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Made in fi
Been Around the Block

Hi, I have heard a lot of people complain about the quality of mantic miniatures. Is the problem that they don't like the sculpts, or is the plastic used some sort of crap that for example breaks easily?
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

They're absolutely crap in every way. Crappy sculpts, crappy materials, crappy molding, crappy bases, crappy crap.

For the Emperor and Sanguinius!

40K Blood Angels ; 1,500pts / Kill Team: Valhallan Veteran Guardsmen / Aeronautica Imperialis Adeptus Astartes; 176pts / AoS Soulblight Gravelords; 1,120pts  
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I've never bought any and my complaints are always that their sculpting style just doesn't match with what I want. They look very what I'd consider "dated" in terms of style, which is a shame as many of the concepts appear very solid.

Note that I also extend dated in terms of the overall detail and finish not just the creative design choices they've made.

A Blog in Miniature

3D Printing, hobbying and model fun! 
Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

The sculpts i've seen are fine for what I want, and they've generally improved from the earlier ones.

But there's enough... not very good ones out there that i can see why some people aren't fans.

realism is a lie
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

They are mixed. Mantic's more recent sculpts have often been good-looking, but their older work is just functional. In the case of the Dwarf Bulwarkers, the metal spear arms are one piece attachments cast of a brittle metal that snaps instead of bends like other metal minis. This frustrated me enough I've stopped working on my Dwarf army for now. Similarly, I bought a Ironcaster on Giant Winged Half-breed. It is their basic plastic dragon but with a metal head. There is a .75" gap between the back of the head and the lower neck. As such, I'm not buying any more large models from them unless I've seen them assembled in person. I'm mostly okay with their rank and file, provided they are plastic or restic. (Don't really like restic, but don't violently hate it like some people do.)

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
My Games Played 
Made in at
Second Story Man


Never had any problems with the product quality

The only Box I know to be of lower quality are the Goblins as you have to put in heavy work to remove mold lines

If someone tells you that their material is bad, they have never bought one as it is standard HIPS, same as used by others, same for metal and Resin (while their Resin is of better quality than GW)

Their PVC models are the only ones that are tricky, but because PVC needs different preparation than HIPS or Resin.

A problem are the metal/plastic hybrid kits, which are not worse than other companies products, but such kits are just worse in general.

Another point is the age of some models.
There are people who talk about GW's high quality, will rule out any kit that is older then 5 years to proof their point.

Some of Mantics models are from 2008 and while they are no match to recent GW's models (at least the standard boxes, Snap-Fit core box models are a different story) they are on par regarding quality with their kits from that time

A lot of people don't like their design in general and/or specific models as they hoped for cheaper 1:1 GW copies instead of something completely different.

But those Fantasy models are also dedicated to Rank & File, wich means they need to look good in a unit and not good as individual (comparing the Elves, Mantic's models let you make more dynamic regiments than GW's while if you want a lose/skirmish formation they won't look that good).

SciFi models are different, they were much better in quality and design as the "new" Old-Marines kits that came out at the same time, and now overshadowed by the new Primaris kits (not the first boxed ones, but the more recent light armoured ones that are more of the same style)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/11/23 19:16:11

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in us

Their new stuff is quite good. Their old stuff is sub standard. People make overall judgements based off of the old stuff.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

 kodos wrote:
Never had any problems with the product quality

The only Box I know to be of lower quality are the Goblins as you have to put in heavy work to remove mold lines

If someone tells you that their material is bad, they have never bought one as it is standard HIPS, same as used by others, same for metal and Resin (while their Resin is of better quality than GW)

Their PVC models are the only ones that are tricky, but because PVC needs different preparation than HIPS or Resin.

A problem are the metal/plastic hybrid kits, which are not worse than other companies products, but such kits are just worse in general.

Another point is the age of some models.
There are people who talk about GW's high quality, will rule out any kit that is older then 5 years to proof their point.

Some of Mantics models are from 2008 and while they are no match to recent GW's models (at least the standard boxes, Snap-Fit core box models are a different story) they are on par regarding quality with their kits from that time

A lot of people don't like their design in general and/or specific models as they hoped for cheaper 1:1 GW copies instead of something completely different.

