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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Hey all,

New to the forums, but not the hobby. I've been logging my projects on another forum, but wanted to reach a wider audience for sharing ideas/feedback, so hear I am!

I've got a pretty sizeable world eaters force, but have now started a thousand sons army. Need to get a load of pics sorted but the most recent addition I do have pics for. Originally it was an aim to improve my painting by taking on a new army and upping my game, but it developed into a bit more with more conversions. Inspired by Wraithlords thousand sons on heresy online for the paint scheme.

Pictures to follow. Can't post links in my first post!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
It always bugged me that thousand sons had no psychic dreadnoughts. Surely some of their sorceres who fell would have een intereed in dreadnought, and the rubric would not have affected them! However, the hellbrute rules/model are no ones I'm a massive fan of (although the fluff is very cool) Then whilst going through the codex and reading online, it seemed MVB are pretty good for thousand sons. So my solution came to me! These count as MVB, but in my mind are ancient sorcerers, who were interred before the rubric, and are now some of my thrall bands inner council. Might not be 40K cannon, but it seemed cool in my head!

Lead of the triad:
chief dreadknight1 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

chief dreadknight by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

dreasknight2 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

dreasknight3 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

I have been really pleased with how these came out. Pics are not great, but that's because they were taken in rush on my phone. Also realised this was before finishing the bases and varnishing! You may notice the armour plates in the thigh of the "lead" are different to the other 2. This is because I lost one, so have had to replace it, and the replacements are not yet painted. When they are they will get put onto the other 2 models.

I've also finished 3 exalted sorcerers, heldrake, maulerfiend, 25 rubrics (the old ones), and 50 cultists. Hopefully can get decent pictures when I next have them out! Next on the workbench painting wise are 10 scarab occult terminators. Build wise, I've got a lord of skulls for my world eaters, but the is probably going to be something I chip away at over a long time, as I've got a heavy duty conversion in mind.

The trim is all GS. Rivets were from zinge industries, dreadnought faceplate is based around a venerable dread with a lot of GS work. Axe is based on the nemesis force hammer, with the head carefully cur off and a plasticard blade. The force stave is styrene tube, wire, and some tomb kings bits, as are the 'wings' on the lead model.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/01/15 22:56:58

Made in us
Battle Tested Karist Trooper

Central Coast, California

Welcome to Dakka! I love me some Tzeentch, though my poison is the Warhammer Fantasy variety...my WQ: Silver Tower set is still calling to me to get it painted...

Love the Grey Knight robot suit conversion, looking great! Clean paint work too. Keep up the great work!

Made in ca
Painlord Titan Princeps of Slaanesh

Hamilton, ON

That's nuts. Kudos.

What do you run it as, in-game?

The Fall of Kronstaat IV
Война Народная | Voyna Narodnaya | The People's War - 2,765pts painted (updated 06/05/20)
Волшебная Сказка | Volshebnaya Skazka | A Fairy Tale (updated 29/12/19, ep10 - And All That Could Have Been)
Kabal of The Violet Heart (updated 02/02/2020)

All 'crimes' should be treasured if they bring you pleasure somehow. 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks everybody for the kind responses. I am really pleased with how these came out. In game will be run as mutalith vortex beasts.

So last week I went to GW to get a knight titan base for my lord of skulls conversion. Thy didn't have one in so ordered one. However I ended up browsing as well, leading to.....

IMG-20200201-WA0003 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG-20200201-WA0000 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Just realised I've not painted the hooks on the legs. Need to tidy up the black and highlight then do washes and final highlights. This thing is huge! Really happy with the runes. Plan is top varnish matt and then hand paint the runes in gloss varnish. Sorry for the picture quality, need to get my decent camera out at some point! Skulls etc need done, but will get black done first.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Nearly there! From buying to finishing in pretty much 2 weeks exactly! I speed record for me I think!

Tomorrow will be sealing and then picking out the runes themselves in gloss varnish.

.IMG_20200206_223605 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200206_223633 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200206_223740 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200206_223751 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Hope people like it!
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

So I have begun painting my Scarab Occult terminators, and have airbrushed on the metallic blue. However, I have also been working on another project.

Very WIP, but coming along well so far.

IMG_20200220_215046 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200220_215054 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200220_215103 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200220_215117 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200220_215124 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200220_215135 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200220_215144 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

You may notice the front vents are cut out. The plan is to light it up with LEDs. Green LEDs in the body and arms, and the eyes (to contrast the red paint job), and red light in the weapon arm.

Inspiration from Isoptope99's Lord of Skulls converted as a bloodthirster, and assberryfaggot's conversion, combined together.



