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(Battletech) Falcon Wing campaign story time.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Not as Good as a Minion

Astonished of Heck

So last Friday was the first mission of a monthly CJF-based campaign I'm running for our local group. Last month was a Trial of Position, and got a bit crazy. This month, these nestlings being called the Falcon Wing were called upon to do some work some Solahma and Freeborns couldn't handle. A bunch of bandits grew too big for their britches and took over an abandoned Elemental Trial Site.


Falcon Wing Bandit Mission #1

[Star Captain Jillok]
Mechwarriors! You have chosen your 'Mechs and are on assignment. As I mentioned earlier, a local bandit problem that has become more than just an irritant. Last report had them holed up in the abandoned Elemental Trial Area Hotel. While there are buildings there, they are not strong enough to hold a Mech, so be careful with your movement.

Remember, your assignment is to destroy the bandits in the area and recover whatever resources they have stolen from The Clans. It will be even better if you can figure out where they are receiving support from.

Recall that these bandits have proven to be sneaky and more powerful than expected, so plan accordingly.


Arriving on scene, the under-strength binary (7 showed up) saw 2 T-12 Tigers (proxied by 3D-printed Pattons), 2 J. Edgar hovercraft, and 2 platoons of Motorized Infantry to their left and a supply truck (proxied mostly by Life vans, but also one IGMakes cargo truck) along with another platoon of Motorized Infantry just off the highway near some Woods. The Active Probes in the Arctic Cheetah and Mist Lynx detected some blips (noted by Privateer Press tokens) over the mountain (up to Level 10 in height at one place) to their right, but could only determine a few Vehicles and Mechs.

The Supply Truck and their escort, seeing the incoming Mechs decided to take off. One of the Tigers moved forward to engage while the other Stood Still and relied on the Woods it was in and its Camoflauge Command Ability to keep it safe. The other 2 Platoons started moving up to support them, but then veered off to support their fellow against the rapidly advancing Mist Lynx and Arctic Cheetah along with the J. Edgars. The Fire Moth and Adders moved to engage the Tiger tanks while the Horned Owl and Howler (Devil) moved to see what was happening over the hill.

The blips behind the mountain started moving, and a Royal Stinger came around the bend.

The advancing T-12 became Immobilized and then smashed by the Fire Moth and Adders, but not before its AC/10 took off a Fire Moth Arm. The hunkered down Tiger moved out of the Woods to try and hunt down the Fire Moth as it whizzed about, and paid for its efforts by being Immobilized. One of the J. Edgars was caught by a fusillade of Adder Missile Fire and was Immobilized to be eventually destroyed. The other J. Edgar rushed up to avenge its fellows. Meanwhile the left flank PMI slowed sped across the desert to avenge their fellows.

The Arctic Cheetah plinked away at the escorting PMI with Missiles and Lasers till he could deliver some Machine Guns to wipe them out. Taking control of the first truck, the Arctic Cheetah tried to escort him away from the rest of the Bandits. An early Clan Phoenix Hawk jumped over the hill and started getting aggressive with the Mist Lynx causing him to back off, and the Stinger took up a position to try and intercept the Arctic Cheetah. A Javelin soon followed the Phoenix Hawk around the corner, and saw the PPC Adder getting hot. A perfect target for its Infernos.

Getting over the Hill, the Howler and Horned Owl were able to positively ID the blips the others detected. A Sentinel, Panther, and Commando were waiting for them, while a pair of Bandits (C) escorted some supply trucks away from the area. They also identified 2 Heavy Wheeled APCs, a Badger (C), and a Daimyo Command Truck (proxied by an IGMakes wheeled APC) escorting more supply trucks away. The Howler challenged the Sentinel and the Horned Owl challenged the Panther. The Commando, feeling left out, Ran to join the escort of the supply trucks.

The Horned Owl got some good hits on the Panther, and the Panther lost its Right Arm as well as the PPC it carried. It Jumped to try and get away or join its fellows, but it was just too slow, its remaining Missiles only once finding its mark. The Sentinel also ended up losing its Right Arm, but had difficulty landing shots with its SRMs and Ultra AC/5.