But those Fantasy models are also dedicated to Rank & File, wich means they need to look good in a unit and not good as individual (comparing the Elves, Mantic's models let you make more dynamic regiments than GW's while if you want a lose/skirmish formation they won't look that good).

SciFi models are different, they were much better in quality and design as the "new" Old-Marines kits that came out at the same time, and now overshadowed by the new Primaris kits (not the first boxed ones, but the more recent light armoured ones that are more of the same style)

I literally bought some this week. They were crap. They're now in the bin where they belong. Admittedly one of the kits was plastic-metal hybrid. But the plastic in all the kits was dreadful. I don't know when the models were designed or produced. I have GW models in my current 40k army which, although purchased this year, are at least several years old in terms of design and production. All of them are considerably superior to the Mantic models I bought. Again, I can't say I have had lots of experience with a wide range of Mantic models, but after the disappointment of this week I won't ever be buying any more.

For the Emperor and Sanguinius!

40K Blood Angels ; 1,500pts / Kill Team: Valhallan Veteran Guardsmen / Aeronautica Imperialis Adeptus Astartes; 176pts / AoS Soulblight Gravelords; 1,120pts  
Made in ca
Grumpy Longbeard


The old stuff, from a decade ago, was designed to be value for money and look good enough. They do the job well enough and I like them. I want an army of models that I can get a lot of affordably,look alright and are getting an efficient tabletop quality paint job at best.
If you are not looking for those things, but rather want your miniatures to be exquisite collector's pieces with display quality painting, then they are not for you. Some people seem to insist on comparing them to other miniatures directly though.

The new miniatures are much nicer, but Mantic's models are getting more expensive too though (rightly btw). Still more for quantity than quality in most cases and not miracles of plastic like Wyrd or GW produce, but still perfectly good.

Darian Aarush wrote:They're absolutely crap in every way. Crappy sculpts, crappy materials, crappy molding, crappy bases, crappy crap.

That's a crappy way to put it.
Ancestral Hamster wrote:They are mixed. Mantic's more recent sculpts have often been good-looking, but their older work is just functional. In the case of the Dwarf Bulwarkers, the metal spear arms are one piece attachments cast of a brittle metal that snaps instead of bends like other metal minis. This frustrated me enough I've stopped working on my Dwarf army for now. Similarly, I bought a Ironcaster on Giant Winged Half-breed. It is their basic plastic dragon but with a metal head. There is a .75" gap between the back of the head and the lower neck. As such, I'm not buying any more large models from them unless I've seen them assembled in person. I'm mostly okay with their rank and file, provided they are plastic or restic. (Don't really like restic, but don't violently hate it like some people do.)

That's unfortunate. I must add that the new monsters in resin are all really good.
auticus wrote:Their new stuff is quite good. Their old stuff is sub standard. People make overall judgements based off of the old stuff.

Pretty much this.

Nightstalkers Dwarfs
Holy Roman Empire  
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

But the old stuff is still for sale...as new stuff. First impressions and all that...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Like I said, I don't have a lot of experience with their stuff - unfortunately the only experience I have had has been bad. So I am not particularly likely or enthusiastic about getting any of their other stuff.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/11/23 20:58:23

For the Emperor and Sanguinius!

40K Blood Angels ; 1,500pts / Kill Team: Valhallan Veteran Guardsmen / Aeronautica Imperialis Adeptus Astartes; 176pts / AoS Soulblight Gravelords; 1,120pts  
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


I've not got many new Mantic models - bought an Abyssal Dwarf army box I still haven't opened since I bought it a few years ago - but of the ones I've experience with, when considered for the age of the models and the type of game KoW is, they're all perfectly "fine".

My first army was Elves over 10 years ago, and even then they were widely considered poor sculpts compared to the Dwarves and Undead - especially the Undead - but as uninspiring at the sculpts were and still are, the material was and still is, perfectly serviceable, and as previously mentioned when in the bulk rank and file of the game, they do the job.

That's more or less it, though. They are, for the most part, do-the-job miniatures. They're objectively nowhere near GW's efforts, but Mantic don't operate on anywhere near the same commercial or industrial scale, so I can allow them a significant amount of slack for not being able afford Grade A everything.

As they grow, I expect to see improvements, though. Teething problems in the process I can forgive, so long as they don't seem to always be teething.

