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[Sword Weirdos] Battle Report, Savage Orcs vs Human Wretches  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Dusty Skeleton


Trying out the play-test rules for Sword Weirdos, the upcoming fantasy skirmish heartbreaker from Garske Games.

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Great battle report, and awesome terrain!
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

One change compared to Space Weirdos I do not like here is that now we have only one stat for both close combat and shooting. It leads to situation that our best marksman is also a magnificent fencer.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

 Shadow Walker wrote:
One change compared to Space Weirdos I do not like here is that now we have only one stat for both close combat and shooting. It leads to situation that our best marksman is also a magnificent fencer.

Does it address that like song of blades or one page rules do , maybe? Both of those systems use traits to affect ranged or melee abilities; so a garbage melee guy with “awesome shooting” is functionally better with a bow, for example.

Edit: Here’s a section quoting from Sword Weirdo’s KS page:
“If you play Space Weirdos already, what is different? You know that the weapons rules in Space Weirdos are loosey goosey. They're more about the feel you want from them. Not so in Sword Weirdos! Here we are all about specificity. Nothing is just a "hand weapon" or something like that. It's a SWORD or BATTLE AXE, and each type of weapon has Properties, which are always in effect, and Maneuvers, which are special moves your model can do by spending a Maneuver Point….”

Maybe the weapons rules will address the melee/ranged thing.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/01/31 06:56:10

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Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

 privateer4hire wrote:

Maybe the weapons rules will address the melee/ranged thing.

Hopefully they will because otherwise it would be not fun. So far from the KS info I know that d10 stat can only be purchased by models with two handed weapons, and only a dagger has something to prevent the situation we are talking about, having the Weak rule which allows only d6 to be rolled for it.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Oh, interesting. I hadn’t seen that. Fingers crossed for a well play tested approach to the entire game.

My personal two pennies wish would be for a non Discord platform for the rules discussion.

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Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

 privateer4hire wrote:

My personal two pennies wish would be for a non Discord platform for the rules discussion.

Yeah, it would be nice to have Casey post here on dakka for example.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Here’s a character example that shows how weapons will largely define what each fighter can do especially if armed with ranged and melee weapons.

“Typically only models with 2-handed weapons can buy 2d10 Might (there are exceptions though.) Herman has a big 2-handed axe and Hansel has a 2-handed crossbow, so they have 2d10 Might. Hansel also has a dagger though, so does he get to roll 2d10 when he attacks with it just because he's holding a big crossbow? He does not! Daggers have a property called weak which means you can only roll 2d6 at most when you attack with it (again, there are exceptions).“

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Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

 privateer4hire wrote:
Here’s a character example that shows how weapons will largely define what each fighter can do especially if armed with ranged and melee weapons.

“Typically only models with 2-handed weapons can buy 2d10 Might (there are exceptions though.) Herman has a big 2-handed axe and Hansel has a 2-handed crossbow, so they have 2d10 Might. Hansel also has a dagger though, so does he get to roll 2d10 when he attacks with it just because he's holding a big crossbow? He does not! Daggers have a property called weak which means you can only roll 2d6 at most when you attack with it (again, there are exceptions).“

So yes it works with daggers (although still a weird choice because it suggests that being armed with a dagger somehow makes you a worse fighter) but what about swords etc.? Would it have some rule that prevents you from being a good swordsman just because you have a bow? That is a problem I have when games use just a single stat for melee and ranged fights. I suspect that Casey did it to save the space as he originally intended that Sword Weirdos will have the same page number as Space Weirdos but needed more stuff there included for fantasy classes etc.
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

Good points. He’s doubling down on wysiwyg and weapon specificity for certain.

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Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Samples of the rulebook from update #10 in case people reading this thread do not follow N&R section.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
BTW there are 2 errors there - Acrobat and Archer have the same text, and Healer and Martial Artist share one too.
[Thumb - aabd4140441836a1791a391c8cc2d546_original.png]

[Thumb - 50f99f567a027eb27e110ba30f567ff1_original.png]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/13 15:36:04

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Myrtle Creek, OR

The March update is limited to backers only. Any backers here that can clue us in please?

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