On the left flank, with the Tiger immobilized, the Adders moved up to add their considerable firepower to the efforts to secure the supplies by removing their escorts. The remaining J. Edgar did a drive-by the Adders and moved to distract the Fire Moth. The Fire Moth continued dancing around the Immobilized T-12 till it was dead.

The Phoenix Hawk and Javelin moved in to position to engage the Adders, but weren't able to do more than light up the air around them.

The APCs and Supply Trucks moved as quickly as they could to the highway, but were blocked by the Arctic Cheetah. The Cheetah then started pouring fire in to the lead Heavy APC (Yellow), but couldn't land the hits to disable or destroy it quickly enough. The Mist Lynx also poured fire in to the Stinger, but didn't do enough Damage to disable anything.

The duel between the Horned Owl and the Panther raged on, with the Horned Owl stripping more and more Armor of the Panther, but not quite getting a finishing blow. The Panther was pretty much running scared, but not willing to admit it to the trashborn who challenged him. The Sentinel also feeling the heat from the Howler's PPC, ran in to a building for Cover, damaging his own 'Mech in the process.

The Bandit crews were cursing the speed of the trucks they were escorting, as it made it impossible for them to engage with their usual speed.


(apologies in advance, I have no more screenshots, but the story must be finished!)

The Fire Moth finally managed to get a killing blow on the remaining Tiger, but by then, the mission was completed.

The remaining J. Edgar flew up to the LRM Adder to try and flank him, but was punished by the PPC Adder, killing it.

The LRM Adder scored the first kill of the APCs (Blue) as well as the PBI inside, but the PMI platoons laid in to him with rifle fire, scoring two hits on the Head, knocking him out and toppling his Mech.

The Javelin soon lost its leg and its life to the PPC Adder. The Phoenix Hawk was largely untouched throughout the fight, though, its ability to hit, kept it from doing much touching itself.

The Panther finally lost its leg and so lost its Duel. The same with the Sentinel as it tried racing down the street away from the Howler. The Stinger was Damaged, but still able to fight, and the Commando remained untouched by the end.

The Arctic Cheetah was finally able to kill the Yellow APC, as well as the PBI inside, and they were able to take control of half the supplies. The Command Truck realizing its force was outgunned, surrendered.


[Star Captain Jillok]
Adequately done. While you were not able to secure all the resources these bandits were transporting, you did get a notable amount. It is unfortunate that you weren't able to destroy all their Mechs, but you did shatter their Vehicle compliment and hindered their Mech compliment.

You were also able to secure a command vehicle the bandits were using to coordinate their activities. Well done. Through our interrogations we have discovered that a Clan has been providing them the materiel they need to become a problem for us. They had just finished dividing up the spoils of the last delivery when you arrived. They have also given us a schedule for their next meeting date and location.

Due to your fine work, and the obvious inability for the solahma and Freebirths to deal with this situation, you are called upon to intercept this group when they come for this meeting and make sure that they do not add to our bandit problem again. I will notify you as to that time.


A few notes for my future self, I should have applied some pre-existing Damage to most of these bandits, particularly the Tiger tanks. And why the h*** are motorcyles only able to pull 32 kph? It would have been interesting if I had used the Mechanized Infantry instead... Also, Ballistic Rifle PBI can be deadly if they all hit. That's what knocked out the Adder. Next time, just go with the Mobile HQ option, as it is more defenseless.

Still, everyone still had fun, and that's the most important part.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/10 05:23:17

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Megavolt wrote:They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.
Made in us
Not as Good as a Minion

Astonished of Heck

Continuing on this line.

Falcon Wing Bandit Mission #2

[Star Captain Jillok]
Mechwarriors! The contact that the Bandits were working with will be arriving soon. Head out to Farm Enclave Baker-Charlie-Seven. From what we’ve been able to glean from the bandits, they will be using better equipment than the bandits had. This, among other information, are what points to another Clan interfering in Clan business through the Dark Caste. These dezgra did not know which Clan was involved.

