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[BB] How Well Balanced is Blitz Bowl? Esp compared to the main BB game? Is it a Good Intro to Blood Bowl?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Been playing the hell out of Blitz Bowl since it was given as a gift weeks ago.

That said I keep hearing Blood Bowl has strong balance, easily being one of the most well balanced stuff Games Workshop ever released.

So I now I'm considering getting Blood Bowl except its extremely pricey. So I'd have to stick to the Blitz Bowl set I got as a gift for now.

How well balanced is Bltz Bowl as a competitive game? In particular faction differences (esp gap between top tier and low tier factions) and in preventing abuse of gameplay functions so that the game remains fair? Compared to Blood Bowl how is it regarding game eveness?

And while we are at it, I seen people debate the notion that Blitz Bowl is Blood Bowl-lite or Blood Bowl for Dummies. That Blitz Bowl is a totally different game in the way Tennis and Badminton are not the same sport ant that trying to use Blitz Bowl to learn the basics of Bloo Bowl will not do because the games are far too different.

As I mentioned earlier I really do want to try Blood Bowl but its so darn expensive so I was under the assumption master the basics of Blitz Bowl for now. So now I feel quite down an gloomy having hear from people online that I won't be able to transfer my Bltz Bowl hours of practise into Blood Bowl. Please tell me this assumption is wrong? Because Blitz BOwl ads give the impression of a simplified Blood Bowl and even implied its the best intro for kids to play off the bat as Blood Bowl is super complex and takes time to learn.

If not able to send sklls from Blitz to Blood, can I at least know if Blitz Bowl is a very even game and if t ever becomes compettive i would rank as very fair as far as faction differences goes esp gap between high and low tier teams and in terms of preventng unfair abus eof game functions? Because if its too different from Blood BOwl, I might joining other fans of the game to tr to create an online comeptitive club that will hopefully sparka domino effect to make the game more popular and eventualy be hosted in offcial Games Workshop tournaments and professional Battle Reports!

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/01/16 23:05:36

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

These £40+ games are designed to bring in new players to existing games; for example, the upcoming "Lost Relics" is a bite-sized taste of Warhammer Quest. Fire Team is a taste of Kill Team. Chances are that if you enjoyed Blitz Bowl, you should be able to progress to Blood Bowl with no problem.

Watch Ash, from GMG, trying out the latest edition of Blood Bowl...

...this should help inform your decision to stay put or "go pro".

One thing to keep in mind is that Blood Bowl is available from not only GW stores( they can at least order it in ), but many indie retailers. Blitz Bowl, on the other hand, is a limited Barnes & Noble exclusive. You're far more likely to find a Blood Bowl player at a local gaming group...

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Blitz is designer James using everything he learnt from Dreadball to make a better blood bowl game. And it is - the game is faster, more accessible, but just as complex without being complicated. The original wave of teams are balanced well enough, but I would guess the later teams aren't, GW being GW and the team changing so likely little to no playtesting.

Bloodbowl is widely available, has a massive player base, is a far slower risk management game, but has a massive league/tournament scene where players can change, advance and develop. There was a bare bones system planned for Blitz, but it would have been nothing like Blood Bowl because it was hard to balance well.

Pick up and play Blitz is great, for perpetual teams and leagues with experience and advancement BB is best.
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I've heard Blood Bowl called intentionally unbalanced but "balanced" is a first. It is possible to come back in a game, even if you're down as a losing team, if you take big risks and play smart. The lower tiers of teams are also nice for more experienced players to handicap themselves against newer opponents.

If you know folks who play Blood Bowl and you can use their boards and accessories, the cost is 1 box, and maybe either some spare models or a second box. Expensive compared to some board games but cheap compared to other GW offerings.

I've heard good things about Blitz Bowl so if that's what happening in your area, I say stick with that for now.
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