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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


This is something I have wanted ever since the team didn't make it into 3rd edition, but sadly it has never appeared.

Hobgoblin team!
As no one else will play with them on their teams, and even hobgoblins get tired of being bossed around by Chaos Dwarves, some hidden tribes try to field their own legends. Sadly they learnt to play in the Chaos Dwarf leagues, and that combined with a spiteful, vindictive nature means they ape their former overlords at every opportunity.

0-16 Hobgoblin 40k 6/3/3+/4+/8+/ G/AS
0-2 Hobgoblin Sneaky Git 55k 6/3/3+/4+/8+/ Sneaky Git A/GS
0-2 Hobgoblin Dirty Git 50k 6/3/3+/4+/8+/ Dirty Player G/AS
0-2 Hobgoblin Backstabber 70k 6/3/3+/4+/8+/ Backstab* G/AS
0-4 Enslaved Goblins 40k 6/2/3+/4+/8+ Dodge, Right Stuff, Stunty, Animosity (hobgoblins) A/GPS
0-1 Whipped troll 120k 4/5/5+/5+/10+ Always Hungry, Loner (2+), Mighty Blow (+1), Projectile Vomit, Really Stupid, Regeneration, Throw Team Mate, Animosity (hobgoblins) S/AGP
RR 70k
Bribery and corruption
*Backstab - when this player makes a block or blitz action with any assists, it may instead make a Stab action with +1 to the armour roll

Vralzog 'woz dat over der!' Zedrovar
120k 7/3/3+/4+/8+ Dodge, Shadowing, Tackle, Diving Tackle, Backstab*, Loner (4+) Animosity (all)
Once per game may automatically pass his Shadowing roll

Skurfrik Stone Sucker
Spikes all time worse player no.3! Skurfrik has survived has survived through a combination not knowing how to unlace his armour and steadily adding more over time, childhood conditioning by always landing on his head and plain luck.
30k 5/3/4+/6+/9+ Thick skull, Really Stupid, Loner (6+), Animosity (all)
Once per game when the target of a block or blitz, Skurfrik may change one block dice result to a skull
Made in us
Charing Cold One Knight

Sticksville, Texas

I am honestly more than happy with the current assortment of teams, call me uncreative, but I struggle to even think of a nice I could make a team to fill or exist in that isn't already crowded.

I like your team idea though, seems like it could be tons of fun since it gets some normal goblin silliness, but with mostly base strength 3 players.
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

We used to make up teams all the time back in the day when Jervis released his design formula. There are still quite a lot of them going around- many have been updated to the current edition.

There are loads of cool teams out there that aren't totally official.

I like the Simian team (which is allowed in some tournaments). Extra Arms is a neat ability to have spammed all over.

One thing I'd like to see more of is teams that specialize in PASSING the ball without being necessarily as good at DODGING. Like, make the Long Bomb a more viable tactic than the hand off and run it down the pitch.

I generally hate it whenever a thrower has worse than a 2+ throw skill, so I'd probably adjust a few teams to have that.

I love the Slann (usually tournament legal) but I want to see them updated with a thrower. Otherwise, I'd like the NAF team left alone (I rather enjoy every kind of Slann player). But they really want a thrower- I'd take a star thrower if they had access to one.

I suppose my dream team might include Gutter Runners, Pro-Elf and Slann Catchers, a High Elf Thrower, some Amazon Blockers, a Wardander, a Vampire Lord and some snotlings to kick around.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/29 23:02:59

Made in ru
Longtime Dakkanaut


 NH Gunsmith wrote:
I am honestly more than happy with the current assortment of teams, call me uncreative, but I struggle to even think of a nice I could make a team to fill or exist in that isn't already crowded.

I like your team idea though, seems like it could be tons of fun since it gets some normal goblin silliness, but with mostly base strength 3 players.

Yes I do generally agree that any new teams should be at the fun end of things rather than competitive.

We used to also use a ‘lineman’ team that aimed to use spare models from other teams. Human linemen, 0-2 human throwers, 0-2 elven Union linemen, 0-2 dwarf blockers, 0-4 halflings, 1 ogre without loner, animosity for everyone for other races bar the halflings, 70k re-rolls.
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

I think most new teams should aim to be low tier 2 or tier 3. I kind of think that if a fan made team shows up at tier 1, something went wrong.

Have a look at the FUMBBL teams for the "Secret League."

There are loads of crazy team lineups in there. I'd expect most of them to kind of play like one of the existing teams, but some will fill a different niche.

Some highlights include an interesting looking Minotaur team (I guess inspired by the old Minotaur team from the Jervis newsletter days that gets mentioned in the fluff). I remember a Squig team on there as well, but I don't think it has been updated to the 2020 rules (yet).

I kind of expect GW to use some of this as a source when they create brand new teams (as with Andy Meechan's Lizardmen or Plasmoid's Bretonnians/Nobility).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/30 14:52:41

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