Your mission is to intercept the units that are bringing new equipment. Destroy their military units and secure the area. The timing of your launch should arrive in time to catch them in the area. Do note that they were to be meeting some more bandits, so they may arrive at any time.


The understrength binary appeared on scene along the road to the Farming Enclave at a junction that started heading northwest. The binary deployed consisted of 4 Adders, 2 Arctic Cheetahs, a Horned Owl and a Howler 3 “Devil”. They scanned along the road a star of ‘Mechs (a Corvis, Incubus, Jenner IIC, Icestorm, and Howler), 2 Badger APCs, 6 light transport trucks, and one hauler heavy enough to support a lighter ‘Mech chassis to the northwest. The Probes in the Arctic Cheetahs scanned 4 clusters of small Vehicles between them and the incoming Star, and 2 heavier Vehicles along with 4 Mech Signatures past the woods on the road the binary arrived on.

The star of unknown origin advanced up along the road with their APCs and support vehicles. The Corvis moved up the middle trying to bring its heavy autocannon to bear while the Incubus and Icestorm flanked to the west, and the Howler and Jenner IIC moved up on the east. The small cluster of vehicles revved up and began swarming out of the local buildings as some Farm Laborers took it upon themselves to raise up arms against their betters with their light transports and some small arms.

The binary’s Adders moved up in a staggered line to begin engaging the incoming Star with their long-range load outs. The Howler bolted up to engage in close range, while the Arctic Cheetahs move up the eastern flank (and maybe check out incoming signatures), while the Horned Owl leaped over the woods to hold the western flank.

As they exchanged fire, the lead Badger APC took some damage, slowing it down. The Corvis also took some hits, but most of the concentrated fire was on the hover sleds carrying some overly enthusiastic partisan farmers.


The Corvis continued up between a stretch of woods and a small lake to hold a chokepoint. The Incubus and Icestorm decided that they would set up in the woods, ready to burst out and engage the Adders, should they slip up in their maneuvering. The unknown Howler sped up to take a firing position at the edge of the thick woods and the Jenner hopped into the lake for cover and to be ready to intercept any positions. The lead Badger dropped off his Point of Foot Infantry while trying to get to the nearby farm house for cover, while the rear Badger sped forward to take a covering lead in front of the transports. The rearward partisans in their trucks sped up the road to avenge their fallen brother, or so they thought.

The binary’s Adders set up a firing line to make sure nothing survived their view. The Horned Owl continued his flanking action, making it to the thin line of woods on the western side of the lake. The Arctic Cheetahs turned into the heavy woods, ignoring the pings on their sensors in favor of their true objective. The Devil Howler sped into the woods to start hitting the eastern flank and rearward elements.


After a brief exchange of fire, a devastating fusillade saw the Corvis knocked down from the fire. His attempts to stand up would not be successful in time, leading to his ‘Mech’s eventual destruction as later fire poured in. The Badger who took fire earlier would die to the Devil Hower’s fire.

The Adders then all maneuvered into the heavy woods near where they entered the field of battle, daring the enemy to come to them or die to long-range fire. The Howler sped around the edge of the lake, the unknown Howler following after. The Icestorm, seeing this rearward movement sped up to intercept the Devil, only to be followed by the deadly Horned Owl. The Incubus not seeing this trouble sped up to the Adder’s Woods to try and get some opportune shots. As the Arctic Cheetahs Jumped in to the Woods, the Jenner IIC soon followed them in. The Partisans sped down the road, looking for the Adders, and the remaining Badger moved up to a large building, and dropping off their Troops nearby. Meanwhile, those pings kept coming up the eastern road.


The exchange of fire some the Jenner lose an Arm, while mild damage hammered the other units.

