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The Journal of Leopold Helveine.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

This is a story about a Borhud Journalist (Borhud means dwarf, or Duardin if you prefer that) that as he gains friends adventures around the realms.

Book one; the Journal of Leopold Helveine'.. Is a work too big to use a scriptform, nor could I possibly post it into this thread.. so.. instead I have decided to make a dropbox link for the file.
When I started writing it around 2019, I based it off Age of Sigmar and used alot of creatures and references concerning that I eventually around the time of finishing the story.. changed into their own kind to avoid copyright strikes, there is still some similarities when it comes to the bestiary of creatures and some names are slightly alike and therefor can still be imagined as.. for instance the Magmadroth has been changed into a Magmadrake.
As I wrote this story I originally did so to have some lore to the armies I was building, completely tuning them to original concepts.. but this book soon turned into a hobby of its own and right now, halfway into writing book 2.. (and having had writers block for half a year now) Leopold Helveine is truly his own character.

I hope you enjoy it.
Kind regards.

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

UPDATE 19 6 23: ADDING MORE CHARACTERS OF LH1: The journal of'
And also will do some impression pics of the regions, but it all depends on the accuracy of Stable Diffusion alligning with my envisioning on how long this will take!

Welcome back readers of the Leopold Helveine Journal novel, while I'm still busy writing Leopold Helveine II: The Amaranth Knight' (which will take one or two years still considering I'm having a summer hiatus from my work laptop at home..) I thought to use the power of Stable diffusion to create accurate depictions of how I imagined the cast of the story, it took me a LOT of re-tries and finetuning to the prompts to get what I envisioned. So you better appreciate it!

-Dani, author of Leopold Helveine.

"good guys".."and girls"

(Book inclusives)

Leopold Helveine (protagonist)
(he never gets older, he's a dwarf for wech'hudr's sake!)

Hommelon (young) (Book1: The journal of-)

Hommelon (old) (Book2: the Amaranth knight)

Milky (young) (Book1: the journal of-)

Balder (milky old) (Book2: the Amaranth knight)

Irene Greatstache
(does this guy have dwarfblood? He just doesn't change much inbetween book 1 and 2.. huh?!)

Essersis (young) (Book1: the journal of-)

Essersis (old) (Book2: the Amaranth knight)

(He's an elf, give him a break.. elf's age really, really slow.. or do they at all? hmm)

Lurpecia (young) (Book1: The journal of-)
(Wife of Hommelon, possibly a witch.. but don't tell em I said that.)

Lurpecia (old) (Book2: the Amaranth knight)
(How can this woman grow old and still not give away that she's a witch.. what kind of witchcraft is this!.. oops.. did I say that out loud.. Hommelon didn't hear me right?)

John Froms (young) (Book1: The journal of-)
(Father of Essersis)

John Froms (old) (Book2: the Amaranth knight)
(Still Father of Essersis, that doesn't change does it.)

(master spy working for King Sesabine)

(Sesabine's best knight)


King Sesabine (young) (Book1: The journal of-)


King Sesabine (old) (Book2: The Amaranth knight)

(Book1: The journal of- exclusives)

Oljmher Anthill
(this thing isn't even a guy!..woah.. its..its even HUGE..what is this!!..is it on our side?!)

Neutral forces (to an extent)

Indraog (Feycast general)

Huverus without helmet (Feycast general)

Goliat without helmet (Feycast general)

Oberon without helmet (Feycast general)

Heliocisteros without helmet (Feycast aquilar)

Sagasbiel without helmet (Feycast aquilar)

Muddael (feycast champion)

Apollo without helmet (Feycast general)

Aparas without helmet (Feycast general)

Aparas aloft (Feycast general) (because he generally is aloft during most of the story anyway)

Antares (Feycast general)

Tartarus (Feycast general)

Balthaam (Feycast general/seer)

Ildan (Eruditus underling)

Revet (Eruditus underling)

Ursala (Eruditus old underling)

Krysta (Eruditus old underling)

(Book 2: the Amaranth knight exclusives)

Th'aspar amaranth

Yaume Faratoz

Nubhk goth Uhtgug
(yes thats a very small ork.. intendedly)

Jobuat Emnferr'n



"bad guys".."and girls"

(Book1: The journal of)

Fzoul (main antagonist)




Azaahim yot


Verrevim (main antagonist2)

Hieronymus (main antagonist3)

(Book 2: the Amaranth knight)

Cusa Siabastian (main antagonist)
(actually has bright white colored hair but this pic after 100 tries nailed his face and bobcut curled hair)

Veru Alva

Gen'nu H'nu

Raa'mat Kema

Aarun Aster

Trokuk Tuuk

The Hiddenite Knight (main antagonist 2)
(BIG - SPOILER, do not click this image if you intend to read the novel as it might give a big deal of the plot away!)


Up next!:


This message was edited 19 times. Last update was at 2023/07/26 12:06:23

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

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