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[BB] - Tourny's - THREE Blood Bowl Tournys @ NoVA Open: VA 2020 - CANCELLED  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation

Ohio, USA

The NoVA Open is comin atcha with not one or two but THREE NAF sanctioned tournaments for 2020:

Slaughterday! VI
- a three-Game extravaganza in the grand tradition
(Saturday, September 5th, Check-in Begins: 9am)

Darkness Fouls... VI
- a FOUR-game blood fest held after daylight hours just im case you couldn't make it to the day games
(Friday & Saturday, Checkin begins: 7pm)

...and then of course...
Rumblin Rookie Showdown II
- a three-game SEVEN's tournament for those who maybe just want a LITTLE taste of the NUFL goodness

One is never enough. You know you want to own all three.
All 26 NAF approved teams are ready, willing and able to kick all the butt they can.
Build a team(1.1mil), hand out bonus skills to your liking(tier based) and start rolling dice.
The Inducements Tables/choices between the events DO differ this year. Please read the Primer document carefully.

The exception is the Rumblin Rookie Showdown. Only the long-standing 24 teams are available for this one(sorry, no Bret's or khorne)
We're following the NAF available rule sheet scrictly and there are no inducements. Down and dirty style.
Full Tournament Details(primer) at http://www.novaopen.com

Tournament Rules pack can also be had here:

Please feel free to contact us with any questions!
PM me here, contact the NoVA Open or...

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/06/12 22:40:17

Taking all of the 1's! All of them!
Go Team Banzai! 
Made in us
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation

Ohio, USA

There are some new things we're very excited about for Blood Bowl this year and more than a few others to discuss.
I wanted to take a moment to mention one of the new things in the NoVA Open event registry.
(it wasn't there last year... it was sorta slid it in after the fact)

Seven's (a.k.a The Rumblin Rookie Showdown II)
Seven's is a fairly new and streamlined version of Blood Bowl which plays very fast.
It is designed so that games take about an hour which is a lot shorter than most full games.

Never heard of it?
There is a defined rules sheet from the NAF but it boils down to:
Fewer players on the pitch(7), roster(11) and only four(that's right: 4) total non-Linemen players.
You only get six turns per half to knock heads together and score so you better get to it.
Would this be a good time to mention that Re-Rolls also cost double?

It all boils down to the same great game you already know which just happens to take a LOT less time.
Come enjoy this informal event as a pre-cursor and tailgating time before the Main Events kick off Friday night.

Taking all of the 1's! All of them!
Go Team Banzai! 
Made in us
Neophyte undergoing Ritual of Detestation

Ohio, USA

I hope this finds everyone well and in good health.

It is with a heavy heart that I come online today to inform you that the NoVA Open Executive Board has decided that to cancel the NoVA Open for 2020.
I was looking forward to another year of laughs and madness.
We'll just have to redouble our efforts in 2021.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Thank you.

Taking all of the 1's! All of them!
Go Team Banzai! 
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