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ProHammer Classic - An Awesomely Unified 40K Ruleset for 3rd - 7th Edition  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Fresh-Faced New User

Another question here: How should I handle superheavy vehicles like Baneblades, Imperial Knights, Tau mechs, etc with the structure point system? The most recent 7th edition rules give the Baneblade family hullpoints, so I'm a bit confused. Thanks.
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Fresh-Faced New User

 Wild Woody wrote:
Another question here: How should I handle superheavy vehicles like Baneblades, Imperial Knights, Tau mechs, etc with the structure point system? The most recent 7th edition rules give the Baneblade family hullpoints, so I'm a bit confused. Thanks.

This is how we've been handling it (it needs tweaking):

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/08 00:06:13

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Fresh-Faced New User

My friend group just played our first games of Prohammer and we're really enjoying it. We did run into a question about how 7th edition Tau's "Target Acquired" rule translates to this ruleset.

The "Target Acquired" rule states: "When an enemy unit declares a charge, all friendly models with this special rule in units within 6" of the charging unit's target can choose to fire *Overwatch* as if they were also targets of the charge."

We replaced the term "Overwatch" for "Stand & Shoot!" in the Supporting Fire rule for our game, which I think makes sense, but the Prohammer rulebook says vehicles may never Stand & Shoot, despite some Tau vehicles having the Supporting Fire rule.

How should this be handled?

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Think I found a minor typo. Under "Unit Types Summary" it says Jetpack Infantry are Swift which would imply falling back with 3d6 but says 2d6.

Thank you for this ruleset looks great!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/09/20 01:34:17

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Dakka Veteran

Regarding the Tau and overwatch, we had their special supportive fire rule use follow the same reaction fire rules, so it limits their shooting on the following turn. We do allow vehicles to use their ability, but following the same reaction fire rules.

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