One of the issues may well be that, with KoW at least, Mantic seem to have run anyway from themselves a little. Many factions were created without any sort of model lineup whatsoever, and trying to catch up with it means that older forces haven't really been updated - so even now you can get kits that should've been taken out behind the barn years ago - and there's been a fair bit of learning the hard way with newer kits and experimenting that is offputting to people.

Fortunately, for the time being, you're still fine to proxy with other fantasy figures, but KoW's grown since the days when you could pivot an old WHFB into it. Most people now either won't have an old army, or won't have access to any other rank and file fantasy miniatures than Mantic, unless they source square bases for any AoS figures suitable for KoW.

So now, I think, you've got a lot of fresh observations that Mantic's lines are that painfully obvious shade of "fine" through "does-the-job" and into some examples of "unacceptable". There's no relying on GW's catalogue of minis to help share the weight any more.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/11/23 21:02:32

Mandorallen turned back toward the insolently sneering baron. 'My Lord,' The great knight said distantly, 'I find thy face apelike and thy form misshapen. Thy beard, moreover, is an offence against decency, resembling more closely the scabrous fur which doth decorate the hinder portion of a mongrel dog than a proper adornment for a human face. Is it possibly that thy mother, seized by some wild lechery, did dally at some time past with a randy goat?' - Mimbrate Knight Protector Mandorallen.

Excerpt from "Seeress of Kell", Book Five of The Malloreon series by David Eddings.

My deviantART Profile - Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Madness

"You need not fear us, unless you are a dark heart, a vile one who preys on the innocent; I promise, you can’t hide forever in the empty darkness, for we will hunt you down like the animals you are, and pull you into the very bowels of hell." Iron - Within Temptation 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Darian Aarush wrote:
They're absolutely crap in every way. Crappy sculpts, crappy materials, crappy molding, crappy bases, crappy crap.

Crappy post and crappy opinion.

Modern Mantic models (basically everything but the Elves and Dwarfs at this point) are good quality HIPS or resin on par with all the other non-GW model companies like Warlord.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in fi
Been Around the Block

Okay so what I gather is that people have a problem with the older sculpts. I like the older sculpts and prefer their corny look. In fact I think GW's model quality has gone down for the last five or ten years because of this. So if I get myself a decade old box of undead will the plastic crumble to dust or snap to a thousand pieces like the skeletons in fantasy themselves, or is the material perfectly fine, or something in between?
Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Alkaline_Hound wrote:
Okay so what I gather is that people have a problem with the older sculpts. I like the older sculpts and prefer their corny look. In fact I think GW's model quality has gone down for the last five or ten years because of this. So if I get myself a decade old box of undead will the plastic crumble to dust or snap to a thousand pieces like the skeletons in fantasy themselves, or is the material perfectly fine, or something in between?

Assuming wherever you get them from stores their stock even halfway sensibly, you'll be fine. I just inspected a 10 year-old box of their Zombies and they're still the same solid dark plastic as when they were made; absolutely perfect condition.

Mandorallen turned back toward the insolently sneering baron. 'My Lord,' The great knight said distantly, 'I find thy face apelike and thy form misshapen. Thy beard, moreover, is an offence against decency, resembling more closely the scabrous fur which doth decorate the hinder portion of a mongrel dog than a proper adornment for a human face. Is it possibly that thy mother, seized by some wild lechery, did dally at some time past with a randy goat?' - Mimbrate Knight Protector Mandorallen.

Excerpt from "Seeress of Kell", Book Five of The Malloreon series by David Eddings.

My deviantART Profile - Pay No Attention To The Man Behind The Madness

"You need not fear us, unless you are a dark heart, a vile one who preys on the innocent; I promise, you can’t hide forever in the empty darkness, for we will hunt you down like the animals you are, and pull you into the very bowels of hell." Iron - Within Temptation 
Made in ca
Grumpy Longbeard


Alkaline_Hound wrote:
Okay so what I gather is that people have a problem with the older sculpts. I like the older sculpts and prefer their corny look. In fact I think GW's model quality has gone down for the last five or ten years because of this. So if I get myself a decade old box of undead will the plastic crumble to dust or snap to a thousand pieces like the skeletons in fantasy themselves, or is the material perfectly fine, or something in between?

They'll be fine. Mantic's undead is a good choice too.