Legs are defiler arms, built slightly backwards. Wings from heldrake.

Belly gun will a plate on it, like assberryfaggots as prefer this look. Will either do a shoulder mounted cannon for the belly gun options, or just leave it off. My gaming group are pretty chilled, preferring models that look cool over perfect WSYWIG, so can just say it counts as having X. Also, I aware how out of proportion the blood tank jet pack thing looks in the pictures. Looks much more sensible in real life, but the perspective on the camera makes it look odd.

The pack it attached by adding some sprue spacers to the bottom of the back engine/vent area, some careful current of the back hatch thing, and holes drilled with styrene tubing put through them for more support. Will also be used to route the wiring from LEDs to batteries which will be stored in jump pack thing. Tops will be left loose to allow me to replace the batteries when needed.

IMG_20200220_215211 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Currently debating the claws/toes. Either add 2 more per foot, as in Assberryfaggots version, leave as is, put a third toe in between the current claws or try to fit 2 claws between each other the current sets of claws, but would be a tight fit.
Any thoughts?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/02/20 22:55:37

Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Very exciting conversion project! I look forward to seeing this one progress!

For toes, I think it would look awesome with some hawk-like feet: three toes in front and one bigger and a bit higher in the back. Would make it seem a bit more animalistic, to get across that kind of Horizon: Zero Dawn animal-machine-monstrosity feel.

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Genestealers 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

[size=18]Thanks for the kind comment. I'd already settled on 4 claws before I saw your message. Kinda like how it ended up, but may tweak to the eagle claw idea. Will have to have a think.

Have started work on the scenic base.

Untitled by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG-20200222-WA0002 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG-20200222-WA0006 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG-20200222-WA0004 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Still needs sand added and finishing off.

For anyone that has done LEDs before, after some advice. I've primed the inside surface of the chest, arms etc. in black, and am going to gloss them so that the light shines out of the vents better (don't need to for the eyes). Debating if its worth painting it silver, then using waystone green then gloss on the inside instead, but feel this might be over kill.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Also, I'm debating putting a skull on top of each piston as a bit of detailing. Good idea or overkill?

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2020/02/23 14:55:52

Made in ca
Grisly Ghost Ark Driver

Personally overkill, I think it'll be plenty Chaos-y without it!

See what's on my painting table Now painting: Tyranid Genestealers 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Wow. So a while since I put an update in! Currently back at work, and a load of house remodelling/home improvements have sadly eaten into hobby time. However I have managed to finish the wiring for the lord of skulls! And base coated. Thank god for airbrushes! Hate to think how long it would have token me to get red this smooth by hand! Currently torso is just resting on the legs, not stuck on, so I can paint it more easily, same for the shoulder pads. Arm gun is due to be magnetised, but still working out the best way to do it, whilst still having the LEDs shine through the gun barrel. Pretty happy with this so far. My only real gripe is the arm positioning is not quite as dynamic as I would have liked, but too late now. Not awful, but not perfect either. Hopefully can start slapping some point on in the next week or so. I was hoping to have it ready for a trip to Warhammer world, but not to be sadly. Here's the pics. Awful camera glare, but much better in person!

IMG_20200315_131001 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200315_130913 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200315_130933 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Once this is done, scarab occult terminators to do, some random bezerkers and warp talons that need painting. And about 20 custom cultists to build/paint. Then I've ALMOST finished my backlog. Except for 2 defiler conversions, but these will be a long project, and haven't fully worked out how to do it!

Also, if anyone has tips on how to get good photos of minis, please let me know! Not a photographer, so any advice on lighting, light boxes, background material etc greatly appreciated! Would be great to get better pics of stuff to share.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/03/15 16:31:00

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

So the lord of skulls is pretty much done. Need to varnish it, then finish of the base.
Really please with how it came out, although I don't ever want to paint heldrake wings again!

IMG_20200413_122604 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122613 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122501 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122628 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122621 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122444 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122807 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122756 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122715 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122708 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122649 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200413_122641 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

The arm guns are magnetised. For the belly cannon I haven't decided what to do yet, but my gaming group are pretty chilled, so as long as I say what it represents it will be fine.

IMG_20200413_123148 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

I've also painted 4 chaos hounds. These will be used to represent cultists for my world eaters. I've got some old dark elf bodies and dark eldar arms that will be used to make most of the, but only enough for 16 so the hounds will round it out to 20 models.

