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[WU] Newb question about Underworld  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Fresh-Faced New User

I'm just now turning my attention toward Underworld, and I've got a question.

I'm interested in the Skaven warband from Nethermaze and the undead warband from Gnarlwood. Will those warbands ever be released on their own, or do I have to buy the box sets to get them?

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Fullmetal Minis 
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Fixture of Dakka

Sadly not, by the looks of it.

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

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Boosting Ultramarine Biker


As SamusDrake already wrote there is no standalone box for these warbands.

But besides the name giving starter box there are also so called "Rivals of..." boxes which still contain the warbands whereas the starters are (as far as I know) discontinued.

My Element Games referal code: SVE5335 
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