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Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

As always some really cool additions. I love the moto of your force, very fitting.
The SAM-carriages look pretty cool. Reminds me a bit of the Hawk (?) AA missiles the US used. And in general something the IG is somehow missing. But most likely because flyers are less oppressive on the tabletop than in real life.
The heavier field guns look also really good. And I think it was the right decision to give them two part ammo. Looks better with the loading crew.
The watercooled machine guns are also a nice touch. They give the Carnodon/saur an even more antiquated look

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Thanks Pyroalchi

Some more additions
Firstly My vampires. I mean BI M21 Mk 2 Bazas.
Yeah the flight stands are both magnetic and telescopic. Which I am inordinately happy with.

My Vampire's fluff.

The KLAFI 0138 BI M21 Mk2 Baza

Lighter and many time s more expensive than its more common counterpart the Lightning Interceptor, the Mk2 Baza single engine interceptor has more powerful turbo-jet, and much less armour and thus is extremely agile. The Baza is equipped for dog fighting other craft where it makes use of it's agility and speed to overcome it's foe, the immense power of the turbo jet boosted with plasmic coil capacitors gives the aircraft the much needed boost in speed enabling it to carry out hit and run attacks or a fast boost to get out of trouble. Upgraded inertial dampening systems by Bruenell were required after the addition of this capacitor to avoid fatalities among pilots. Although it is comparatively lightly armed in terms of gun amarment, only being armed with a pair of 37mm auto cannons and four 15mm machineguns(or multi-lasers) the Baza is extremely versatile and is capable of carrying a vast array of ordinance under it's wings. The Baza was desined by Bruenell Industries on Klomn, and it's designs have been made available to many forgeworlds in Segmentum Tempest.

Designation: Klomn Air Frame Interceptor 0138 Bruenell Industries Model 21 Mk2 "Baza"


2x 37mm automatic cannons
4x 15mm machineguns or 4x multi-lasers with similar performance

15 Karsk Assault grenadiers, I am currently lacking the parts to fill the platoon out properly, the unit consists of 40 men divided into 3 close combat clearing teams, 2 support teams, 2 bunker busting teams and a command team. have essentially done the bulk of the specialists here.

So the command team features the Officer (powerfist, gorget, and hot shot las pistol) and his second an experienced NCO (powersword, plasma pistol and bundle charge) Vox operator, medic and a guy with a horn.

The Bunker busting teams have 2x heavy flamers and 2x melta guns, i have another heavy flamer already and will need some rifles to round out the numbers. So this is some of those weapons, this squad is somewhat a WIP.

Two blokes with anti material rifles, they are part of the two support teams, and will provide the most prescise longer range fire in the unit, but are very much still meant to be in the thick of it. The support team will also feature pair of heavy bolter teams and an additional rifleman.

So two different troop types for the clearing teams, clearing enemy positions is done with a guy with a ballistic shield and pistol and chain weapon in the lead, he will lead the team into dugouts or around bends in trenches immediately prior to the use of grenades by the other team members, the light machinegunner, armed with a heavy calibre stubber will provide overwhelming firepower in close range whilst the remaining two riflemen in the team can either add the firepower of their hotshot lasguns, enter combat with bayonets or aid by throwing additional grenades.

Sir Alison
Bastard born of a great and wealthy house on Klomn, Sir Alison has proven her place with grit, determination and excellent combat skills both inside an armiger class fighting harness, or dismounted, often acting as a bodyguard to her house's Matriarch, Lady Alisha de Kanin. She pilots the armiger 'Lupus'.
Figure is from Hero forge, I decided to trial them out and see how the figures looked and am really quite happy and it was really cool to make, recieve and paint. I wanted to give her the look of someone who is obviously bodyguarding for someone important, in a 'professional man at arms in the proximity of a warzone' way, she has a presentable coat and decorative cape, but you know, also carapace armour, a power sword and an assault rifle. Also a radical departure from my usual fair of camo and drab uniforms!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/11/26 09:20:47

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

These look really nice. The Bazas fit in nicely with your armies aestetics. And the telescopic stands are a cool idea, I might try this out too. Did you use a radio antenna for that?
Regarding their fluff: 2 Autocannons + 4 heavy stubbers or multilasers sound quite frightening on such a nimble and fast airframe. I had to read up a bit about the Vampire. Interesting fighter jet, that's for sure.

