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New Epic models signal Solar Auxilia as the next HH army?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in hk
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

It’s been suggested that the new ‘Epic’ Heresy game may be a pointer to future HH releases - in particular, that the Solar Auxilia may be the ‘new army’ they foreshadowed when they revealed there would be updated Mk IV Marines.

I’ve also seen mention of a plastic Malcador kit being in the works, although it might’ve just been wishlisting.

It seems like quite a logical next step. What do you think we could realistically expect? I think it could be something like this:

Command squad with Marshal
Basic troops with lasrifles
Special weapon upgrade sprue
Ogryn Charonites
Thallax cohort (with weapon options)
Malcador or perhaps a HH Leman Russ variant (like the new Epic version)

That would be a pretty decent start, although I suspect it’s over-optimistic to expect that many new plastic kits right out of the gate. Maybe it would just be a Marshal, some basic troops and a tank. What do you guys think?

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Terry Pratchett RIP 
Made in ro
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Snord wrote:

I’ve also seen mention of a plastic Malcador kit being in the works, although it might’ve just been wishlisting.

You left out the most compelling evidence: in the promo shots, one of the Malcadors has a Vanquisher cannon, an option the resin kit never had, but which is now present in Legion Imperialis as well as the Liber Imperium - that points towards a kit with the option coming soon.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

I'd certainly hope they go this way, my main 6mm army was Imperial Guard and I'd love to try that sort of thing again
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Valrak's most recent rumours video speculates that the mystery army will be Mechanicum, not Solar Auxilia. His reasoning is that Plastic HH Automata was already rumoured way back before HH 2.0 even launched, plus the coincidental timing of the mystery army release landing around the same time as the 10th edition Admech codex lands. Plastic Mechanicum could offer some units for 40K as well, unlike Solar Auxilia, which would be for HH only

Don't really mind either way, I'd love to see either faction getting plastic kits. I could use Auxilia tanks for my DKoK, or Mechanicum Automata for my Rogue Trader BA

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/05 17:59:56

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Sneaky Sniper Drone

Tsagualsa wrote:

You left out the most compelling evidence: in the promo shots, one of the Malcadors has a Vanquisher cannon, an option the resin kit never had, but which is now present in Legion Imperialis as well as the Liber Imperium - that points towards a kit with the option coming soon.

not really the smoking gun that you might think it is, since iirc the old epic used a longer main gun as an indicator of a command vehicle for a detachment of guard tanks.
Made in de
Regular Dakkanaut

I posted the same idea over on Reddit some days ago, so yeah.

The general consensus seems to be split in two camps: this either foreshadows SI for HH, or it does not because Mechanicus is more likely due to AdMech overlap with 40K. Both sides have their points, I guess we will have to wait and see.

I am still of the opinion it would be pointless to push for SI in small scale without releasing somebody for "HH proper" alongside it. But this is GW after all, so maybe that "mystery army" ends up being something different entirely...
Made in ro
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Darnok wrote:
I posted the same idea over on Reddit some days ago, so yeah.

The general consensus seems to be split in two camps: this either foreshadows SI for HH, or it does not because Mechanicus is more likely due to AdMech overlap with 40K. Both sides have their points, I guess we will have to wait and see.

I am still of the opinion it would be pointless to push for SI in small scale without releasing somebody for "HH proper" alongside it. But this is GW after all, so maybe that "mystery army" ends up being something different entirely...

In my opinion a lot of it depends on what they intend to do with Forgeworld in the coming years.

On the one hand, they seem to want to do more vehicles right now, so Auxilia with their various tanks would be a natural fit.

But on the other hand, if they ever want to give us that carrot of the Dark Mechanicum, they'd probably have to start out with a resin-upgrades-for-plastic-bases model, like with the contemptors, and for that to work there needs to be a plastic base at least for the more common automata, skitarii and vehicle types that these resin upgrades can be fitted to - starting a completely new force in resin feels like it is no longer economically viable, and supporting one seems to shift outside of FW's focus (probably due to the needs of TOW as a new line, but who knows).
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Yep absolutely.

You can also see the preview of what will be the Legion Command Squad. Sadly it's all pretty basic Mk6 with some tabards and gak.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in de
Regular Dakkanaut

Tsagualsa wrote:
In my opinion a lot of it depends on what they intend to do with Forgeworld in the coming years.

On the one hand, they seem to want to do more vehicles right now, so Auxilia with their various tanks would be a natural fit.

But on the other hand, if they ever want to give us that carrot of the Dark Mechanicum, they'd probably have to start out with a resin-upgrades-for-plastic-bases model, like with the contemptors, and for that to work there needs to be a plastic base at least for the more common automata, skitarii and vehicle types that these resin upgrades can be fitted to - starting a completely new force in resin feels like it is no longer economically viable, and supporting one seems to shift outside of FW's focus (probably due to the needs of TOW as a new line, but who knows).

