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Chicago Horus Heresy or Infinity?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Knight Exemplar

Garden Grove, CA


This is definitely a premature post as I won't be able to move out to Chicago until next Summer due to my contract status (I am in education). However, in downsizing and preparing for the move and the job opportunities, I was curious as to whether or not there is a Horus Heresy group that meets up regularly? If not, I'll probably attempt to sell my army and stop investing in it.

Is there also an Infinity group? I haven't played since N2, but considering how big Adepticon and Gencon is, this is something I am really looking to getting back into.

Anyways, I am just trying to plan my hobbying needs ahead of time, because of how limited all the time can be between application, hiring, and the move itself and any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Of course, all of this can change quickly as is the case with a lot of miniature wargaming.

Thank you again for entertaining my worries haha.
Made in us
Knight Exemplar

Garden Grove, CA

Just moved to Chicago three weeks ago. I’m in the Edgewater/uptown area and looking for a group. I’m thinking about checking out Dice Dojo tomorrow but if there any other stores, I’d appreciate it!

Thank you!
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