IMG_20200413_123117 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Next up is a load of infantry, the scarab occult terminators and the last of the world eaters stuff. They're all been basecoated with the airbrush, so hopefully that will save a lot of time! Then a brass scorpion, which I'm holding off on as a reward for finishing the infantry (in case I loose motivation for them).
Made in us
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos


Dang, that's an impressive showpiece. Has a slick, retro, Japanese-toy-robot kind of vibe to it. I approve!

Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Aw, the chaos hounds turned out great! they're a bit older now i guess but i still think that they're nifty little figures

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks for he positive comments,.much appreciated.
The chaos hounds.are an older kit, but I do rather.like them. Quick to paint as well. Hopefully I can start to make.good.progress with the infantry now!
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Hey everybody,

So I've made some the scarab occult terminators and the terminator lord. The scarab occult are lovely models but the trim is really fiddly, so its taken ages. I was hoping to be a bit quicker, given we're in lockdown, but can only do so long at a time!

Firstly some older WIP shots of the armour./bits

bits by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

The power swords.

swords by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

And the beginnings of the tabbards.

tabbards by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Start of the terminator lord

lord by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

And the cloak. I filled in the edges. Wanted It to look smoother like the ones on the normal sorcerers.

cloak by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Once the tabbards are done, tidying up, washes, highlights and final tidying up.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Progressing on the scarab occult terminators.

Cloaks need a wash/glaze to finish them off, then tidying up and washes etc on the gold. Really happy with the cloaks. Tabbards/white underside of cloaks I'm not so happy with, but think it will have to do.

My plan is to make my own decals for the tabbards, to denote units. Also to make some for the long tassel things on the sorcerers

IMG_20200513_221231 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200513_221225 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

They look very dark in the pictures, but no so dark in person!

IMG_20200513_161452 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200513_161500 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Hope people like it so far.
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Hello all. I have made good progress on the terminators. They're fully assembled and they've had their coat of gloss. I've bought some clear decal paper from amazon, and have prepped some transfers.

Heres the test print (on normal paper)

IMG_20200605_205229 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Top line represents 5th sect, personal symbol of magister who leads the thrallband, 8th thralband.
Next line is the symbol of the advisor who co-ordinates this part of the warband (in this case the 2 terminator squads) The elongated S things are just for decoration.
Third line denotes squad number, symbol of aspiring sorcerer leading the unit, rubric number (I will have a total of 9 power armoured infantry squads, each containing 9 rubric with an aspiring sorcerer)

Symbols are of my own invention (using shapes on powerpoint), numbers are based on the tneetch number system in the thousand sons codex.

It is pretty near the edges, but once its been put in water lift it off the paper and I've used decal fix solutions it will sit in the folds and not be quite so close and should be fine. (I've not used decal solutions before, so will be a bit of an experiment!).

I'e also sculpted an ouroborous for the shoulder pads of the rubrics. Plan is to do a scarab for the other side as a sect symbol. Then cast them as custom pads. I've taken the plunge and bought some silicon and resin, will see how I do! Not an amazing sculptor, but I think it came out ok. (took a few attempts). Plan is to do the same for the terminators.

IMG_20200605_205437 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Hopefully I can get all the transfers sealed tomorrow, and then on the terminators Sunday and do the matt varnish, which means final pics by Sunday evening (hopefully).

I've also been working on some warp talons. Pics to follow. Plan is to use spyre hunter packpacks (which I have already use don a squad of raptors, so these should match.)

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Hello everybody,

So I have (almost) finished my pile of shame! So without further ado, heres the terminators.

Unit 1:

unit 1 pic 2 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

unit 1 pic 1 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Unit 2:

unit 2 pic 2 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

unit 2 pic 1 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

And the sorcerer lord in terminator armour:

lord by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr


cloaks by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Tabbard symbols are custom made transfers. Top symbol is thrallband/magister symbol, centre symbol is the exalted sorcerer, bottom is the unit symbol. Top smaller symbols represent sect and thrallband number (5th sect, 8th thrallband).
Bottom smaller symbols represent unit number on the left, rubric number on the right. Unit leaders just have the unit number twice.

Next up is the brass scorpion, and I've got a load of tzaangors and rubrics on the way. These re the priority, so the brass scorpion I will probably chip away at over time.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I should point out that he's the shoulder pads are not yet on. There are currently being worked on, as I'm trying to make custom ones that I can replicate. Hopefully my first test run will be done this weekend. Still to come are some pictures of the completed warp talons(-jump packs, still trying to sort those) and a custom master of executions (for which read using random stuff from my bits box to avoid having to buy stuff!)

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I should point out that he's the shoulder pads are not yet on. There are currently being worked on, as I'm trying to make custom ones that I can replicate. Hopefully my first test run will be done this weekend. Still to come are some pictures of the completed warp talons(-jump packs, still trying to sort those) and a custom master of executions (for which read using random stuff from my bits box to avoid having to buy stuff!)

