only recently started playing tabletop. I have been building an IG list and was wondering if I could get some critiques.

The general fluff behind this regiment is that their home world is primarily tundra, with cities dotted across the land. As such the guard regiments drawn from this planet have a strong focus on mobility and armored fire support. The list is primarily built around the Stormlord acting as a fire magnet/distraction while the rest of the army moves on objectives and such.

Possible changes:
- I am debating whether to use heavy bolter sponsons on the Stormlord as it would free up a fair amount of points but don't know if they are that much better than heavy flamers.

Any comments/questions/critiques would be greatly appreciated!

List is:

---Regiment: Tallarn---

---Battalion Detachment +3 CP [29 PL, 490 Points]


Company Commander [3 PL, 35 Points]: Orders, Chainsword, Plasma pistol

Company Commander [3 PL, 35 Points]: Orders, Chainsword, Plasma pistol, Kurov's Aquila


Conscripts x20 [3 PL, 60 Points]

Infantry Squad [3 PL, 52 Points]
- x8 Guardsmen [32 Points]
- x1 Guardsman w/ Special Weapon [11 Points]: Plasma Gun
- x1 Sergeant [4 Points]: Chainsword, Plasma pistol

Infantry Squad [3 PL, 52 Points]
- x8 Guardsmen [32 Points]
- x1 Guardsman w/ Special Weapon [11 Points]: Plasma Gun
- x1 Sergeant [9 Points]: Chainsword, Plasma Pistol


Astropath [1 PL, 15 Points]: Psychic barrier, Laspistol

Astropath [1 PL, 15 Points]: Nightshroud, Laspistol

Bullgryns x3 [7 PL, 126 Points]: Bullgryn Mauls, Slabshields

Salamander Command Vehicle [5 PL, 100 Points]

---Spearhead Detachment +1 CP [36 PL, 649 Points]


Tank Commander [12 PL, 267 Points]: Command Demolisher, Lascannon, Multimeltas

*Heavy Support*

Basilisk [7 PL, 108 Points]

Basilisk [7 PL, 108 Points]

Leman Russ Punisher [10 PL, 166 Points]: Heavy Bolter, Heavy Bolters

---Supreme Command Detachment +1 CP [ 38 PL, 861 Points]


Commisar Yarrick [7 PL, 130 Points]

Company Commander [3 PL, 35 Points]: Plasma Pistol, Chainsword

Primaris Psyker [2 PL, 40 Points]: Psychic Barrier, Nightshroud

*Lords of War*

Stormlord [26 PL, 656 Points]: x2 Heavy Flamer/Lascannon Sponsons, Heavy Stubber

Gloria Imperialis

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2017/10/20 23:27:46

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