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[Warhammer Underworlds] Starting with Shadespire. — Starter Deck Lists?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Longtime Dakkanaut

Hey guys.
So I’ve just gotten some stuff to get into Underworlds,
(Getting all of the Shadespire stuff at a great deal. I’m not going to be playing competitively or anything, so being behind the current meta matters not really).

I was hoping to start with the first few games using the previous built decks for the Stormcast and Marauders from the core box.
I can’t seem to find a list of which cards should be used for the decks.

I thought it would be in the Learn to Play (the only thing missing in my bundle purchase).
But I’ve found the Beastgrave/Nighthaunt ones online and they don’t list their starter decks, so I’m guessing Shadespire wouldn’t anyway.

Does anyone have this list?
And any recommendations for getting started etc.

Many questions probably to come, so I’ll probably put them in here too.
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