I cant make a guess based on the game design itself, since i threw the trash fire away and kept the models purely for warcry.
But, from what i did struggle to play, doubt youre going to see a ton more races introduced. Idoneth is possible because of the soul thing, stormcast too, because gotta have sigmarines...
Monsters, this is where they ate going to add the majority of content, not heroes.
I think we are going to see a bit vampire lord baddy's minions in the form of a couple different nighthaunts spooks, like a spirit host or something similar, then more variety in vampire minions. Some non ugly dire wolves would be welcome. Also think some witches are going be see some joy, as part of some nomadic fortune telling tropes. And even though its a trope, its still a compelling plot device. Its why the Vistani were so integral to the ravenloft setting.
Thats all i got at the moment within the realm of what i feel is a reasonable expectation.