Nightstalkers Dwarfs
Holy Roman Empire  
Made in us
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

The plastic figures are fine. My Abyssal Dwarf army is 98% Mantic, and other than the Ironcaster mentioned earlier am fine with it. In fact, even if the old Immortal Guard are plain compared to the recent previews (I assume for the forthcoming Vanguard Abyssal Dwarf Warband), they rank up without problems! This is a plus for me! Many figures (including GW's WHFB minis) don't rank up properly.

Anyway, if you want a Mantic Undead Army, materialwise you'll be fine. The Empire of Dust sets have metal bits, so I don't know how they stand up.

Although if you are in the market for fantasy zombies, allow me to suggest Fireforge Forgotten World. They have peasant zombies and zombie men-at-arms. I kickstarted them and like them. Avoid their resin personality models though. Apparently they used a 3d print as their mold master and there are largish lines from where each layer of plastic was laid down in the master.

Alkaline_Hound wrote:
Okay so what I gather is that people have a problem with the older sculpts. I like the older sculpts and prefer their corny look. In fact I think GW's model quality has gone down for the last five or ten years because of this. So if I get myself a decade old box of undead will the plastic crumble to dust or snap to a thousand pieces like the skeletons in fantasy themselves, or is the material perfectly fine, or something in between?

Works in Progress: Many. Progress, Ha!
My Games Played 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

I sincerely hope you have better luck than me...

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 lord_blackfang wrote:
 Darian Aarush wrote:
They're absolutely crap in every way. Crappy sculpts, crappy materials, crappy molding, crappy bases, crappy crap.

Crappy post and crappy opinion.

Modern Mantic models (basically everything but the Elves and Dwarfs at this point) are good quality HIPS or resin on par with all the other non-GW model companies like Warlord.

I bought a Vanguard Hellequin and Undead Soul Reavers. Neither were Elves or Dwarfs, and neither were good. No one wishes they had turned out better than me. Sadly, they were a huge disappointment.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/11/24 09:07:12

For the Emperor and Sanguinius!

40K Blood Angels ; 1,500pts / Kill Team: Valhallan Veteran Guardsmen / Aeronautica Imperialis Adeptus Astartes; 176pts / AoS Soulblight Gravelords; 1,120pts  
Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut

I've bought a lot of undead and have had zero issue with them.

Also bought the giant and tree herder which were great.

On par with with most other kits on the market. Maybe my judgement is clouded as I don't buy much new GW stuff but I think they look perfect in their regiments from three or four feet away. There's better miniatures on the market if you want to examine them 'jewel' like from a few inches away I suppose.
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

niall78 wrote:
I've bought a lot of undead and have had zero issue with them.

Also bought the giant and tree herder which were great.

On par with with most other kits on the market. Maybe my judgement is clouded as I don't buy much new GW stuff but I think they look perfect in their regiments from three or four feet away. There's better miniatures on the market if you want to examine them 'jewel' like from a few inches away I suppose.

Maybe I got unlucky then?

Don't you always examine miniatures from a few inches away when you're assembling, preparing and painting them?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Perhaps my expectations were too high (GW). But for me it was as much a problem with the materials and modelling as it was with the actual sculpt and details, too.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2019/11/24 09:53:28

For the Emperor and Sanguinius!

40K Blood Angels ; 1,500pts / Kill Team: Valhallan Veteran Guardsmen / Aeronautica Imperialis Adeptus Astartes; 176pts / AoS Soulblight Gravelords; 1,120pts  
Made in ie
Regular Dakkanaut

 Darian Aarush wrote:
niall78 wrote:
I've bought a lot of undead and have had zero issue with them.

Also bought the giant and tree herder which were great.

On par with with most other kits on the market. Maybe my judgement is clouded as I don't buy much new GW stuff but I think they look perfect in their regiments from three or four feet away. There's better miniatures on the market if you want to examine them 'jewel' like from a few inches away I suppose.

Maybe I got unlucky then?

Don't you always examine miniatures from a few inches away when you're assembling, preparing and painting them?

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Perhaps my expectations were too high (GW). But for me it was as much a problem with the materials and modelling as it was with the actual sculpt and details, too.

Of course. Have to prep and paint them like all other miniatures. They have taken exactly the same amount of prep as any other - Warlord, OathMark, Frostgrave, Fireforge and Perry 'plastic' that I've worked on in the last few years. My experience of GW kits is limited though. Maybe they require no prep these days.