Two of the Adders moved out of the Woods to engage anyone who came out of the heavy woods across from them, which the Partisans took advantage of, some skimming under the legs of one of them. The Jenner IIC jumped in to flank and harass the other. One Arctic Cheetah moved up to support the Adder against the Jenner IIC. The Icestorm sped around the lake to take up the unknown Howler’s position, and intercept anyone else coming out of the woods. The Devil Howler backed up to the woods, drawing the unknown Howler with him, and the remaining Badger sped up to engage the forces behind the woods. The Horned Owl hopped into the lake to take on these backwoods units, and an Arctic Cheetah flanked the Icestorm. Meanwhile, the pings cleared the forest and river to reveal a Locust, Mongoose, Mercury, and Blackjack, along with 2 Heavy Wheeled APCs. Meanwhile the Incubus tromped through the Woods to distract, if not kill, one of the Woods Adders. The Infantry took up positions in nearby buildings.

The Devil Howler’s PPC plowed the Center of the unknown Howler, leaving it dead on the ground. The Incubus could not take the fire of the Woods Adders, and so was demolished. One of the Partisan groups harassing the Adder also ended up dying to support fire, and the other took enough fire that they felt that discretion became very valorous..


The fast Lights of the incoming Bandits sped up to engage the Adders, and the Blackjack ran behind them. Their APCs moved up to the buildings to the southeast of the Adders to drop off their Infantry. One of the Adders in the open pulled back towards the Woods, while the other sped around the building to engage the now retreating Jenner IIC. The IceStorm, feeling threatened, ran back to engage the Arctic Cheetah in its rear. The Jenner also pulled back near the Infantry and to keep up with the advancing Adder, while the other Arctic Cheetah pursued. The Horned Owl hopped out of the lake and started pursuing the Icestorm.

The ensuing fire saw minimal damage to the binary while the Locust and Jenner IIC took devastating fire. The Locust lost half of the Actuators in one leg, and its face in the ground. The Jenner’s pilot also could not remain standing.


The three Wood Adders were feeling comfortable in their heavy cover, and let the Mongoose and Mercury flank them. The Locust pilot, seeing a lost cause, began powering down his ‘Mech, but to no avail as the fire finished his ‘Mech off. The Icestorm, in dire straits, at this point used the excessive speed of its kind to retreat from the engagement. The Jenner IIC tried to follow suit, but the Horned Owl and one of the Arctic Cheetahs followed him and their fire took him down. The Devil Howler peeled around the woods to engage the bandit Blackjack. The Wheeled APCs finished moving into position and dropped off their cargo. The remaining partisans kept speeding along the road in retreat.

Mercury did not survive its attempt to flank the Adder it flanked. The Mongoose took heavy fire, damaging rare and vital electronics. The Jenner IIC took a fall, and then was destroyed by the incoming fire of the Cheetah and Horned Owl


With that, the Mongoose also tried to run away, managing to make it into the thin strip of woods, and one of the Adders follows. The APCs also try to flee the scene after the Icestorm, and alongside the Mongoose. The Devil Howler pulled back into the Woods, pulling the Blackjack in after him. The Horned Owl and one of the Arctic Cheetahs went after one of the infantry holed up in one of the farmhouses.

The incoming fire took out the Mongoose’s Legs, its Fall and remaining fire taking out the other Leg. The Mongoose pilot begins shutting down his ‘Mech. One of the Adders pours fire into the building that’s hiding Infantry, destroying the building and the Infantry as a result. The rearmost APC is destroyed by the fire from the Adders. The Arctic Cheetah and Horned Owl takes out the building, but a few soldiers remain, throwing up their hands in surrender. The Horned Owl fires some pot shots at the fleeing Partisans, destroying them.


With most of the enemy destroyed, the Adders move out of the woods. The Adder who took out the Infantry stepped out in the road, blocking the path of the remaining APC on the road, along with an Arctic Cheetah and Horned Owl, so it drives between the Adder’s legs to hide from its fire, but it doesn’t save it from the Cheetah and Owl. Two of the Adders poured their fire into the buildings the Bandit Infantry hid in. The Devil Howler kept pulling the Blackjack further into the woods. This didn’t help the Blackjack, though, as the Devil’s PPC takes off the Blackjack’s head. Meanwhile, the outlier Arctic Cheetah finishes off the Infantry trying to hide in the rubble of their building.



