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When will they release the Fantastic Four  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
When will Atomic Mass release the Fantastic Four
2025 (with the MCU film)
2062 (100th anniversary of FF)
Never (they’re crazy)

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Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

There are so many Marvel characters still waiting to be released in Crisis Protocol but it is utterly, utterly bizarre and frustrating that they haven’t released the FF isn’t it? So I’m wondering. When do you think they’ll appear?
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Could be any time, probably a bit after the next movie. So maybe end of 25 is best guess.

I not a fan of them, so I don’t follow any fantastic four news at all.
Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

But you did click on my poll ;-)
Made in au
Longtime Dakkanaut

Yes, it’s a fun poll otherwise.

Hopefully people who like em get them!
Made in ro
Fireknife Shas'el

Lisbon, Portugal

Since they haven't been released when the FF got into their 60th anniversary, I can only think of the movie.

But what I really want from their release is DOOM!!

AI & BFG: / BMG: Mr. Freeze, Deathstroke / Battletech: SR, OWA / Fallout Factions: BoS / HGB: Caprice / Malifaux: Arcanists, Guild, Outcasts / MCP: Mutants / SAGA: Ordensstaat / SW Legion: CIS / WWX: Union

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
"FW is unbalanced and going to ruin tournaments."
"Name one where it did that."

 Shadenuat wrote:
Voted Astra Militarum for a chance for them to get nerfed instead of my own army.
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