Made in at
Second Story Man


 Darian Aarush wrote:
But the old stuff is still for sale...as new stuff. First impressions and all that...

GW still offers the old Zombies, now renamed as Deadwalkers, 20 for 30€, which are way behind the Mantic Zombies (in design and quality)
Same comparing the old Rhino fpr 35 with the Drakkr APC for 25, better quality for less (design is personal taste here)

GW just have a lot more stuff so that the expensive old crap they offer is not that obvious until you need it

 Darian Aarush wrote:

Perhaps my expectations were too high (GW). But for me it was as much a problem with the materials and modelling as it was with the actual sculpt and details, too.

Maybe, I have to say my latest purchase were Stormcast and Primaris models and I was disappointed too. As for the price that GW charges, I expect no mold lines and no gabs to fill with GS. Doing the same or more work to get them ready to paint for a much higher price is not worth it.
And the design is not that much better, and for Primaris it would be cheaper (and look much better, at least for me) to use Mantic Peacekeeper and Enforcer with some Bits

and the worst models I ever had was the old metal Chaos Champion on Juggernaut, which was worse in quality than everything else I ever bought (and there are a lot of crappy models from other companies out there)

 Darian Aarush wrote:

Maybe I got unlucky then?

There is always the chance to get a bad product, and make some pictures and asking the support if this is something to be expected or not is worth a try (best case to get a refund)

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I have the Hellequins, they are PVC and better than most PVC (Warmachine, Reaper Bones...). Worse than what CMON puts out of course, their PVC can barely be distinguished from HIPS.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Well it's nice to hear that others have had positive experiences. Perhaps one day I'll try again and also have a more positive experience. Hope the poster of the thread has a positive experience, too.

For the Emperor and Sanguinius!

40K Blood Angels ; 1,500pts / Kill Team: Valhallan Veteran Guardsmen / Aeronautica Imperialis Adeptus Astartes; 176pts / AoS Soulblight Gravelords; 1,120pts  
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Their first waves of dreadball and deadzone stuff was passable at best. Their model design did stupid things like placing a mold line in the center of a character’s face. Restic was the name for their plastic resin hybrid used for those models. Really a pain to work with.

Their undead are excellent and made from a more forgiving material and more affordable to boot.

Thread Slayer 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

I went for Night Stalkers to avoid the issue I had with their Goblins years ago.
They are continually improving without adding excess, "bling" that takes forever to paint. I think that is positive.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
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Made in at
Second Story Man


 privateer4hire wrote:
Restic was the name for their plastic resin hybrid used for those models.

There was never a plastic/resin hybrid, Restic was just a harder PVC they used first to get away from the softer Boardgame PVC people were complaining about (used in the first KoW Kickstarter for some models)
It was just a little bit to hard and they changed now to something in between, not as soft as Boardgame plastic but not as hard as the old Restic

And as I worked with some of the Elves PVC models recently, using a very sharp knife (and replace the blades often) is the easiest way to work with the material (using hot/cold water to form them before gluing too)
Overall, it is better to work with than GW's Finecast or the older Forgeworld Resin

I just wish they would replace their metal/plastic kits with pvc/resin+plastic kits until they can afford new HIPS frames as this would be already a huge step forward

Harry, bring this ring to Narnia or the Sith will take the Enterprise 
Made in nl
Crazed Flagellant


Mantic is a gaming company that makes a great wargame.
It's also a model company that makes models which vary from "abysmal" to "fairly good".

These things are really separate. You don't need to buy Mantic models to play the Kings of War game.

That said, the model quality is really different.
The goblin rank and flile, frankly, are horrible. I built a horde recently (https://kingsofwarvince.business.blog/2019/11/24/hobby-update-horde-of-sharpsticks/) and I mixed them a bit with GW gobz to make them look fairly okay-ish.
Other models, such as the more recent mincer (https://kingsofwarvince.business.blog/2019/11/14/hobby-update-goblin-mincer/) and wights (https://www.manticgames.com/games/kings-of-war/undead/undead-wights-regiment-2016/) are much better.
the newest models such as the northen alliance stuff (https://www.manticgames.com/games/kings-of-war/northern-alliance-kings-of-war/northern-alliance-clansman-regiment/) and titans (https://www.manticgames.com/games/kings-of-war/basilean/basilean-phoenix/) are revealed on youtube to be really good.