Regarding your Karsk Grenadiers: You told me about them before, but the final result is even better then I would have imagined. They look incredibly well kitbashed/build. Especially with the visors on the bunker busting team. The hole equipment just pairs perfect with the intended purpose. Also the trench clearing team with the riot shield makes so much sense in the WH40k context. Really cool unit. Looking forward to see them finished as a whole.

The heroforge heroine also came out nicely. How does she compare in scale to the other minis?

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Thanks Pyro, the flight stands I picked up off ebay, they are for DND etc. I didn't know it was really a thing, but I think it's pretty cool. So they have a big heavy base plate they screw into which makes them a bit more stable (hence both planes are on little hillocks).

For armament a lot of imperial fighters rely on a generally two las cannon and some auto cannon, so I wanted to go for a more rapid fire armament, so its not so dicey in a fight as las cannons ate usually depicted as pretty slow to recharge between shots, and if you miss those two shots its not ideal. Las cannon are avaliable, but in under wing gun pods for either hitting large targets or ground targets.

Thanks I had a lot of fun making the grenadiers. Might have got a bit carried away with the blood in some places... yeah I saw the visors in the Assault group's modern Russian range and had to have them for my grenadiers! They fit so perfectly.

She is slightly shorter than my Victoria miniatures female guardsmen. But that was fully intentional. As you can customise the size of them. I have another dismounted knight. The scaling is right on 28mm for warfaming/DND and next to my other minis they don't at all look out of place. They are a tad slimmer, but they are not wearing general issue combat fatigues, they are wearing tailored clothes.

PS I'm so rude I didn't even reply to the last comment.
Yeah I was inspired by the Hawk SAM for those SAM units.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/11/26 21:15:35

Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Okay a bit of an update.
Firstly it's getting Knighty in here.

So firstly the Armiger class mechanised harness 'Garris' (I had a nameplate from deadly print studios to put on it, but I have misplaced it.) of house Grae and the pilot of the machine. House Grae holds titles for several knight class machines and a plethora of armiger class machines, Garris is piloted by the inheriting scion of the house and this is his first taste of combat. He'd likely be fighting alongside an uncle or aunt who would be operating one of the family's larger machines. I might modify the heraldry on Garris slightly to signify he is an heir. The teenager also has a really big powersword. He's also a pretty big lad.

Pilot of the Armiger class mechanised harness 'Roche' this is Sir Haerin Vasterol. A lower knight, from a more insignificant but old family, he holds the title to a sole armiger fighting harness, so he is accompanying an ally upon this campaign (as he personally lacks the capacity to transport himself and his machine offworld), some incentive for joining a campaign like this is to earn the title of an additonal mechanised harness for his house. As he does not currently hold the title for a larger class of knight and has a respectable income he actually has a reasonably well equipped retinue. He has a robotic arm, courtesy of a few years working in an inquisitor's retinue prior to his father's death and his inhereiting the title to 'Roche'.

Klomn knights that do not yet hold titles to war machines, or whose families have the disgrace of losing titles to the machines must fight dismounted. As they are not commoners and still have acsess to the income of productive estates, enterprises or industry and therefore fight not in mechanised harness, but powered harness. Dismounted knights accompany the more major knightly houses into battle as their allies or vassals often alongside the house's own power armoured men at arms.

121st Ardus Armoured got some trucks.

This is really a cheap diecast and plastic toy i was pretty impressed with. Just a pretty standard 2 ton 6 wheeler cargo truck. Just the logistical backbone of the guard. Nothing flashy to talk about.


So a pair of vidicares and a Callidus Assassin and Culexus Assassin. the Callidus. The Callidus has their hand behind their back and are holding a poisoned blade. Red stripe is the Culexus.This team is specialised for operating much, much closer to the battle lines, as a result they have traded their black spandex out for powered armour and ghille suits of sophisticated manufacture. Capitalizing fully on the extra strength provided by the power armour the vidicares are packing even bigger and more powerful rifles.

Calathian Rangers.
The Calathian Rangers are a specialised light infantry unit. Well equipted for long range patrolling and operating in mountainous areas for extended periods, they carry a small solar panel on their haversacks from which vox and lasgun batteries, can be charged, in longer range operations firepower can only be provided through the use of hotshot lasguns and personal carried AT weapons. Alternatively the unit often operates heavy bolters or grenade machineguns to deal with enemy light infantry. The greatest long range punch is the unit's plasma long rifles(yes I did rip that off XCOM), which are effective anti material weapons. The unit also operates 3 inch mortars which can be used for indirect fire, laying smoke, or marking targets for supporting elelments.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/10 12:16:07

Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Some fine additions again. Step by step:

A very cool knight you got there. I like the round studs (is this the word? I mean the thingis on its right shoulder). Reminds me of some of the older Space Marine models. And it is nice to see Sir Haerin getting a model. I remember him from one of your cool stories.
The dismounted knight also looks nice. A funny combination of medieval helmat and modern laser-lance-thingy.

