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[2000] - Adepta Sororitas - KILL IT WITH FIRE (fun list)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Fire is good. More fire is better. Therefore the best possible Adepta Sororitas list is one that contains as many flamer weapons as possible. I did this back in 8th edition but it is time to update for 10th!


Preacher (warlord) (45 points)
1 x Preacher (Pious Vorne) with Zealot's Vindictor

Preacher (45 points)
1 x Preacher with Zealot's Vindictor

Retributor Squad (130 points)
1 x Retributor Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer

Retributor Squad (130 points)
1 x Retributor Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer

Retributor Squad (130 points)
1 x Retributor Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer

Dominion Squad (130 points)
1 x Dominion Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Dominion with ministorum flamer
5 x Dominion with boltgun

Dominion Squad (130 points)
1 x Dominion Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Dominion with ministorum flamer
5 x Dominion with boltgun

Dominion Squad (130 points)
1 x Dominion Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Dominion with ministorum flamer
5 x Dominion with boltgun

Battle Sister Squad (110 points)
1 x Sister Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
1 x Battle Sister with ministorum heavy flamer
1 x Battle Sister with ministorum flamer
1 x Battle Sister with blotgun & simulacrum imperialis
6 x Battle Sister with blotgun

Battle Sister Squad (110 points)
1 x Sister Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
1 x Battle Sister with ministorum heavy flamer
1 x Battle Sister with ministorum flamer
1 x Battle Sister with blotgun & simulacrum imperialis
6 x Battle Sister with blotgun

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolations flamers

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolations flamers

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolations flamers

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolations flamers

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolations flamers

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolations flamers

Total: 2000 points

I actually have most of the models that I would need for this. I fully intent to build this army and post the pics, in time.

I think this army is actually simpler than my 8th edition version. Still, can anyone see anything that I might have missed that would allow me to cram more flamers in there somehow? I got a lot of helpful comments last time, including the excellent suggestion to pick up the Pious Vorne model. Back then she broke all of my detachment rules. Now she can be a preacher.

Some additional thoughts:

* I gave all elligible models chainswords since that is what most of my built ones are modelled with. Power swords would be better, assuming they remain free.
* I gave all elligible models combi-weapons. These are obviously combi-flamers (and modelled as such), but unfortunately the rules do not currently reflect this. In the future I should maybe swap them for hand flamers just to make absolutely sure that they are shooting fire.
* The Retributors go in the Immolators so that they can get into flaming range faster. I also use the weird splitting rule to put the good half of each Dominion squad in one of the remaining Immolators whilst the other half can think about how lame their boltguns are whilst they walk to the next objective.
* I don't really know where to put the preachers. They don't synergise, but no one does, and they are the only characters with flame weapons. I guess they go with the Retributors? Or they go with Dominions to try to punch anyone that ties up the Retributiors to stop them flaming?
* A canoness can take the brazier of holy fire, but it can only be used once per battle and she gets no other flame weapons. I also can't afford her unless I cut something.
* Junith Eruita has heavy flamers but she will presumably be faction-locked once the codex comes out. She is also expensive, and isn't actually that much better than a single heavy flamer in a Battle Sister Squad.
* I don't think any of the other units give enough flame for their points cost. Seraphim only get one model with hand flamers for every five models. Paragon warsuits can get flamers but they also have a bunch of other stuff that makes them expensive. I am open to any other suggestions
* My old list had no Dominions and used 5-woman squads of Battler Sisters with a heavy flamer and flamer. Since that is no longer an option I decided that more regular flamers is better than a couple of extra heavy flamers.
* My old list also had an Ordo Malleus inquisitrix with an incinerator. Very much not an option in the current agents index

I would love any advice that people have. Thank you!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/20 13:11:25

8930 points 6800 points 75 points 600 points
2810 points 5740 points 2650 points 3275 points
55 points 640 points 1840 points 435 points
2990 points 700 points 2235 points 1935 points
3460 points 1595 points 2480 points 2895 points
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

Super fun list!

Here's my 2 cents to help increase your flame and fire:

- 6 Pengines (12D6 S5 assault flamer w/ full rerolls to wound)

- 30 Seraphim (24D6 S4 hand flamer shots)
(( as you can take 4 models w/ two hand flamers per 10 girl squad now)

- 3 immolators (6D6 S6 -1 flamer)
- Dominion squads (12D6 S5 assault flamer)

Thus you will get 18D6 MORE FLAME.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2023/07/10 13:19:24

Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

RyRyBoBo wrote:
- 6 Pengines (12D6 S5 assault flamer w/ full rerolls to wound)

I completed overlooked the Penitent Engines since I dismissed them as mêlée units. Great spot! I am 100% getting those.

I am not so sure about the seraphim. I am not convinced that a large quantity of S4 flames is necessarily better than a smaller quantity of S6 Ap-1 flames. Plus I think that immolators are really cool. I will have a play around with the numbers and see what I can achieve by ditching some Dominions or Battle Sisters.

