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Made in is
Angered Reaver Arena Champion

Trying to make a mono-coven army. Played with one last weekend at 500 point but felt like I was limited by not having anything to take out armor. Hoping that by going to 1000 points and adding Talos with HWB and a Dissie Raider I can do a bit more damage while MSU wracks capture points.

One Haemie babysits Grots while the other follows the Talos.

Haemonculus - Splinter Pistol and Electrocorrosive whip - Master Artisan with Helm of Spite
Haemonculus - Splinter Pistol and Electrocorrosive whip

5 x Wracks
5 x Wracks
5 x Wracks

5 x Grotesques

-Heavy Support
Talos - 2 x Macro Salpel and TL Haywire Blaster
Talos - 2 x Macro Salpel and TL Haywire Blaster

-Dedicated Transport
Raider - Disintegrator Cannon
Venom - Splinter Rifle and Cannon
Venom - Splinter Rifle and Cannon
Venom - Splinter Rifle and Cannon
Venom - Splinter Rifle and Cannon
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

TBH, you are trying to play both MSU and Monster-mash, which isnt really possible at this low point limit.

I would recommend either doubling down on the MSU venom approach, or the fleshy monsters (and since you are Coven, you probably want the monsters).

I find Grotesques to be in a sweet at 8 models, and I love that you have already doubled up on the Taloi (which is why I am only including 7 Grots in this list).

This is what I would run, aiming on getting more Anti-Tank. You would deploy with all units having a toe in the Haemis toughness bubble (including raiders).

-Haemi, Electrocrosive whip
-Haemi, Electrocrosive whip

5 x Wracks
5 x Wracks
5 x Wracks

4 x Grots
3 x Grots

2 x Talos 2xmacro, TL splinter

3 x Raiders, Dissies

Total 978 pts
Made in is
Angered Reaver Arena Champion

Thanks for the input.

I enjoy your suggestion of having more raiders. Love running them and the point you made does give me a good excuse to focus on painting them.

Last weekend I was running a list with only 3 grots(and one had liquifier because I only had those 3 painted) and I have to say that despite being not the optimal setup they did a lot of heavy work.

Quick question: Why Splinter Cannon instead of HWB on the Taloi?
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

I go for the SC over HWB mainly because I find this type of army lacks hoard control. Grots/Taloi are not afraid of tanks with a 4++/6+++, especially when you have this many.

What you are afraid of is getting tarpitted or kited. SC have more range, and rate of fire. That is my meta though, YMMV. I left you with 22 pts to season to your taste.
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