The truck is fitting and you again did a great job with the mudwork. I like it. I'm currently thinking about get a truck or two in the future myself, but I will look for a less rounded, more blocky engine hood.

Assassins: an interesting take. Beside your explanation of them working near the frontline I could see them blending in much better with the average soldier. I mean in the sense of some 1000 Guardsmen on a battlefield and 2 Assassins moving somewhere in between where they look a lot less suspicious.

@ Rangers: nice idea with the solar panels. I love it when someone puts some extra thought in their units equipment. Also the barrets look very good. These ones are my favorites out of the models you presented this time.

Nice work as usual. Keep 'em coming Oldmate!

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Cheers Pyroalchi
I saw the studs, and I thought I might use them, you see all kinds of things like golden orbs and such for heraldry and having it be a 3d feature is always good, especially so as I painted all the metallics with GSW chrome metallic so they are super shiny. It really pops on the studs because they catch the light so brightly on different angles.
I've had a bit of fun on hero forge, and It's fun to paint something that is not drab and camoflagued every now and then, same goes for the dismounted guy. I think it's the plumes, makes him look that much more medieval.

I took a while to get to the assassins, I made them, back when I did that camouflage cloth/fur tutorial! They are intended to be more suited for running alongside guardsmen, like wolves in sheep's clothing, they also have their camoflague so they can infiltrate in their own way. They are more brute force, than sheer sophistication but still a high investment in tech, and training.

I took a while to finally paint up the rangers, I got them a few years ago, I am quite satisfied to have cleared that part of the backlog and am satisfied with the results! The idea for solar panels was only a new one, so I like to think that I was waiting till I was ready, and totally not procrastinating too much!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/02/13 11:50:30

Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Okay, so a bit of an update, I'm talking about things I haven't really put up here but I have had for a while now:
Unintentionally the theme seems to be: The armour of the Klomn 76th Armoured Division! - The cauter scheme desert boys.

7/29th Armoured/Cavalry Regiment
A pair of cavalry dismounts armed with anti tank rifles. The Klomn military makes use of anti tank rifles for their ability to tackle armoured and particularly strong targets such as ork nobbs(with a well placed shot or two), the weapons are also used as an anti material rifle. They are semi automatic, and relatively portable, being much lighter and less cumbersome than an intermediate sized tripod mounted auto cannon or heavier carriage mounted auto cannon. The weapons can easily be fired from open topped vehicles without the need for heavy duty mountings, the lack of back blast is also quite appreciated when being used in open topped transports. In Klomn service anti tank rifles are fielded alongside the ubiquitous mass manufactured, single and multiple use anti tank rocket launchers in Klomn infantry formations, as well as being mounted on light vehicles to add some punch, but not the additional weight and bulk of an actual auto-cannon.

Cavalry scout car, is armed with a heavy stubber in enclosed turret with vision blocks and perescope and the vehicle is also armed with an anti tank rifle. This 4x4 scout car is the platoon command vehicle for a platoon of mounted riflemen.

Alongside it's more heavily armoured main battle tanks the 7/29th Armoured/Cavalry regiment is equipped with older Carnodon Mk1, and newer A5S7 Carnosaur Cruiser tanks. Designated as cruisers under Klomn doctrine these tanks are more lightly armoured, and sport a hybrid promethium and thermo plasma generator system which allows them both greater endurance, much greater acceleration and speed. Although the massive energy output of the engine would greatly boost the firepower of Carnodons and Carnosaurs armed with energy weapons this require keeping the vehicle stationary. A strategy not best employed by relatively lightly armoured tanks, so a loadout of machineguns and cannons is employed on these vehicles in Klomn Armoured formations. Although more specialist units do make use of such vehicles.

I couldn't resist making an anit tank rifle for my scout can and then had to make some for my infantry, I think they're an interesting weapon, I really like the carnosaur models from tiny pazner studios, they're really neat

Tanks of the 12 Armoured Engineering Battalion:
An armoured engineering vehicle based on the A22 Mk 12 heavy tank, this vehicle is designed to both construct and deconstruct defences, sometimes under fire. It carries a large fascine to fill in anti tank ditches, and has a winch, crane, excavator arm, and shovel. The second tank is more or less a regular A22 Mk 12 heavy tank equiped with a turret from Durannan Dynamics and is armed with support weapons to help crack open enemy fortifications.