Thank you so much for your help


If I bin the second preacher and the Battle Sisters then I can take max Retributors, Penitent Engines and Seraphim with one squad of Dominions and five immolators for 1995

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/07/10 16:44:37

8930 points 6800 points 75 points 600 points
2810 points 5740 points 2650 points 3275 points
55 points 640 points 1840 points 435 points
2990 points 700 points 2235 points 1935 points
3460 points 1595 points 2480 points 2895 points
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Fixed version. As well as the changes above I swapped one Seraphim squad back for Dominions. That way I only have to buy four boxes of Seraphim and all of my immolators can carry flamer troops. It also frees up an extra 10 points so that I can pay for an enhancement for my preacher's cool weapon in mêlée.


Preacher (warlord) (45 points)
1 x Preacher (Pious Vorne) with Zealot's Vindictor
Enhancement: Blade of Saint Ellynor (15 points)

Retributor Squad (130 points)
1 x Retributor Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer

Retributor Squad (130 points)
1 x Retributor Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer

Retributor Squad (130 points)
1 x Retributor Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer

Penitent Engines (120 points)
2 x Penitent Engines with Penitent flamers, 1 penitent buzz-blade & 1 penitent flail

Penitent Engines (120 points)
2 x Penitent Engines with Penitent flamers, 1 penitent buzz-blade & 1 penitent flail

Penitent Engines (120 points)
2 x Penitent Engines with Penitent flamers, 1 penitent buzz-blade & 1 penitent flail

Seraphim Squad (140 points)
1 x Seraphim Superior with plasma pistol and power weapon
4 x Seraphim with 2 inferno pistols
5 x Sera[phim with 2 bolt pistols

Seraphim Squad (140 points)
1 x Seraphim Superior with plasma pistol and power weapon
4 x Seraphim with 2 inferno pistols
5 x Sera[phim with 2 bolt pistols

Dominion Squad (130 points)
1 x Dominion Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Dominion with ministorum flamer
5 x Dominion with boltgun

Dominion Squad (130 points)
1 x Dominion Superior with combi weapon (combi-flamer) + chainsword
4 x Dominion with ministorum flamer
5 x Dominion with boltgun

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolation flamers

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolation flamers

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolation flamers

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolation flamers

Immolator (130 points)
1 x Immolator with immolation flamers

Total: 2000 points

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/20 13:12:07

8930 points 6800 points 75 points 600 points
2810 points 5740 points 2650 points 3275 points
55 points 640 points 1840 points 435 points
2990 points 700 points 2235 points 1935 points
3460 points 1595 points 2480 points 2895 points
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

This list looks dope!

Also remember that the Rhino's are Firing Deck 2 - so you could put your Rets in Rhino's, maintain the 2D6 Heavy Flamers while they're inside, and free up another 150pts in the process.

Thus, You could throw Celestine in there for another mobile flamer option with her fiery sword, or even toss in an additional Seraphim or Dominion squad, instead.

I think your current list is great, though.

Just wanted to throw a couple more ideas into the mix

Made in es
Fresh-Faced New User

Madrid, Spain

 Bilge Rat wrote:
RyRyBoBo wrote:
- 6 Pengines (12D6 S5 assault flamer w/ full rerolls to wound)

I completed overlooked the Penitent Engines since I dismissed them as mêlée units. Great spot! I am 100% getting those.

I am not so sure about the seraphim. I am not convinced that a large quantity of S4 flames is necessarily better than a smaller quantity of S6 Ap-1 flames. Plus I think that immolators are really cool. I will have a play around with the numbers and see what I can achieve by ditching some Dominions or Battle Sisters.

Thank you so much for your help


If I bin the second preacher and the Battle Sisters then I can take max Retributors, Penitent Engines and Seraphim with one squad of Dominions and five immolators for 1995

I dont think you can get more than 3 Immolators, can you?

Anyway, super fun list, I wish I had all the models to try sth alike. I agree with penitent engines and seraphims. Gives your army more variety, mobility and fun.
Also, not a flamer, but I feel the army should be led by an Hererticus Inquisitor.

War, war never changes. 
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

 Guillérmidas wrote:
I dont think you can get more than 3 Immolators, can you?

Anyway, super fun list, I wish I had all the models to try sth alike. I agree with penitent engines and seraphims. Gives your army more variety, mobility and fun.
Also, not a flamer, but I feel the army should be led by an Hererticus Inquisitor.
You can take six of the same DEDICATED TRANSPORT unit, and Immolators have that keyword.

Unfortunately they seem to have drastically reduced the weapon options for Inquisitors, so I would rather use the Preacher.

Thanks a lot for the feedback guys!

