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Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

So I'm collecting some Genestealer Cult stuff, I'm thinking I'll get to about 1k pnts and then switch to working on something else.

I've got ~40 neophytes, 2 buggies, 10 purestrain genestealers and a Patriarch almost finished.

I'm most likely to play against my friend who likes to bring titans (even to 1k games) and tougher, single-model entities like Tyranid monstrous creatures, leman russ, wraithlords. My friend often ignores objectives and focuses on board wiping me.

What should I add to my Cult collection to get me to 1k?

Sekhmet - Dynasty 4000pts Greenwing - 2000pts Deathguard - 1500pts Daemons of Nurgle - 1000pts ~320pts
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

I'm not sure there is anything you could add that is going to help much for destroying a single, super-tough model. If you focus on mobility and defence then you should be able to just stay out of your opponent's way and score the objectives. Some Atalan Jackals (with an Alphus) might work nicely?

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