A modification of the old A22 Mk 12 heavy tank, as used extensively by the armoured engineering battalions and regiments of Klomn. The vehicle is fabled for it's terrain crossing ability and it's ability to take hits it is a natural candidate to be chosen as a flamethrower or chem thrower tank to be used whilst assaulting entrenched positions. This tank features applique armour to the sides, further making it harder to kill. Locating the inferno/chem cannon in the vehicle's hull means that it's turret can be armed as a regular battle tank, so it can either defend itself against enemy tanks, or add fire to enemy positions as it approaches to use it's inferno/chem cannon.

Alternative turrets for my Carnodon tanks.

The aptly named Firebug is a variant of the A5S7 Carnosaur tank, it replaces the standard turret and gun with a lower turret mounting a large flame cannon, the sponsons are also usually mounted with flamers. This vehicle's purpose is to dash in and burn the ever living hell out of things and dash out. The hybrid plasma generator-engine provides large amounts of acceleration and speed, allowing the vehicle to sprint onto targets. In Klomn service it is the closest analogue to more common hellhound.

Okay so churchills, how can I not have churchills. One of my most favorite tanks ever. I gave them sloped frontal armour from Blood and skulls industry and I thought the Grim prints turret looked a bit off. So naturally I reached for a matilda boss turret from Victoria miniatures (churchill mk1/2) and one from Nefyma(I really dig his gothic crossed British engineering look). And naturally I had to make a crocodile, as it's literally the only flame tank ever that has ever actually made sense.
Literally no other flame tank had this combination of factors going for it: A jettisonable trailer filled with the combustibles(driver presses button, it's no longer your problem), flamethrower in the hull so the turret can still shoot what needs a shooting, and like 152mm of frontal armour (even if it's a vertical plate!).
I saw those flame cannon turrets and decided I wanted them for some project in the future, and they fit so well with the carnodons.

11th Anti-Tank Regiment
This light tank is the command vehicle for a battery of self propelled anti tank guns. It's armed with a low velocity cannon, so it's capable of firing both high explosive and smoke rounds in support of the rest of the battery. As well as a heavy stubber to provide some anti infantry firepower. The rest of the battery is armed with high powered lasers.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/21 13:13:50

Made in au
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Bit of an update for the 132nd Commonwealth Combined rifles!
Firstly I have finished their 2nd rifle platoon.
Secondly some new units!
Vanquisher carriage

I looked at the field ordinance battery's heavy laser cannon, and decided I wanted something similar but more... ballistic...
It's a vanquisher cannon in a field carriage, rather than a tank! Lore wise it's the heaviest towed AT gun that is commonly in service with the Commonwealth combined line divisions. Saying that the gun is multi purpose firing a large varitey of ammos, I even magnetised some for this beast. On the base is 2x High explosive fragmentation shells, which are a good cover all basses choice, along with the old choices vanquishers got when they came out option of AP tank killer rounds(APFDS in this case) and beast killer (APFDS, with nasty poison for when you want to melt a biotitan from the inside out...). It's a heavy and cumbersome weapon that is relatively hard to conceal(much easier to conceal than a battle tank or tank hunter!), but it's hitting power justifies this when it is sited well and it can provide a good backline AT hitting power to the infantry.

Some light AT Weapons
These weapons are a bit more clumsier than the regular lascannon, but the mounting does allow for considerably more staying power.
Twinlinked las cannon carriage
The old, if one laser tube isn't good enough slap another one on.

Rapier laser destroyers

So my take on the rapier laser destroyer, I have put them on the same field carriage as many of my light weight weapons. I see a tracked little vehicle as entirely unnecessary and I think these fit right into the rest of my army nicely. So one team is camoflaging their position, one gunner cutting branches with a machete the other throwing camo netting over the weapon, the other gun seems to have been put into action before completely camoflagued.

Nothing too amazing here. I imagine these quad bikes to be very heavily employed, and used for towing light field carriages. They would be used exstensively by AT and support companies, where they would be towing lascannons, auto cannons, and light MLRS. Maybe I should make some little trailers?

So a unit of 6 combat engineers and their transport, the two machinegunners would be dismounting to do their jobs whilst the driver stays with the vehicle, so she does not get a dismount model, the other 2 do.

Some of the photos are pretty bad, I'll put better ones up at some point, and some of the models look a bit glossy. I am waiting for more favorable weather conditions to give them a matt cote.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/06/11 10:34:00

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