Agreed on all points.

This highlights the one big issue I have with LI: why it exists in the first place. GW has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that they can not handle the amount of games they have in their portfolio right now, so shoving this out of the door with TOW on the horizon... GW, indeed.
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 Darnok wrote:
This highlights the one big issue I have with LI: why it exists in the first place. GW has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that they can not handle the amount of games they have in their portfolio right now, so shoving this out of the door with TOW on the horizon... GW, indeed.

Well they've axed Aeronautica officially, and I can't even remember when Necromunda and Titanicus last got a new plastic release (RIP Van Saar and Delaque vehicles). Blood Bowl is mostly just getting repacks with mixed races. They've made some room

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in hk
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

 tauist wrote:
Valrak's most recent rumours video speculates that the mystery army will be Mechanicum, not Solar Auxilia. His reasoning is that Plastic HH Automata was already rumoured way back before HH 2.0 even launched, plus the coincidental timing of the mystery army release landing around the same time as the 10th edition Admech codex lands. Plastic Mechanicum could offer some units for 40K as well, unlike Solar Auxilia, which would be for HH only

That is quite an old rumour. And given how GW are basically discouraging the use of HH vehicles in WH40k now, I'm not sure how relevant the release of the 10th Edition AdMech codex is. I would welcome plastic Mechanicum though - the Heresy-era stuff looks great.

Tsagualsa wrote:
In my opinion a lot of it depends on what they intend to do with Forgeworld in the coming years.

On the one hand, they seem to want to do more vehicles right now, so Auxilia with their various tanks would be a natural fit.

But on the other hand, if they ever want to give us that carrot of the Dark Mechanicum, they'd probably have to start out with a resin-upgrades-for-plastic-bases model, like with the contemptors, and for that to work there needs to be a plastic base at least for the more common automata, skitarii and vehicle types that these resin upgrades can be fitted to - starting a completely new force in resin feels like it is no longer economically viable, and supporting one seems to shift outside of FW's focus (probably due to the needs of TOW as a new line, but who knows).

It does seem to me that they are going to eventually move the resin tank range to plastic - maybe apart from the most obscure and/or massive vehicles. Although I do wonder just how many people out there really want a plastic Malcador. I think a Heresy-style Leman Russ could be quite popular, as (judging from the new Epic one) it's very similar to the Krieg pattern LR, which is a vast improvement on the standard version. I suspect that plastic Mechanicum models would be a better bet.

As for FW, I suspect it might end up focusing on character models for systems like HH, Oldhammer and Necromunda. It's what they do best.

 Darnok wrote:
This highlights the one big issue I have with LI: why it exists in the first place. GW has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that they can not handle the amount of games they have in their portfolio right now, so shoving this out of the door with TOW on the horizon... GW, indeed.

I kind of agree. I really like these new little plastic tanks (I've never been entirely sold on the Epic infantry models, which are always dominated by their bases), but I think GW have overstretched themselves.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Terry Pratchett RIP 
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

I think GW is trying to expand the number of game systems and the total amount of SKUs they can simultaneously juggle. There is enough money and growth to support such expansiong, but their legacy POS logistics problems and legacy IT solutions are holding them back.

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in se
Slaanesh Veteran Marine with Tentacles


Could be either. Both would sell but Mech could also overlap with 40k and allow DarkMech so makes more sense business wise. All Legions can take some Automata after all.

I would be happy with either, but the moment we get plastic Mechanicum for HH, I personally am buying. Never doing SA in that scale. Too crowded and too many models to paint.

Already doing Legion(s) for Epic30k, plan on doing another Traitor Legion + traitor Solar + Traitor Titan Legion + Renegade Knight House once LI drops.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/06 13:35:18

30k: EC, AL, IW
Epic30k: IH, House Coldshroud, Legio Metalica, IW, Legio Interfector, AL
40k: EC CSM, Orks
WW2 Battlegroup/Bolt Action 6-15-28mm: German 41-44, Soviet 41-43, French 1940

Instagram @grimdarkgrimpast
Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps


I would suspect the rise in 3D printed EPIC stuff has them wanting to cash in since AT18 was a pretty solid success.

I am in camp Solar Auxilia for the mystery release. They really could use the revamp and support. Really incredible faction that hasn't had enough love.

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

As much as I would love to see Mechanicum and Solar Auxilia, I think it's Imperial Army/Militia. Just a weird hunch I have.
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

It's not going to be models for Militia. It will never be models for Militia. The whole point of Militia is to use whatever models you want to represent the army and it always has been.
Made in se
Slaanesh Veteran Marine with Tentacles


Agree with Gert. Militia is a modellers army. Make it your own.