Undead, as mentioned before, are fairly good. The zombies and large infantry are very good buys. I find their skeletons and revenants (both foot and cavalry) a bit outdated, but nowhere like the goblins mentioned above.

My blog on Kings of War:

Made in be
Longtime Dakkanaut

Mostly, you get what you paid for. Old Mantic miniatures are indeed below average, and getting old. Yes, even the undead ghouls, skeletons and zombies. It's just because they're undead so you don't care much if your zombie, skeleton or ghoul look ugly because it's in the theme. And since they come usually in big units, you don't have to get close to look their details.

Recent miniatures are better, but even then it's a bit random sometimes. There is a real lack of coherence here and there. Some are comically big (I put the new Northern Alliance Chimaera in that category, personnally), some have good proportions, and others are just plain weird looking (ogres and trolls with big arms and thin legs, a bit like Warmachine's warjack syndrome, or their infamous old elves that are way too thin to have any organs inside their bodies). There is a kind of "cartoonish" style in Kings of War miniatures, and it's not to the taste of all. Some love it.

About the material and work to clean the miniatures...recent miniatures are better than before, but older can be quite a pain in the ass. Especially the metal miniatures. Mold lines in the middle of the face, thin weapons that break...that happen and it's not rare. I can see why some really hate the vampire troops, because I had some and half of them had a mold line right in the middle of their face and helm. For the helm, I managed...for the face, it was ruined completely. PVC...it depends, but it's not great. I especially have a bad memory with Basilean sisters and paladins. Ah, that and the horses whose halves didn't mix well and left a gap while gluing them together... * grumble grumble *

Their plastic miniatures are hips, but it's not as good quality as other companies (and certainly not as GW ). Better to take the recent plastic kits - new basilean men-at-arms, Northern alliance basic troops, even the force of nature and demon kits. The older...they need much more work and they don't look that great. I certainly didn't enjoy to build their goblins, but also their undead and dwarves (my tolerance stopped at elves). You can tell the very old miniatures with their round base molded to their feet, wich was intended to be put in the round hole on Mantic's square bases. Since people use multibases for KoW and that round base is a pain in the ass to remove, I'm glad they removed that part for the latter kits.

Their recent resin is actually very enjoyable to work. For example, Fire Elementals were sweet to build and easy to cut if you want to convert some pieces. But don't mistake it with PVC, it's absolutely NOT the same thing and pleasure to work with !

One of the worst ideas of Mantic is to mix plastic kits with metal bits. They are horrible to build. Their metal isn't good quality and like some said here, I confirm it breaks/bend easily. Moreover, the difference in weigh means that the miniature can be off balance if you don't put it right on the base. Multibases are your friends here, but even so it can be heavy to carry over the battlefield (Earth Elemental Hordes sure are !).

If I can give an advice, take their recent kits. Yes, they're more expensive, but there is a good reason for that. You sure can take cheaper goblins, but expect to curse a lot and get tired easily while building regiments and regiments of these lil critters. I take GW's night goblins anytime instead for that very reason - at least, I can enjoy myself more while building them.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2019/11/25 18:42:01

Made in ie
Longtime Dakkanaut


Only bought a few Mantic minis, the quality of the medium was fine, the sculpts however were really bad.

Luckily we have plenty of other manufacturers of plastic fantasy. Mantic do great rules, but their miniatures leave a lot to be desired. Which is a shame, as I'd like to be able to support them... but I can't bring myself to pay good money for what they are asking for.

The objective of the game is to win. The point of the game is to have fun. The two should never be confused. 
Made in ca
Knight of the Inner Circle

Montreal, QC Canada

I'll echo what others have said already. The old stuff can be hit and miss while the new stuff is easily on par with most other model companies. Generally if most people have a problem with Mantics stuff it's mostly due to design choices.

For instance I'm not much of a fan of their Dwarf line but their Nightstalkers are on par with any other model company out there easily.

Their old Basilea troops were ugly as sin...the new updated Basilea troops look great! (Except the shields though...those will always be stupid).

Just buy what you like and avoid what you do not, just like any other model company.

Commodus Leitdorf Paints all of the Things!!
The Breaking of the Averholme: An AoS Adventure
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