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Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Hey there everyone, long time on and off games workshop gamer since a kid (dabble a little in privateer press a little), and looking to try and improve myself in the hobby. Bought and sold off a lot of armies over the years, some with very tearful and regretable selling of, and just trying to constantly get to the one that would click with me and suddenly everything would fall in place.

... In the grim darkness of the 41st millenium, such fairly tales don't exist ^^;;

But I've decided to sign up to Dakka Dakka so i can learn and improve. Only just very recently I've had my first fully painted army in the years of the hobby (just a combat patrol, but still counts ^^;;; ), and i'm a novice when it comes to the painting side, and the gaming side especially in 10th.
So hopefully I can keep the hobby going, and learn to enjoy it much more as i go along.

I'm into 40k, trying to learn Kill Team, Warcry, Necromunda and a bit of underworlds.

Thanks for having me all, will post up my first painted combat patrol and link it in a little when i get some pictures of it ^^;;


Here's the linking to the painting forums post I made. I figured it better to post all the images in one location rather than repeating it in in another ^^;;

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/01/14 00:02:48

Made in pl
Dominating Dominatrix

Welcome to dakka!
Made in us
Yellin' Yoof on a Scooter

Vorskanar IV

Welcome to Dakka Dakka!! Your Necrons are looking good.

100% agree combat patrol does count.

Looking forward to more.

"Oi, wot's 'dis, 'den? A whole pack a 'umie shootaz just lyin' 'ere in 'da dust wit' no one usin' 'em? 'Dat's a shame, 'dat is." 
Made in gb
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks you two. It looks like a fun place to be. Maybes when work gives me some good time off i can explore it a bit more ^^
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