If it was something other than Solar/Mech, the outside bets would be Sisters of Silence. But that's very very niche.

30k: EC, AL, IW
Epic30k: IH, House Coldshroud, Legio Metalica, IW, Legio Interfector, AL
40k: EC CSM, Orks
WW2 Battlegroup/Bolt Action 6-15-28mm: German 41-44, Soviet 41-43, French 1940

Instagram @grimdarkgrimpast
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

As it stands HH armies are sitting as follows:
Armies with paid Rulebooks
Legions - Largely plastic with some resin holdouts though much of this seems planned within the year to be replaced.
Custodes - Some plastic with some interchangeability using the 40k range with large portions of resin.
Sisters - Basically three kits. Some units seem to have no models in the main rules which would suggest additional Sisters models being released following the general policy of units needing models if they are in a main army book.
Mechanicum - Almost entirely resin with some usable models from 40k mainly Techpriests. Rumours abound for years and years yet nothing seen yet.
Solar Auxilia - Same as Mechanicum though could be due to see some plastic kits for non-Russ units if Epic is anything to go by.

PDF Armies
Militia - Rules are out.
Daemons - Allied rules in an Exemplary Battles PDF with full rules still not out.
Cults - Outside of rules found in the Militia PDF, WarCom has suggested Cultist units will make an appearance likely based on 40k units such as the Accursed Cultists or Dark Commune.
Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

 westiebestie wrote:
Agree with Gert. Militia is a modellers army. Make it your own.

So were Guard...until they weren't.
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

 Kanluwen wrote:
So were Guard...until they weren't.

Yeah no that's not the same thing. "You can make your own custom Regiment" is not the same as "We literally aren't making models for this army so you can do whatever you want".

In fact here's the Designers Note:
Given the vast number of worlds contained within the Imperium, no two Imperialis Militia armies look the same, the panoply of
each dictated by the cultures and tactics of the planet it was drawn from. The Citadel Miniatures and Forge World ranges offer
a multitude of options from which you can construct your army, combining parts to create your own personalised force; further
tailoring and conversion potential can be achieved through the Provenance system, as described on page 9. The sole caveat is
to ensure that all models are clearly equipped with the weapons and relevant Wargear stated on their profile; for more complex
conversions, always inform your opponent before the battle, so both players are clear. Apart from that, the only real limitation
with Imperialis Militia is your own imagination.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/06 20:31:21

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

3.5 codex had tons of options that required you to actively kitbash or sculpt.

And then the following book, all of that was gone.
Made in ro
Servoarm Flailing Magos


 Gert wrote:
 Kanluwen wrote:
So were Guard...until they weren't.

Yeah no that's not the same thing. "You can make your own custom Regiment" is not the same as "We literally aren't making models for this army so you can do whatever you want".

In fact here's the Designers Note:
Given the vast number of worlds contained within the Imperium, no two Imperialis Militia armies look the same, the panoply of
each dictated by the cultures and tactics of the planet it was drawn from. The Citadel Miniatures and Forge World ranges offer
a multitude of options from which you can construct your army, combining parts to create your own personalised force; further
tailoring and conversion potential can be achieved through the Provenance system, as described on page 9. The sole caveat is
to ensure that all models are clearly equipped with the weapons and relevant Wargear stated on their profile; for more complex
conversions, always inform your opponent before the battle, so both players are clear. Apart from that, the only real limitation
with Imperialis Militia is your own imagination.

Maybe (maybe) there will be a single box or a militia sprue with a lot of odds and ends to customize your dudes in it in the future, but i think you're right that they will never get an official release as a supported army - it's not what these forces are made for. Their the army for the do-it-yourself people, like old-timey Lost and the Damned et al.
Made in gb
Preparing the Invasion of Terra

 Kanluwen wrote:
3.5 codex had tons of options that required you to actively kitbash or sculpt.

And then the following book, all of that was gone.

Did Guard in 3.5 have a baseline model range to choose from, yes or no?

Tsagualsa wrote:
Maybe (maybe) there will be a single box or a militia sprue with a lot of odds and ends to customize your dudes in it in the future, but i think you're right that they will never get an official release as a supported army - it's not what these forces are made for. Their the army for the do-it-yourself people, like old-timey Lost and the Damned et al.

There won't be because GW has made it very clear that the army is either for people who already have extensive 40k collections that they can use for HH or people who want an interesting modeling project using the many new human-scaled models GW has produced for 40k and Necromunda especially.
The surprise army reveal is going to be for one of the armies with a paid rulebook because that's where the greater money is.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/06 20:38:15

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

 Darnok wrote:
Tsagualsa wrote:
In my opinion a lot of it depends on what they intend to do with Forgeworld in the coming years.

