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[BB] Kitbash Nurgle Blood Bowl team and Chaos Dwarf team (WIP)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


Hello Dakkanauts,

Here is a few pics of my kitbash Nurgle Bloodbowl team so far. I’m assuming there will be a new one by GW at some point. The ‘current’ one is super old and lacking in Nurgleness.

I love Bloodbowl and wanted a suitably Nurgle team for myself.

I’ve written a blog post about these guys here:

Hope you like them,

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2019/06/25 13:19:47

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

Yes, this is proper!

I don't see why people keep asking for Nurgle when you could do something like this with all the bits available.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central California

Great conversions using bitz! Love the bloodbowl idea. The football flattened on the spike is sheer genius! Thanks for sharing.

Keeping the hobby side alive!

I never forget the Dakka unit scale is binary: Units are either OP or Garbage. 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


@ Baxx
Thank you. I would be the worst person to keep asking GW to make a Nurgle team as I totally wouldn't get it now. I'd be interested to see what they came up with, sure.

@ edwardmyst
Cheers! I'd love to take credit for the flattened ball. But even though I haven't seen anyone else model one I did see it on the Bloodbowl computer game. The Lizardman has one on his shoulder. I had the same reaction as you when I saw that. Genius!

Here are the other Nurgle Warriors, they are half painted...

Here are the other pestigors, also half painted...

Anyone got any good Beast of Nurgle ideas? I still need to make one of those.

GW has made a new beast of nurgle but bizarrely even though it has three different heads it has one body in a very specific pose. Even more bizarrre is why I care given that the maximum number of beasts of Nurgle I could take is one...

Any ideas for a BB beast of nurgle I'm all ears.

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Very cool team!

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in no
Longtime Dakkanaut

But we haven't seen the Beast yet!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2018/05/22 16:22:57

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Always in it for pestigors!
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


After a long break from the hobby I’m back painting again. These are the Nurgle warriors painted up. Looking forward to finally getting this team finished. A lot has changed since I made these.
[Thumb - AB263129-EEE2-4A92-8E3F-C8044D260C12.jpeg]

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


I’ve made further progress and finally started on the beast of Nurgle.
[Thumb - 762C13FD-4859-4C3F-9D67-E7D1B9E8557A.jpeg]

[Thumb - 61B5C02D-D7D7-4BCF-8877-655087C7428C.jpeg]

[Thumb - 4F51D8DD-6399-44A7-8AA8-D658A5F515E6.jpeg]

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in gb
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

They look fantastic. Beautifully painted too.
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


I really wanted to make a beast of nurgle by taking the current beast of nurgle model and add a jersey.

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it.

The Blood Bowl Rotspawn or the Age if Sigmar Beast of Nurgle one? The jersey idea might go well with the official Nurgle BB team. Would you green stuff or paint it on?

I’ve made a bit more progress on my beast. He just needs painting now...

[Thumb - CD5BD905-0CD6-4527-99EF-71855D6C7476.jpeg]

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


A bit more progress. I’ve altered the Nurgle Warrior to have a greenish tongue and started painting the beast.
[Thumb - 2EC0D543-2476-4F23-B154-5FD70EDFE6FE.jpeg]

[Thumb - 38F764AE-9A2F-4854-8C8D-BF401DE7A516.jpeg]

[Thumb - 012EDE35-B3B8-4FE8-BA7C-DEE64BD00864.jpeg]

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in gb
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

They are both coming along really nicely.

I always get a bit stuck on what to do for BB bases, I like the mucky puddle effect you've done for the beast!
Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


 Krakendoomcool wrote:
Thank you for the kind words. I appreciate it.

The Blood Bowl Rotspawn or the Age if Sigmar Beast of Nurgle one? The jersey idea might go well with the official Nurgle BB team. Would you green stuff or paint it on?

I’ve made a bit more progress on my beast. He just needs painting now...

I was thinking age of sigmar nurgle one. I would make a little tshort/jersey in paper. Make shure it fittet. And the n clad the t-shirt in green stuff. It would be quite funn, as he would not have arms. And it would probably by a bit to small to be honest. :-)

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


I've finished the team now (16 players), I intend to make a head coach and other hangers on but for now they are done.

Thank you. I think I'll try a more classic blood bowl base for future teams, but I wanted something more Nurlge for these. I was imagining a swampy pitch. I left a gap in the sand when I based the model and then used Nurgle's rot quite generously to make the puddles.

Sounds like a fun conversion and very Blood Bowl. I think the new AoS one has arms so that will help with the jersey shape. Unless you were using an older model. I think you would be fine for size, I think all versions are large enough.

