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Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


You sir are a master, I'm jealous of all your skills!

Kepp up the good work, I shall keeping stopping by from time to time for the pleasure of my eyes!

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge


Thanks for the kind words! Got a chunk of progress done yesterday. Was able to finish the last pre-painting steps on the Carpenter's house, and decided to start building his workshop since I already had all the construction materials out.

To begin with, any inhabited medieval building needed a source of heat! Thus, I built a little chimney for my woodworker to stay warm.

Obviously just a bunch of pink insulation foam scrap, but it took a while to put together. I had to ensure it fit onto an unoccupied wall space while also not interrupting the ability of the building to squeeze under the wall, and also to not mess up a set of wall access stairs that I had built. There was only one available option, so I called in the mason, Elmer Glue.

Next came the last furnishing steps - a door ring and a coating of plaster (drywall spackle that isn't exactly in the best condition, but it does what I need it to do for now.)

I ended up doing twoish thin layers of it to build up the effect and fill in any small gaps by the top wooden supports. Here you can see the puzzle-piecing between this building and the wall stairs. The stairs are actually three pieces, the first two with the stairs themselves are glued together on a thin base, while the back piece that is only visible from the side is there to ensure that it sits mostly flush against the wall while also keeping it more stable.

Okay, on to more construction. Not going to narrate step by step here, but in essence I created a piece that fits side by side and back to back. The rooflines are the same, the construction style is similar. The biggest difference is this will look much more lived in, including wood piles, a tool area, and some workbenches w/ WIPs I think. Any other ideas of what to add?

I think you can see where this is going! The longer piece is the exposed workshop area, while the enclosed space will store tools and be the 'business' side of the construction. Thoughts? C&C? All Appreciated!

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More.

Way too little free time. 
Made in us
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge


Made good progress considering the craziness this week has been. I was able to finish the structure and roof of the carpenter's shop. I'm excited to share the progress with you.

You can see the shop window as well with loops for a rope to hold the shop window open.

Naturally, my camera's focus was elsewhere, but you can see the doorway in the background as well.

Here's my favorite part (or my insanity showing, you be the judge) - Can you tell me where the rooftop split is?


As you can see, that took, well, forever. Will I do it again? Nope. But it's fun for this one. It would reveal more details under the carpenter's shop and allow miniatures to be placed within the building on that side. Speaking of more details...

Yes, it's insane to add details under it, but it also helps hold the roof in a specific place.

Now the collection of final shots and options for placement. First we have the inside fortress 'hug the wall' option.

Other option is the fully independent and isolated shop in town, showing off the side window and roofline!

C&C appreciated, I also realized I missed adding one more support near the shop window so I'll have to add that. After this, adding the spackle, then basecoating and painting!

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More.

Way too little free time. 
Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


What did you make all those roof tiles from?

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge


 Maréchal des Logis Walter wrote:
What did you make all those roof tiles from?

Roof tiles are made from chipboard. I got mine from amazon, but they're relatively commonly available around. I like the 8.5 x 11 size as you can double them up and use them for terrain bases as well. https://amzn.to/3KcTeU6

But you don't need to buy them - The thinner ones (the lighter grey) is actually from when I bought specialty stamps and its the anti-fold cardboard in the back of the stamp purchase thing. But cardboard from drink boxes (like for a 12 pack of soda) or a cereal box does just as well, I prefer the shiny side up for that as the cardboard side takes glue a bit better.

If you peek through the gallery I've even made large buildings from it. (spoilered for interest)

Roof of an Inn

Bunker (I always use double layers for building walls especially to fight against warping, then smoosh between a heavy book or two with regular PVA glue)


Apartment buildings (my most ambitious project to date with chipboard). Would not recommend for something this size in the future as the amount of cutting ended up hurting my arm. Foamcore is used for things like this for a reason! But the detail you can get with chipboard is superior and it works much better with glue and will bond stronger with regular PVA.


Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More.

Way too little free time. 
Made in gb
Stealthy Grot Snipa


I'm a sucker for a good terrain blog, and this is AWESOME - subbed!

Skinflint Games- war gaming in the age of austerity


Made in us
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge


 Skinflint Games wrote:
I'm a sucker for a good terrain blog, and this is AWESOME - subbed!

Thanks for the awesome words! It means a lot. As a reward, here's some ACTUAL PAINTING (I know, right). I managed to finish(ish) four buildings yay!

First the WIP shots - just three here.

Paint process - After a basecoat of matte black primer, I zenithal highlight with a dark grey, then a smaller, just from above, light grey. (I had to manually replicate this with acrylic paint for the farmhouse and coop as they both had foam and I didn't want to risk it so just did black mod podge covering for them).

I painted the plaster parts first - A basecoat of a dark yellow, then a lighter yellow, then an off white with successively lighter focused layers. I left the darker paint parts in the corners suggesting both weathering and aging (or a lack of care in wanting to paint there as a pretend miniature inhabitant.

I then painted the wood with a dark umber brown. I drybrushed with tanned skin shadow from privateer press (maybe?). I'd use whatever tan I have for this and this is what I found first.

Then I did the stone with a dark grey. I used the browns and darkest yellows from the other parts to paint a few stones here and there to add some differences into it. I then drybrushed all the stone a mid grey and then the entire structure with a titanium white overbrush (not rooftops).