8930 points 6800 points 75 points 600 points
2810 points 5740 points 2650 points 3275 points
55 points 640 points 1840 points 435 points
2990 points 700 points 2235 points 1935 points
3460 points 1595 points 2480 points 2895 points
Made in es
Fresh-Faced New User

Madrid, Spain

 Bilge Rat wrote:
 Guillérmidas wrote:
I dont think you can get more than 3 Immolators, can you?

Anyway, super fun list, I wish I had all the models to try sth alike. I agree with penitent engines and seraphims. Gives your army more variety, mobility and fun.
Also, not a flamer, but I feel the army should be led by an Hererticus Inquisitor.
You can take six of the same DEDICATED TRANSPORT unit, and Immolators have that keyword.

Unfortunately they seem to have drastically reduced the weapon options for Inquisitors, so I would rather use the Preacher.

Thanks a lot for the feedback guys!

Dont forget to post how the barbacue went! did the meat end up rare, medium rare, medium, well done or extra crispy??? jajajja

War, war never changes. 
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Well, I didn't give up on the dream of cramming the maximum possible number of flamers into a 2000 point list. The points changes a few months back allowed me to add a whole extra Seraphim squad. I have 5 points to spare, and I can't take the more expensive relic since the Preacher isn't allowed. All of the non-flying squad leaders have hand flamers and power swords now, since I decided that the current incarnation of combi-flamers are not really flamers as far as the rules are concerned.

Preacher (warlord) (40 points)
1 x Preacher (Pious Vorne) with Zealot's Vindictor
Enhancement: Blade of Saint Ellynor (15 points)

Dominion Squad (120 points)
1 x Dominion Superior with with Ministorum hand flamer + power weapon (power sword)
4 x Dominion with Ministorum flamer
5 x Dominion with boltgun

Dominion Squad (120 points)
1 x Dominion Superior with Ministorum hand flamer + power weapon (power sword)
4 x Dominion with Ministorum flamer
5 x Dominion with boltgun

Seraphim Squad (140 points)
1 x Seraphim Superior with plasma pistol and power weapon (power sword)
4 x Seraphim with 2 Ministorum hand flamers
5 x Seraphim with 2 bolt pistols

Seraphim Squad (140 points)
1 x Seraphim Superior with plasma pistol and power weapon (power sword)
4 x Seraphim with 2 Ministorum hand flamers
5 x Seraphim with 2 bolt pistols

Seraphim Squad (140 points)
1 x Seraphim Superior with plasma pistol and power weapon (power sword)
4 x Seraphim with 2 Ministorum hand flamers
5 x Seraphim with 2 bolt pistols

Retributor Squad (115 points)
1 x Retributor Superior with Ministorum hand flamer + power weapon (power sword)
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer

Retributor Squad (115 points)
1 x Retributor Superior with Ministorum hand flamer + power weapon (power sword)
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer

Retributor Squad (115 points)
1 x Retributor Superior with Ministorum hand flamer + power weapon (power sword)
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer
4 x Retributor with ministorum heavy flamer

Penitent Engines (120 points)
2 x Penitent Engines with Penitent flamers, twin penitent buzz-blades

Penitent Engines (120 points)
2 x Penitent Engines with Penitent flamers, twin penitent buzz-blades

Penitent Engines (120 points)
2 x Penitent Engines with Penitent flamers, twin penitent flails

Immolator (115 points)
1 x Immolator with immolation flamers

Immolator (115 points)
1 x Immolator with immolation flamers

Immolator (115 points)
1 x Immolator with immolation flamers

Immolator (115 points)
1 x Immolator with immolation flamers

Immolator (115 points)
1 x Immolator with immolation flamers

Total: 1995 points

However, more importantly... I finally have all of the models assembled. Everything is WYSIWYG (although not all of the hand flamers on characters are visible since those are hard to come by). Also, every single model is female, including the Preacher and the Penitents. Now all I have to do is paint everything before the point updates in a couple of weeks. Which isn't going to happen. Frankly, I am unlikely to paint everything before the codex comes out in the summer. Still, I have work to do

As always, if anyone can see any mistakes or if you know a way to cram even more flamers into the list then your feedback is welcome

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/20 13:30:31

8930 points 6800 points 75 points 600 points
2810 points 5740 points 2650 points 3275 points
55 points 640 points 1840 points 435 points
2990 points 700 points 2235 points 1935 points
3460 points 1595 points 2480 points 2895 points
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Points reductions! Pretty easy. The preacher loses her enhacement and her position as warlord. I now have 70 points to spend on a Canoness with a brazier of holy fire and the Mantle of Ophelia enhancement. 2000 points on the dot. I already have that model, and she is painted.

8930 points 6800 points 75 points 600 points
2810 points 5740 points 2650 points 3275 points
55 points 640 points 1840 points 435 points
2990 points 700 points 2235 points 1935 points
3460 points 1595 points 2480 points 2895 points
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