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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


For me...

Adjust passing skill so the chance of throwing a long bomb is the same as it was under the living rulebook (yes that means some teams starting with 1+ throwing skills)

Make the human catcher
0-2 80k 8/3/3+/5+/8+ Catch AG/PS
The team still isn't that hot in reference to its history, being low tier 1 at best. Reduction to 0-2 needed otherwise the team wouldn't have space for linemen...

Remove swarming from Underworld Snotlings

Right stuff
Players with the right stuff ignore tackle when blocked
An old proposed change to boost goblins and the like.

Kick Team Mate
Once per turn if a player with kick team mate ends its move next to a player with 'the right stuff' it may kick the player. Place the throw in template over the right stuff player and make a 'throw team mate' roll. On a 1 place the player prone and make an armour (and injury) roll for him, the remove the player from the pitch, on a modified 1 place the player is badly hurt and removed from the game, on a miss the player is moved D6 squares in a random (1,2 - 3,4 - 5,6) direction from the throw in marker, for an accurate throw they are moved D6 squares in the direction of your choice and on a 6 they are moved 2D6 squares in a direction of your choice (choose direction before rolling for distance).

I really would alter a bunch of the skills on the random table, combining some of the naff ones and probably moving what traits that are possible into skills and mutations. I get the intent was to have 12, but so many are disappointing there now. Would probably make a separate essay about that one day...

I am not going to start on stars...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/02/22 11:21:51

Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

Do you not find the more restrictive swarming rules to be enough to balance out the Underworld teams?

- I don't think you're doing your math right on Passing, the number adjustments in the LRB weren't very different.

Sure, the passing used to give you +1 for quick pass, +0 at short pass, -2 at Long Bomb, but the statlines were also one point worse across the board. The new rules took the general +1 that you got for doing nearly agility roll and baked it into the core stats.

The only real difference with this is that it makes it easier to get an "adjusted 1" to your roll than it was under the old rules (wildly inaccurate).

Oh, that and the fact that anyone who isn't a designated thrower got WAY worse at throwing the ball. I kind of like that because I almost never bothered including throwers on my team before.

-I'd honestly love it if most throwers were made a little better at throwing. I think a lot should get +1 to their passing score (like the Chaos Pact thrower, Amazon thrower, Old World thrower, and Imperial thrower- maybe even the Orc thrower).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/30 15:04:45

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


 odinsgrandson wrote:
Do you not find the more restrictive swarming rules to be enough to balance out the Underworld teams?

In a word I (and the various tounries and leagues like FUMBBL) would say no. Considering it is meant to be a tier 2 'joke/challenge' team. The ability to have more than 11 players on the pitch is incredibly powerful. It is routinely topping non perpetual leagues and resurrection tournies. Of course the powerful stars it can access help a lot too...

Hell even snotlings are startlingly good. Normal snots, 1-2 bombers to taste, 14 total players so each game you max inducements for 2 stars and riotious rookies. In the last league I won or drew every match. It was supposed to be a joke team based on the models I had painted, not a nightmare for opponents.

- I don't think you're doing your math right on Passing, the number adjustments in the LRB weren't very different.

They are often 1 point different. Or 17%...
Take Elf - went from 1+/2+/3+/4+ (the 1+ letting you ignore a tackle zone effectively) to 2+/3+/4+/5+, and that is before we get into the change in skill bonuses. And crippling hail mary for most teams.
The human is an example of what should of happened. 2+/3+/4+/5+ under both systems.

Hence thinking throwers should be re-stat'ed to have the same long bomb chance in both systems.

I kind of like that because I almost never bothered including throwers on my team before.

Out teams mostly had them to get leader. Unless they were certain elves.
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

The_Real_Chris wrote:
 odinsgrandson wrote:
I don't think you're doing your math right on Passing, the number adjustments in the LRB weren't very different.

They are often 1 point different. Or 17%...
Take Elf - went from 1+/2+/3+/4+ (the 1+ letting you ignore a tackle zone effectively) to 2+/3+/4+/5+, and that is before we get into the change in skill bonuses. And crippling hail mary for most teams.
The human is an example of what should of happened. 2+/3+/4+/5+ under both systems.

Hence thinking throwers should be re-stat'ed to have the same long bomb chance in both systems.

- Elves in 3e/4e/LRB/Icepelt/2016 had an agility of 4 which translated to a natural 3+ roll required for everything. They then got a +1 bonus to quick passes, picking up a stationary ball and dodging, which meant that they really needed a 2+, but the passing was 2+/3+/4+/5+ just like it is now.

The 2+ Pass is mathmatically the same as it was before for the elf thrower

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/03/30 17:30:23

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Yep, I have too many rules systems floating around my head, got too used to 2+ being the default for everything elf...
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

That's fair.

When I first started using the 2020 rules, I got kind of mixed up into thinking that some of the stats got better or worse, but then worked them out.

The new presentation is better, but it trips up some of us grognards.

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