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The Space Hulk Game - "dead terminator" objective marker.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I have a painting question regarding the Space Hulk "dead terminator" objective marker.

By It's multiple Chalice Iconography he seems to be a sanguinary priest. But I saw no winged blood drop which would directly peg it as a Blood Angels terminator.
It could be a Soul Drinker's Terminator?

Should he be painted with red Terminator armor as depicted in the box art and rule books? Which would make him like an ancient. (or like Corbulo).
Or white Armour? Where he would be like an general apothecary.
or red and partially white? Having white shoulder pads and helmet.
Being the sole surviving terminator, He could possibly be of higher skill & rank such as a sergeant, Hence with black shoulder pads?

I have searched the past Dakka forums, but I got no hits for space hulk dead terminator (other than a few gallery images).
The Mission Book does not delve into the details of the marker's back-story, other than that the artifact that he guarded (the golden chalice, or grail) dated back to around the time of the Horus Heresy.

Being a sanguinary priest, would kind of make sense if was to be left in charge to guard such a precious artifact.
Therefore, the figure would not be depicted as an ordinary terminator.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/04/20 00:34:23

Made in de
Annoyed Blood Angel Devastator

Frankfurt, Germany

sorry for the late reply, but I wouldn't be worried if I were you. The Obj. marker has a lot of chalice iconography on him. but I'd chalk that up to him just being a higher ranking blood angel. If you look at some models, like the BA Assault terminators they are covered in tons of skull and blood drop iconography too. I think it's just a chapter specific thing. The cool thing with less codex compliant chapters is that while you might think they only have more special rules to follow in terms of modeling, I tend to find they usually have less, like a tactical sergeant having one of the nipple armour variants, it just looks cool.

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