On the one hand, they seem to want to do more vehicles right now, so Auxilia with their various tanks would be a natural fit.

But on the other hand, if they ever want to give us that carrot of the Dark Mechanicum, they'd probably have to start out with a resin-upgrades-for-plastic-bases model, like with the contemptors, and for that to work there needs to be a plastic base at least for the more common automata, skitarii and vehicle types that these resin upgrades can be fitted to - starting a completely new force in resin feels like it is no longer economically viable, and supporting one seems to shift outside of FW's focus (probably due to the needs of TOW as a new line, but who knows).

Agreed on all points.

This highlights the one big issue I have with LI: why it exists in the first place. GW has proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that they can not handle the amount of games they have in their portfolio right now, so shoving this out of the door with TOW on the horizon... GW, indeed.
agreed. They should drop Tow, your right leave it dead.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/07 13:57:38

Made in se
Slaanesh Veteran Marine with Tentacles


Speculation on my part, but this new artwork seems to depict a re-imagined Solar Auxilia Baneblade, right? Could it be a teaser for HH Solar Aux w a plastic Baneblade being the mystery army release this winter? So far they release anything they have done in that style in plastic.

Art from the Legions Imperialis article, but without any LI text on it which they usually put there.

I had guessed/hoped plastic Mechanicum, but plastic Solar Aux would be awesome too. And with some new designs for the Rapiers, the Aethon Heavy sentinel etc it makes sense they CAD model two versions, the 4x larger with slightly more details of course.

Source https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/08/07/legions-imperialis-a-closer-look-at-the-solar-auxilia/
[Thumb - Screenshot_20230808-144508.jpg]

30k: EC, AL, IW
Epic30k: IH, House Coldshroud, Legio Metalica, IW, Legio Interfector, AL
40k: EC CSM, Orks
WW2 Battlegroup/Bolt Action 6-15-28mm: German 41-44, Soviet 41-43, French 1940

Instagram @grimdarkgrimpast
Made in hk
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

I think SA is still the most likely candidate for the ‘mystery army’. Hopefully including a Rapier kit that can be built as the Marine version.

It’s clear to me that the Baneblade image does not depict the new Epic model. So a revised plastic version seems possible, although it’d be a big leap of faith on GW’s part. In fact SA as a whole seems like a bit of a gamble. An army specific to HH which isn’t Marines is a bit niche.

Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.

Terry Pratchett RIP 
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

After yesterdays tease pict, I too am changing my guesstimate that the mystery army might be Auxilia instead of Mechanicum. While the army itself might be niche, I bet those Auxilia vehicles would sell like hotcakes, they could be used for many of the more exotic 40K Imperial subfactions (Vostroyans and other gothic looking armies)

If plastic Auxilia happens, I'll get a Malcador for my DKoK ASAP

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/08 13:23:26

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps


I feel like between the new walker and this, it is all but confirmed as the mystery army now.

Hopefully it is a large release with proper infantry, vehicles, artillery and superheavies. I would be sad if they did a tiny release when the HH2.0 could really use the injection of new interest.

Made in au
Fresh-Faced New User

 tauist wrote:
After yesterdays tease pict, I too am changing my guesstimate that the mystery army might be Auxilia instead of Mechanicum. While the army itself might be niche, I bet those Auxilia vehicles would sell like hotcakes, they could be used for many of the more exotic 40K Imperial subfactions (Vostroyans and other gothic looking armies)

If plastic Auxilia happens, I'll get a Malcador for my DKoK ASAP

Completely agree - I reckon there's 2 priorities for GW in this from a business sense - 1) reduce resin range to slim down (or even close?) forge world and reduce exposure to recasters, and 2) limit risk by making ranges that are cross compatible (even if it's a bit of a stretch). Plastic Auxilia would make sense from both of these priorities, it's a large all resin range with cool tanks that Guard players in 40k would love if they were in plastic. And you could do all the infantry with 1 or 2 kits and some upgrades. Plus, I can see 40k players wanting the infantry as well, since there's so little choice in regiments now.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/22 23:45:34

Made in ca
Commander of the Mysterious 2nd Legion

 em_en_oh_pee wrote:
I would suspect the rise in 3D printed EPIC stuff has them wanting to cash in since AT18 was a pretty solid success.

I am in camp Solar Auxilia for the mystery release. They really could use the revamp and support. Really incredible faction that hasn't had enough love.

I dunno AT18 always felt to me like it was in direct compeition with the much more affordable battletech

Opinions are not facts please don't confuse the two 
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