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2020/06/19 18:53:32

Made in ca
Damsel of the Lady

drinking tea in the snow

Nice work with the gemstone style green bits! They've got a good and gemlike look to them.

realism is a lie
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

. Thanks. It's gw waystone green over silver (Vallejo) with a few layer of gloss varnish.

Painting these makes you realise how far gw have come. I was also painting some bezerkers and warp talons (converted from bezerkers), and you realise how much more detail the newer sculpts and crisper as well.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/06/20 20:16:31

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Mini update. I had along wait for my next few toys to arrive, but have spent the last week or so getting things assembled! Currently Tzaangors have been undercoated, I'm just waiting for the paints to arrive. So in the meantime I decided to work on a demon prince that will represent the magister for my thrallband. However, I've now got a point where I've got a decision to make and I would like some input.

The main question here is do I add the wings or not? I originally was dead against the wins, but having mocked it up am leaning more towards the wings.

Plan is to do a GS robe on the lower half, so it looks like the other exalted sorcerer models, possibly add a cloak on the upper half.
So wings or no wings? What do people think? (sorry for the awful picture quality, phone camera in knackered and my normal camera is out of battery).

IMG_20200726_143620 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

IMG_20200726_143228 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

And the follow up, if it has wings, do people think a cloak would work, or best not to and just to the robe on the lower half?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2020/07/26 14:24:47

Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Hello all. Once again I've not done an update for ages! I've painted up 40 tzaangors, which are just waiting for final decals and varnish. Pics to follow when I have a chance to dig them out again. In the meantime I've been working on a big toy I bought in march last year. This was a rescue job, as I got it second hand and al of the leg joints had broken, a lot in some very odd/awkward places. Pretty happy with the final result. Not quite as good looking as a model as my lord of skulls conversion (in my opinion at least), but still very cool. Possibly this i because it has taken so long to finish, and I've had a lot of issues with paint chipping/parts snapping to deal with though, so a bit of modellers fatigue! Pics are with my phone, so not the best quality but hopefully enough to see the details. I still want to sort a base for it, but I'll need something like a 20cm circle, which I haven't managed to find as yet.

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-13 at 22.01.05 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-13 at 22.01.18 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

WhatsApp Image 2021-01-13 at 22.00.50 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Hopefully I can get a better set of pics over the weekend. Next up is magnus the red and the deamon prince, or possibly some more rubrics. Also massively hoping thousand sons get a boost in their next codex, as having managed a game in between uk lockdowns, new marines are tough as nails!
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

I'm back again! I've been working on projects, and now have some pics to show for it! Although I RELLY need to sort a better camera!

Tzaangors are done, but currently boxed up so no pics. However I have got WIPs of the deaon prince and a conversion that will be a second counts as demon prince.

5 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

4 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

The metal needs highlights. The skin needs tidying up, then I'll be glazing blue like my tzaangors.

Missing front pice and torso for rider at the moment, but they are WIP.

3 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

2 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

1 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Some skin tidying up to do and a few bits and pieces. He will have a loincloth, hence why the groin looks weird. Plan is to use tranfers/decals to add detail to the robe pieces. He will be riding a 3d printed disc. The one I had from the burning chariot kit wasn't working for me. Will also have shoulder pads, but not decided on a final look for them yet.

Hopefully can get these finished off soonish, so they are ready for the new codex when it finally arrives!

Next up 40 odd rubrics, magnus, and 2 defilers based on necrosphinx torsos. Not necessarily in that order though!
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Hello all,

A bit of a mini update.

I've done the first 2 layers of glazing on the deamon prince/rider thing. Its not quite as smooth as I'd like, and the contrast from the initial highlighting seems to have been lost a bit, but overall its getting there. Think it needs 1 more SUPER thin glaze then I can just using pure ink to add shade to the recesses. A little shiny, because I was impatient getting the picture, so not fully dry. The tzaangor is there for reference. In my fluff (which I know only matters to me, but it makes me happy!) this sorcerer leads the tzaangor contingent of my thrallband, so I wanted his mount to match their colours. Tzaangor is also looking shiney because its got a coat of gloss varnish on it (once I've done decals on the relevant tzaangors it will be flatted with matt varnish)

thumbnail_IMG_20210624_152125_044 by Kenneth Hunter, on Flickr

Any tips on building a decent photobox without spending an arm and a leg appreciated! (I know ideally a much better camera, but can't go out buying SLR just for taking pics of minis!).

Thoughts appreciated.

Take care all.
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