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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


So I am currently playing

Homeworld Mobile. Currently daily. Name Chris. I suspect others have same name, so its [MDr]Chris including clan.
Star Realms. Well happy to play against others, but often now don't log on for a week or more at a time. Name ChrisHayes
Horus Heresy Legions. Well playing a bit. Honestly not very much anymore. Name DieKultur

Would be cool if we had enough interest in various games to have a 'Dakka' clan on these things, or at least play a game against me at some point!
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Are you specifically asking about mobile game or do you mean all platforms included?

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Feel free with other platforms where people can find you
Made in fr
Boom! Leman Russ Commander


Alright! If so, then I am currently playing Enlisted (nick name: MDLHagi).

On steam, some gladius (nickname Hagi) and got back into playing a bit of space marine exterminatus mode.

Although I don't play that much anymore, also have got a fair few games accumulated over the years I wouldn't mind booting again: Insurgency, Day of Defeat, the DoW series...

Mostly comp stomping these days.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in gb
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk


I gave up playing online. Far too many toxic players and sore losers.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


 duodissdisco wrote:
Nice to see someone with a diverse gaming palette! I'm up for a match on Star Realms whenever you're back in the game. The idea of a 'Dakka' clan sounds pretty cool too.

Yep feel free to challenge me on Star Realms and send me a reminder on this...
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