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Made in us
Primered White

United States

 JoshInJapan wrote:
I have a dozen of those guys! I got them to use in a Forces of Law WHFB army that I never got around to building.

Is the other model a crossbowman?

We'll go with definitely maybe had to convert him into a standard bearer though and I'm hoping it looks alright when everything is said and done.
Made in us
Primered White

United States

Welp, I finally did it, I finished the regiment! and it only took me 6 months Starting off with the standard bearer.

Wilhelm Strauss the Eye of Doom! This is the other half of the black prince's guard pack that I used for a standard bearer. He had a feather but it snapped off so a battle damaged helmet will do. just pretend the rock has the magical property to move with him lol.
I attempted the "lidless eye" as was tradition for anything evil related at least according to ye olde tabletop hero articles from early white dwarfs.

Next up is the first vintage Chaos Warrior I ever painted that inspired me to do the whole regiment,

Dar the Face of Doom. From the original C series line and probably my favorite Chaos Warrior of all time!(minus Harry of course...)

I painted this guy up last year but wasn't happy with the cloak and visor so I redid it. Unfortunately when I got him he was in a pretty sorry state so some detail has been worn off through age, but hey! that gives him character 👌

And finally...

The Legion of Doom (tm) is assembled! If you're wondering why there's a lot of wiggle room in the tray it's because I hand cut all the bases so the inside is like 105.8x79.8mm instead of 100x75mm for a 4x3 25mm tray.
This was also the best angle I could get and maybe I'll retake this picture when I learn better photography 🤔

I thank everyone who stopped by and joined me in my overly long journey to get 12 minis painted Either I'll be taking a break from vintage minis or I'll be doing something small instead.

Thanks for stopping by!
Made in jp
Incorporating Wet-Blending


That's a sweet unit. I love that every model is unique-- very Chaosy!

Now showing Striders for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/25/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in us
Primered White

United States

 JoshInJapan wrote:
That's a sweet unit. I love that every model is unique-- very Chaosy!
Just gotta do it two more times and I'll have 1/4 of the army done. It still astounds me from the book of battalions and 2nd ed
army lists that 4000 points was the "standard" points game size. Was it really back in the day or was that so Bryan Ansell and Co could sell more minis? Edit: Sorry it was 3000 points but still lol.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/16 19:26:36

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot

Leicester, UK

Great looking unit! NIce job on the standard bearer. I love the idea of the lidless eye. You should definately continue

My painting and modeling blog:

PaddyMick's Paintshop: Alternative 40K Armies

Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

Very inspiring! I hope to have some similar units painted up one day.

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

Your #1 Fan  
Made in us
Primered White

United States

Welp my break is over Switching up genres though and heading to the far future...

Sergeant Krod of the...er uhm er...Omega Troopers This guy is an Imperial Space Marine from the 1984 Traveller minis series by Grenadier.

It's been forever since I've painted the ultradork scheme but remember how much I liked it lol. If these guys were about 15% bigger they'd make pretty great Gue'Vesa stand ins 🤔

Poor mini had a really bad mold slip but eh, I'll call it battle damage!. May return to fantasy after this or work on a little side project that is vintage adjacent.

Thanks for stopping by!
Made in us
Primered White

United States

Well I had another mini lined up but after recent events I felt the urge to paint this guy lol

The Broo Gladiator from the 1984 Runequest Monster Coliseum by Ral Partha.

Poor beasties, they've been with Warhammer from the start but always seem to get neglected lol.

I got a regiment planned out for these guys for the forces of evil army I just need to cobble enough vintage beastmen to get it done.

Thanks for stopping by and hold your beastmen minis close!
Made in us
Primered White

United States

Been a bit eh? I got some more stuff prepared for friday but will just post this in the mean time. Behold!

The first skaven...In my mind atleast lol. 1982 Wererat from the Fiend Factory line sculpted by uhhhhhh, I'm gonna guess one of the perry twins 🤔 Feel free to correct me on that!

I do wonder if Jes Goodwin had any hand in this or if it was just a coincidence. Just need about 79 more of these and I'll have a tide ready

Thanks for stopping by!
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 bong264 wrote:
Welp my break is over Switching up genres though and heading to the far future...

Sergeant Krod of the...er uhm er...Omega Troopers This guy is an Imperial Space Marine from the 1984 Traveller minis series by Grenadier.

It's been forever since I've painted the ultradork scheme but remember how much I liked it lol. If these guys were about 15% bigger they'd make pretty great Gue'Vesa stand ins 🤔

Poor mini had a really bad mold slip but eh, I'll call it battle damage!. May return to fantasy after this or work on a little side project that is vintage adjacent.

Thanks for stopping by!


The thing about 40k is that no one person can grasp the fullness of it.

My 95th Praetorian Rifles.

SW Successors

Made in us
Primered White

United States

Been kinda out of it for awhile but return with some rarities atleast in my area...

One NIght Goblin Spearman and one Night Goblin Fanatic! Recently got a hold of a couple of night gobbos from the c13 line and they are all so full of character! and lanky

If anyone has any tips on better flocking let me know so I can redo it on these lads as it kinda looks pretty lame lol.

Also Thank You RapturousRex!, I too love the grenadier marines and have more planned 👌

Thanks for stopping by!
Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

I love that old preslotta fanatic. I need to get one for my orc horde.

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

Your #1 Fan  
Made in us
Primered White

United States

A quick one for this week, but I did find one of my holy grails early this month and will be getting that ready for next friday. In the mean time...

The first daemon for the my 1.5/2nd ed chaos army! This lad is a 1984 Mi-Go from the Call of Cthulhu line by Grenadier. If you've seen the rest of that line you'll know what to expect lol.

Pre realms of chaos demons were pretty sparse in terms of how to get a force of em assembled so expect a bunch of random mish mashes!

Thanks for stopping by!

 Pariah Press wrote:
I love that old preslotta fanatic. I need to get one for my orc horde.

1st ed orcs and gobbos are some of the loveliest minis imo Still got a pile of em I gotta sort out and prep...
Made in us
Primered White

United States

Got another classic for today! Been on the search for this mini and finally obtained him...

1983 C02 The Young Wizard. Fun Fact, this is like the only good angle on him Facing him head on shows his weird muppet face lol. My paint also isn't that thick the mini was just that rough!

I went looking around at other copies and every single one has the weirdest mangled hands. Wish I could find the original mold and attempt some sorta remaster 🤔

This is also the first time I've done a jewel i'm semi happy with Still need to practice that, maybe with the next wizard I got planned down the line.

Thanks for stopping by!
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending


That's a great paint job on a sketchy mini. I kinda want to see his muppet face, though.

Now showing Striders for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/25/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

Made in us
Primered White

United States

Been awhile eh? Combination of the damned heat and summer laziness has made me lethargic and the painting room uncomfortable. I persisted today though and painted this lad...

A Broo, from the 1986 Runequest line from Ral Partha. A little late for my 2nd ed army but considering how rare the citadel broo are here in the states I'm gonna have to make an exception lol.

Main bulk of the Broo regiment will probably be made up of these guys and will try to see how many different schemes I can get away with.

Thanks for stopping by and hopefully the next mini is due soon...

Also Goat Butt
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending


Ooh, I think I have some of those guys! They're teeny-tiny, especially compared to Citadel Beastmen of the same vintage. I'm impressed that you were able to pick out the details so well.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/22 20:42:03

Now showing Striders for Deadzone!

Painting total as of 5/25/2024: 49 plus a set of modular spaceship terrain and two walkers

Painting total for 2023: 79 plus 28 Battlemechs and a Dragon-Balrog

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