[Star Captain Jillok]
Excellent work, nestlings. You’ve managed to intercept and destroy the ‘Mechs supporting these dezgra bandits as well as devastate the bandit’s combat forces. Hopefully they are destroyed for good, but they are like rats, growing where one least expects it.

We have managed to complete the interrogation of those Mechwarriors that survive. They were all Freebirths, and so of little note themselves. They were sent out because they were worth losing. However, we have learned they were sent on this supply run, and previous ones, by a Star Captain Fredrick of Clan Burrock.

This puts us in a quandary as Clan Burrock is supporting the invasion of the Inner Sphere and this Star Captain is a key member in the Burrock’s bid against Clan Wolf’s Refusal. Khan Elias Critchell wants this kept out of the Clan Council, as does Khan Jocelyn Siddiq of Clan Burrock. As this Star Captain is not Bloodnamed, this may be kept under the radar. A Trial of Grievance has been presented to Star Captain Fredrick and Khan Jocelyn Siddiq of Clan Burrock has accepted on his behalf. Due to your efforts, Khan Ellias Critchell has made you our bid against Star Captain Frederick. I will inform you as to when this Trial will occur, in the meanwhile see to your equipment as you will be on the Dropship with tomorrow’s launch.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/10 05:22:37

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Megavolt wrote:They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.
Made in us
Not as Good as a Minion

Astonished of Heck

Apologies, I didn't have photos from the last Bandit mission, so could not make a report.

[Star Captain Jillok]
Mechwarriors! We have just landed on the planet and will be heading out to the location that Star Captain Frederick has chosen for this Trial of Grievance, a small desert sufficiently far enough to not disturb any local labor activities called Desert Trial Epsilon. He commands a full Trinary of Trueborn Warriors, and has presented them as his defending force. He has said, though, that to use a full Trinary to crush a Binary of new Warriors would be dishonorable, and will only allow as many of his Warriors to fight as we present, out of respect for the work you’ve done. Remember this Trinary was picked to engage the Wolves in their Trial of Refusal, so they will be strong.

Engage this scum of a Star Captain who stains Clan Honor and destroy him.


[Star Captain Jillok]
Excellent work, nestlings! Though, I do not think I can call you that now. While your unit was savaged in this Trial, you were still successful in destroying the blight on Clan honor known as Star Captain Frederick. You are well and truly blooded, and will be transferred out to another unit. SaKhan Timur Malthus has your orders and will be communicating them upon your return to Ironhold.

[SaKhan Timur Malthus]
I have witnessed your ferocity on the field, and it is by Khan Elias Crichell’s suggestion, you will officially be under my command in the Jade Falcon Galaxy, but will be called upon, at the Khan’s request, to fulfill special missions to support other Galaxies, or even the Turkina Keshik itself. Your designation will be the 393rd Irregulars, The Falcon Wing.

Now prepare yourselves. The Trial of Refusal against our return to the Inner Sphere by the Wolves has properly failed. Once the positioning Trials are completed, we will be heading to the Inner Sphere. Of this, I have no doubt. Our first stop will be in the Periphery. These dregs of society should be easily mopped up before our true mission begins.

[In-Character News & Events]
In December 3048, the Grand Kurultai of the Clan Khans met and elected a new ilKhan to direct their invasion. It was decided that 4 Clans will be the front of the Invasion, with a 5th Clan will provide a mobile reserve. Bidding and Trials then ensued to determine who would be placed to invade. As the home of The Founder’s bloodline, Clan Wolf was automatically given a slot, leaving 3 main slots left. Clan Jade Falcon acquitted themselves well, winning every Trial and thus earning the Alpha Corridor, lancing through the Lyran portion of the Federated Commonwealth.

With Dropships prepared and Jumpships charged, 3049 saw the Clans travel the great distance between the Pentagon Worlds and the Periphery. One of the first major events was Von Strang’s World. A strange world that had been held by the descendants of a brutal butcher who served under the hated and despised Stefan Amaris centuries before. Bidding to destroy the descendants of this hated foe was fierce, but Khan Elias Crichell won the right to destroy this blight on humanity.

