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Playing a Rogue Trader currently in 40K  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Is there a way to play as any of the Rogue Traders from Kill Team or other GW games on the table top in any proper fashion? I like the voidsmen and navy breachers. I was thinking two squads of each for troops.

Next I would like some Scions as elites.

Any suggestions? How would I organize this so that it would be Battle-Forged?

Thank you.
Made in fr
Perfect Shot Ultramarine Predator Pilot

Technically yes, you can make a legal army with them. In practice their rules are absolutely terrible and you will lose every game you play unless your opponent decides they're feeling charitable and deliberately lets you win.
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Somewhere in Canada

The datasheet that are currently in the Downloads section of warcom for Euclidian Starstriders and Navy Breachers are legal and do share the Navis Imperialis faction keyword, so you can use these free datasheets to build a Patrol or even a Brigade (since the datasheets don't include any of the "Only one HQ per detachment" nonsense that the previous mini-dex from Octarius did).

The problem is that they are just datasheets, so you don't get the strats and Crusade content that were in the Octarius mini-dex.

Now if your group doesn't insist on "Only officially GW sanctioned" material, and you happen to have a copy of the first Octarius book, you could use that material with the free datacards, and you could actually play a decent little Crusade force... But you might still have to engage in some shenanigans, because I believe a lot of the Octarius material used the Astra Cartographica keyword instead of Navis Imperialis.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

My only opponent would be my 12 year old son and occasionally my daughter. He will be playing Dark Angels with few Primaris, and she'll play Tyranids.

I have a very large Chaos Space Marine army and Eldar/Dark Eldar armies that I am getting rid of to pay some medical bills.

I have a big Death Guard army as my main. The Rogue Trader idea would be fun.
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

With GW cancelled a bunch of campaign books a couple of weeks ago. the Rogue Traders did have a Stratagems and warlord traits in War Zone Octarius, book two: Critical Mass. They did work with the new Navy/Rogue Trader units.

For the short time it was legal i ran a army made of breachers and voidmen lead by an Rogue Trader with full warband. I also took an Ambull or two, a Zoat, and/or a Assassin to add some different models.

Pre-AoO i looked at taking a Auxiliary Detachment of Valkyries. When the rules for AoO were previewed i took a Battle Brothers detachment of an Inquisitor and his henchmen and a could of units of old abites proxied as Breachers.

It is a fun army to play. Parts of the Army bounced around the board, Voidmen are good a holding objectives and their are a lot of neat tricks in the Rogue trader, Assassin and Inquisitor Stratagems, Warlord Traits and the Inquisitor's Relics. The Zoat is a ok support model when you run it with the Voidmen, the Ambulls are just monsters and move really fast across the board.

Give it a try you might have some fun.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

That sounds a lot like what I am looking to do. I'll have to take a look at War Zone Octarius for some extra goodies.

I've been out of the loop for about 5 years now. I have a huge collection of about 6 armies. Kill Team got me back into the game, while Boarding Actions looks pretty cool too.

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Boarding Actions right now, the Agents of the Imperium really come into their own and do well as a faction. Rogue Traders do alright, but it seems that Psykers really stand out for some reason. If you do opt to take a Rogue Trader, i would take the Anti-Psyker assassin to balance things out a bit.
Made in gb
Battleship Captain

There's an updated set of AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM rules on warhammer-community.com now. One good thing is that they've actually made AGENTS OF THE IMPERIUM a faction keyword such that you can make a mixed ordo/assassinorium/rogue trader army.

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