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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

As I am new to Team Yankee I was looking to put out this BG at 100 pts thoughts. pls.

My thoughts behind it is that the Inf are its strengths. the Tanks just give some hitting power. the Abbots get spotting help from the recon units.
The MLRS are used to drop mines in front of the Russian armour once seen where they are going the lynx mobile troops are kept in reserve to put on the flank of the Russians.

FV432 Mechanised Company
1x SLR rifle team
1x FV432 [TB106] 1
two SF GPMG teams for
Each SF GPMG team must be attached to a FV432 Mechanised Platoon

FV432 Mechanised Platoon
4x GPMG team with 66mm anti-tank
3x Carl Gustav anti-tank team
1x 2" mortar team
4x FV432
two Milan missile teams & one FV432

FV432 Mechanised Platoon
4x GPMG team with 66mm anti-tank
3x Carl Gustav anti-tank team
1x 2" mortar team
4x FV432
two Milan missile teams & one FV432

FV432 Mechanised Platoon
4x GPMG team with 66mm anti-tank
3x Carl Gustav anti-tank team
1x 2" mortar team
4x FV432
two Milan missile teams & one FV432

Spartan Mobile Milan Section

4x Spartan MCT 4
Scimitar Recce Troop
4x Scimitar 4
Abbot Field Battery
4x Abbot 6

Chieftan Armoured Troop
3x Chieftan 18


MLRS Medium Rocket Battery
3x MLRS 9
Arm all MLRS with Minelets

1x FV432 FOO 1

Tracked Rapier SAM Section
4x Tracked Rapier 6

TOW Lynx HELARM Flight
4x TOW Lynx

Lynx Airmobile Platoon
4x GPMG team with 66mm anti-tank
3x Milan missile team
1x 2" mortar team
3x Lynx
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

Definitely infantry are the strengths of the list.
I personally have a hard time going without a recce sqdn in every list. For 19pts I get 2 hq tracks, 4 scorpions, 4 scimitars, and the excellent strikers
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

Tell us how it works out for you! Post some pics if you can.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

I have an 80pt game this Saturday (with Jon from All Miniatures Great and Small), running Brit infantry. I’ll also have a 33pt Challenger platoon chewing up a ton of points, but it fulfills my 40% reserve perfectly if needed.
Wondering how I’m going to use my Airmobile platoon,
Either deployed or loitering to relocate to good position. Table layout and mission will probably dictate that outcome.
Made in us
Ancient Venerable Dark Angels Dreadnought

Well, my Challenger platoon was undoubtedly the star of the show on Saturday. Granted, their first fusillade was perfect in regards to dice, but the ability to mostly ignore threats to the front was welcoming over Chieftains.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

 bullyboy wrote:
Well, my Challenger platoon was undoubtedly the star of the show on Saturday. Granted, their first fusillade was perfect in regards to dice, but the ability to mostly ignore threats to the front was welcoming over Chieftains.

We're trying Team Yankee for the first time, a demo from a friend, in December. I'm excited to say the least.
Thanks for the follow up and post.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
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