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


Best compliment I can give Nurgle models is "I wouldn't touch those."
Made in gb
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

 Krakendoomcool wrote:
I've finished the team now (16 players), I intend to make a head coach and other hangers on but for now they are done.

Thank you. I think I'll try a more classic blood bowl base for future teams, but I wanted something more Nurlge for these. I was imagining a swampy pitch. I left a gap in the sand when I based the model and then used Nurgle's rot quite generously to make the puddles.

Just a suggestion/comment on the beast - do you think the stitches across his belly should be a different colour? It's just a key part of the model and with the same colour as the skin they kind of blend in when I think you might want them to pop out?
What do you think?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/06/06 12:48:46

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


@ Fajita Fan
Thank you! Haha. Complimenting Nurgle stuff can be odd. Gross is good.

@ RobS
I think you’ve got a good point. I was trying to make the stitches stand out, especially as they make him look like a giant blood bowl ball! I avoided black so they didn’t blend into the cracks. But the highlight on the skin is so light it goes too close to the white. The same thing happened with the Nurgle Warrior with the tongue coming out of his belly, I changed that to green.
What do you think, brown? Or do you think black would work with a light highlight?

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in gb
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

 Krakendoomcool wrote:
@ Fajita Fan
Thank you! Haha. Complimenting Nurgle stuff can be odd. Gross is good.

@ RobS
I think you’ve got a good point. I was trying to make the stitches stand out, especially as they make him look like a giant blood bowl ball! I avoided black so they didn’t blend into the cracks. But the highlight on the skin is so light it goes too close to the white. The same thing happened with the Nurgle Warrior with the tongue coming out of his belly, I changed that to green.
What do you think, brown? Or do you think black would work with a light highlight?

Hmm.. I think I'd go for a dirty looking brown/black. A dark colour like that would contrast to the pale skin tone.

I might be tempted to go for like a bone/offwhite colour but shade it with lots of brown so it looks dirty and rotten.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


I’ve added some more slime to the tentacles to match up with the sculpted slime drips on the model. I’ve entered it into the local monthly painting competition. So he’s in the window and I forgot to change the stitches.

I’ve now started a chaos dwarf team. These guys are a lot of fun to paint.
[Thumb - 8158ACF9-DEC6-437E-8973-A588D39B0074.jpeg]

[Thumb - 36B28562-46EB-4A04-8FDA-4312895F9CA2.jpeg]

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in ca
Yellin' Yoof


All of this looks great! Thank you for sharing.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


My pleasure General Malarky.

I’ve tried out chipping the armour to give a pro player look.
[Thumb - 3E05EFEB-2A75-4CE3-92B8-24E0CC094E97.jpeg]

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in gb
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

 Krakendoomcool wrote:
My pleasure General Malarky.

I’ve tried out chipping the armour to give a pro player look.

Did you actually chip the armour or is it all just done with paint?

Armour damage is my last task for my orcs and yours looks great; I'd appreciate any tips!
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


@ RobS
You're the third person to think I actually chipped the models. It’s painted on. I’ll try to get a step by step up on here. Not done anything for a few days so it’s a bit delayed.

Here’s a pic of a bit more chipped armour for the meantime.
[Thumb - 374103C4-14F6-416F-A6FC-098D307AC848.jpeg]

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in gb
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

I only thought you had because you said 'I've tried chipping the armour". But clearly you didn't mean it literally!

I'd love to see a step by step, looks great.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/07/01 17:56:39

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User


Here is a little step by step on the chipping process
[Thumb - DA18BAF1-4F11-44D2-B075-71AA75EE0EBF.jpeg]
The pattern and highlight you want to start with

[Thumb - 3631BE07-F952-4958-9851-27B3C3FFD4C8.jpeg]
Flaked off effect by painting the base coat (khorne red) over the white areas

[Thumb - AC56F1B5-BD9E-47E8-980D-9975F0767F43.jpeg]
The chipped paint areas painted dark (Dryad Bark)

[Thumb - 37736283-C954-467D-B1C4-E6CE66DD7B0A.jpeg]
Metal areas painted on smaller than the dark colour (Ironbreaker)

[Thumb - 85B47F20-562B-4356-94EA-6040E483400C.jpeg]
Highlight colour next to the chipped areas (Wild Rider red)

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2019/07/10 09:12:53

Making all the Wolf Lords... 
Made in gb
Sword-Wielding Bloodletter of Khorne

Super little tutorial, thanks!

I've come up with a slightly more simple way - you paint a shape of highlight colour, then put a blob of dark brown in the middle of that, then a bit of metal inside that.
I'll take some pics once I've got it dialled and put it on my Orc BB WIP blog.

But thanks, that was really helpful.
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