Then I washed the wood to tone down the piece - I used a mixture of Agrax Earthshade and Garaghak's Sewer Contrast paint to paint different parts (Agrax for the more exposed places, Garaghak's Sewer for the more protected places.

Then I used Telladon Turquoise Contrast Paint straight onto the roof tiles (over the zenithal). I then mixed together a mix of a similar turquoise paint and a bit of white to drybrush the roof tiles.

Ta Da, here's what you get.

Farmhouse & Chicken Coop (or granary, your choice)

You can see the paint effect on the stones - it's really subtle but it looks better in person (and in better light).

Now for the Carpenter's House & Workshop

Shop & House together

Beam Detail on the Shop

Roof Detail on the shop

A better shot of the whole shop

I still have to deal with the occasional metal pieces, and the farmhouse and coop need painting and base work (and a little bit on the roofs to show age and mildew, etc). Also the leaded windows need some love, along with the workshop contents - I'm thinking just some stored boards, and a log in the midst of being chopped up (plus a healthy share of wood shavings and pieces from the work on the buildings to set the scene better.)

But good enough for most tabletops I'd say.

Keep on building!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/26 00:05:18

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More.

Way too little free time. 
Made in us
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge


Hi all,

Made some good painting progress on the workshop's decorations/work areas. This piece is coming across more as a mini diorama, and I'm okay with that. First the in progress shots.

Chop Chop!

Workbench area!

Positioning workbench and loose materials.

General alignment of items.

Now onto painting. I replicated the painting on the beams of the structure on most of the interior, to represent wood that has been weathered and dried over time, yet I didn't do that on the log that is currently being worked on to show that the wood looks more 'live' normally and dries / is stained to a different color.

The Sawpit in it's mostly final form.

I dropped money on a 1:35 scale construction kit to get some scale appropriate saws and hammers. This is one of them.

*Glue is still drying, sorry!*

Workbench with tools and a clamp!

Workbench in it's final location with extra board. I also have an extra encased bow and arrows that I'll be hanging up somewhere in the workshop.

I did do research into the tools and materials available, so much of it is, well, reasonable for a fantasy carpenter shop. I'm definitely going a bit over the top here but that's okay. To do is finish the candle, the plant, and glue things in, then apply some textured mud to hide some of the gaps between things. Otherwise, it's good enough for me!

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More.

Way too little free time. 
Made in us
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge


I've been working on some smaller scatter terrain pieces for the village, as I wanted to clear them out before starting more bigger pieces of the project.

First up, the field boundaries and some market pieces.

I focused on finishing up the walls and stone pieces as those are the fastest to do.

Shot of all the complete things so far (Except flock and such)

You can see the water a bit better here.

Details on the wall. Same formula as the other walls so I won't go over it again.

Now the nature god - Kalanos - statue. Right now it's mostly a weathered type stone, but I'm not certain the next step. Do I try to make it more metalic, leave it as is? Cover it in moss and such (that's the current plan) and then I want to add some candles and the like.

C&C always appreciated. The market stalls and market statute are the next thing to focus on, just taking me a bit longer.

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More.

Way too little free time. 
Made in us
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge


Howdy and welcome back,

I finished some scatter terrain today, which is awesome in that it cleared a bunch of small things off my to do list and now lets me get set up to work on the castle and towers.

First up, the statue of my merchant (and death) god in my D&D Campaign - Decesul. All transactions done under his gaze are seen as both holy and 'under the keys', signifying the merchant's good faith and the purchaser's good intentions as well. People who violate this is towns with many followers are likely to be barred from working within the marketplace confines, or worse...

First steps at the statue and black marble.

With advice from friends, I upped the color quotient and did not use niholous oxide paint to weather the statue.

You can see his branching Staff of Commerce and his key ring. It's a 3-D Print (not my own) as it took forever to find a miniature with a set of keys who wasn't either some inappropriate model with overly exaggerated keys or a cartoon jailer.

Onto the walls (and as a bonus, you can see the finished stone platform that I'll be using for some things as well.

I took a bit more care on the fountain and statue to use the moss flock proper rather than just the (thoroughly random) mix that I have now.

I've been looking at videos of how to make candles and such as offerings for the statue, so hopefully I'll get to play with oven bake clay!

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More.

Way too little free time. 
Made in us
Utilizing Careful Highlighting

Some nicely crunchy looking stone and statue work!
Made in us
Drop Trooper with Demo Charge


Hi all,

Not much of an update here, but I wanted to post it so that I maintain my personal goal of at least one post a week here. Finished the Statue of my Merchant God - went full gold / gold plated (it's a merchant god, after all).

Bronze Acrylic Base -> Seraphim Sepia Wash -> Highlight of Balthasar Gold -> Ghenna Gold > Auric Gold (only on head and most exposed pieces)

Not my best photos, sorry!

Now onto progress on the stone work for the Castle Keep and the two Towers

Got through yellow on two of the three buildings. My goal for the week is to finish all three using the same strategy I have before. Mostly stone buildings are the easiest to do as there's limited 'non stone' paints to use.

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More.

Way too little free time. 
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