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Q: area terrain e.g. woodland?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Another question, is there such a thing as "woodland" or other area terrain?

reading the rules provides for stuff like buildings that physically block line of sight, no issues, and for "difficult terrain" that slows movement, again no issues. obviously a tree is a tree, can't move through it as they tend to object and win that argument and can hide behind it to get the "in the way" test. However not seeing anything for like a patch of woodland?

locally we use the same terrain we use for well everything else, wooded areas are a base with a few movable trees to indicate its a wood but also allow models to physically move through it.

so far the compromise we have come up with is based on other games, basically a wood is a bit of difficult terrain for movement and when it comes to line of sight you can see into and out of a wood a few inches but not further and cannot see through a wood, with in the way cover of 4+ if you can be seen.

is this something thats actually hidden away somewhere as I couldn't find it, just stuff on linear obstacles and difficult terrain, then the in the way stuff for tall grasses, crops and similar but the rules appear to think you treat trees individually?

individual trees can be fine, I mean its easy to have difficult terrain with scrub/undergrowth then stick a few actual trees in just for practicality its easier to have a base and movable trees?
Made in gb
Purposeful Hammerhead Pilot

In lotr terrain is very "real" as in there's true line of sight in, out, and through woodland and trees. If a tree is physically blocking line of sight then you can't shoot or see to charge, if a tree is physically blocking movement you can't move through or over it less you jump/climb. Trees in and if themselves do not cause difficult terrain modifiers but if you move through an area of woodland it's common practice to treat this as difficult terrain (although models with the woodland creature - and by extension swiftstride cavalry ridden by galathrim elves - may move through this difficult terrain freely, but still have to jump, go around, or climb roots, rocks or trees that are a physical obstacle. You don't abstract it and models cant pass "through" Terrain features and other models

For in the way, if a tree obscures LOS it provides a 4+ in the way

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/21 07:00:34

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Bobug wrote:
In lotr terrain is very "real" as in there's true line of sight in, out, and through woodland and trees. If a tree is physically blocking line of sight then you can't shoot or see to charge, if a tree is physically blocking movement you can't move through or over it less you jump/climb. Trees in and if themselves do not cause difficult terrain modifiers but if you move through an area of woodland it's common practice to treat this as difficult terrain (although models with the woodland creature - and by extension swiftstride cavalry ridden by galathrim elves - may move through this difficult terrain freely, but still have to jump, go around, or climb roots, rocks or trees that are a physical obstacle. You don't abstract it and models cant pass "through" Terrain features and other models

For in the way, if a tree obscures LOS it provides a 4+ in the way

yes thats the way I read it, its just not terribly practical with the terrain we have locally, or indeed any density of trees beyond "light" just for practicality reasons - especially given how its rare as hens teeth to see trees modelled correctly to scale - e.g. tree trunks you can actually get totally out of sight behind.

find myself wondering if that almost lends a solution though, model [tree trunks[/i] maybe say 4" tall but scale widths in various sizes, then can actually be stuck down to a woodland base and still actually work for skirmish games, may look a tad odd but workable, or maybe a bit taller so some sort of "tree" topper could be added for photos?

thinking its a bit like how buildings are basically never in scale either butcause if they are they will become the playing area
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