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Fresh-Faced New User

The fellas and I play an online version of mordheim and am currently playing mutiny in marienburg. I found the Escort Agency on page 119 of the MIM pdf and was wondering if the 6 result which states "Heroic Escort: A talented Henchman is available allowing you to go above your usual allotted maximum. Apply the effects of 'The Lad's Got Talent' to this warrior.". It does not say anything about rerolling this result because of having max heroes already and the 5 result allows you to go over maximum henchmen group size so I was wondering if this allows you to go one over the maximum of your heroes. We use broheim.net for all our pdfs and any opinions or rulings on this would be appreciated.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/16 23:08:46

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Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

I would than look at the "Lads Got Talent" rule than. While the recruiting of the Henchmen allows you to go over your maximum warband size, if I recall correctly, LGT says that you reroll the result if you are already at your maximum Hero allotment.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

 NH Gunsmith wrote:
I would than look at the "Lads Got Talent" rule than. While the recruiting of the Henchmen allows you to go over your maximum warband size, if I recall correctly, LGT says that you reroll the result if you are already at your maximum Hero allotment.

But then what does that mean, does the henchmen group get a free level up. As it says in the LGT description that if you already have it you reroll that result or do you reroll the result of the agency?
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