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Made in gb
Adolescent Youth on Ultramar


As an avid model maker of airfix and the like, this hobby is right up my street.

I'm bored of the aviation stuff and WW2 dioramas and have come back to W40k which I dipped my toe in when I was a young man (25 years ago!) But back then I also discovered air guns and shot my space marines with pellets in my granddad's garage , which was fun at the time but now I regret it!.

So over Xmas I have bought some ultra marines and I'm working on building up my first 1000 point army
Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Welcome to dakka!
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

United Kingdom

Heathen Slayer wrote:

As an avid model maker of airfix and the like, this hobby is right up my street.

I'm bored of the aviation stuff and WW2 dioramas and have come back to W40k which I dipped my toe in when I was a young man (25 years ago!) But back then I also discovered air guns and shot my space marines with pellets in my granddad's garage , which was fun at the time but now I regret it!.

So over Xmas I have bought some ultra marines and I'm working on building up my first 1000 point army

No need for regret - you'll have learned a lot of transferable skills! Welcome back to the hobby - what models have you picked up?

I play Orks and write about Warhammer 40K stuff at iplay40k.com

Check out the slow creation of my 40K Ork army  
Made in us
Adolescent Youth on Ultramar


Currently I have painted.

3x inefernus marines which was my first set as it came with 5 paints and for GW stuff, was actually a good deal.

Then I got 10x primaris intercessors

5x heavy intercessors

5 x terminators (terminator squad)

1x lieutenant

And today I picked up an apothecary and an indicator tactical war suit so I'm fairly close to 1000 points now.

I am aiming for a light assault objective Control angle.

Then, the next 1000 points will be for larger games which I'm thinking will include some more elite units (maybe a librarian in terminator armour or a chaplain) and some heavy assault equipment, I'm thinking a predator and a dreadnought.

Basically I'm probably going to end up getting every space marine unit type at some point. The only problem is going to be time, money and space ! As I already have three large shelves full of planes
Made in us
Yellin' Yoof on a Scooter

Vorskanar IV

Welcome to Dakka Dakka!!

I think there are many of us who can relate that yea I had a whole army or rogue trader marines, yea they were painted and based and well I did this or that to them and they are not around any more ... **palm to forehead**

Looking forward to seeing your stuff!!

"Oi, wot's 'dis, 'den? A whole pack a 'umie shootaz just lyin' 'ere in 'da dust wit' no one usin' 'em? 'Dat's a shame, 'dat is." 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

San Diego, CA

Glad you have come fully into the hobby and welcome to dakka!

"I've missed years. I can't waste minutes now."

The Piper Never Dies.
Never Dies. 
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