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Megavolt wrote:They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.
Made in us
Not as Good as a Minion

Astonished of Heck

Falcon Wing Periphery Mission #1

[SaKhan Timur Malthus]
Welcome to the Periphery, Falcon Wing. While we have already conquered a few sorry worlds in our long travel, we have arrived at a prize. Von Strang’s World, named after Colonel Gunthar von Strang, a butcher who served under the despised Stefan Amaris. It is currently being held by his descendant Stephan Von Strang, along with a full regiment of Battlemechs. Khan Elias Crichell has won the bid to take this world from him using his Golden Keshik. He has included you in his bid as well to handle any militia or incidental issues that crop up.

As part of this operation, our Aerospace pilots have scanned an artillery park in range of Khan Elias Crichell’s path receiving munitions. The Khan does not trust the scum Stephan Von Strang to keep them silent. Your task is to either make sure these dezgra freebirth tools stay quiet. Our pilots have also scanned a company of Armor and a company of ‘Mechs in the area. Eliminate them if they interfere with your mission.

Our Aerospace assets haven’t been able to do much more both due to the enemy response, as well as an incoming weather system. The outer edges of this weather system may be hitting you at the same time as you hit the artillery park.


The Falcon Wing Binary fielded a Stormcrow, Vapor Eagle, 2 Shadow Cats, a Stooping Hawk (proxied by a Mongrel), 2 Adders, a Kit Fox, a Mist Lynx, a Horned Owl, a Locust IIC, and an Elemental Point.

As the Falcon Wing Binary approached, they were able to identify the makeup of the 2 companies defending the Artillery Park. The Armor Company was comprised of 2 Pattons, 2 Goblins, 2 Goblins (LRM), 2 Strikers, 2 J. Edgar Hover Tanks, and 2 Hawk Hover Tanks (proxied by 2 Shaltari Tomahawks from Dropzone Commnander). The Mech Company was comprised of a Thunderbolt, Crusader, Hunchback, Vulcan, Griffin, Clint, Firstarter, Javelin, Rifleman, Lancelot, Dervish, and Trebuchet.


As the Falcons entered the field in a rather tight formation, a few of the units in the Von Strang’s Security Company advanced to intercept. The mobile Firestarter, Javelin, and Vulcan leapt out to get scans on these unusual machines advancing on them. The Griffin and Clint moved into sniping positions on the hill they were on, while the Pattons and Goblins moved to valley choke points near their positions. The Hawk Hovercraft, feeling out of position, raced up to bring their PPCs to bear. The Hunchback ran up to the cover of a hill to minimize fire while it brought its fearsome Autocannon to bear. The Dervish leapt back to a covered position, while the Lancelot backed up to one as well. The Trebuchet, feeling bolder, ran up to a nearby sniping post. The Crusader, Thunderbolt, Strikers, Goblins (LRM), J. Edgars, and Rifleman all felt comfortable where they were at.


Early fire saw a few units damaged, but the Javelin saw the worst of it. Losing a leg, the Javelin started eating dirt. In his frustration, and not wanting to draw more fire, he powers down his ‘Mech, and hopes he will be left alone.


As the Falcons advanced, one Adder and the Kit Fox moved to flank the Griffin and Strikers, while the Locust IIC used its fast engine and Sprinted up even farther past everyone. The Stooping Hawk, the Shadow Cats, and the other Adder progressed up the middle to take on the core force, and maybe break through to their objective. The Stormcrow scrambled down the hill it was climbing, while the Horned Owl and Vapor Eagle jumped to cover him.

Meanwhile, the Goblins moved to intercept the Kit Fox and Adder while the Strikers moved into firing position. One of the Goblins ended up getting some Heavy Damage to its motive systems. The Griffin and Clint backed up for better cover, while the Pattons advanced into forested cover in the gap. The Firestarter tried to do a little strike on one of the Shadow Cats, doing little more than lighting up the sky and then getting knocked down. The Hawk Hovercraft moved up to continue bringing their PPCs to bear, but hiding too well to also have a target themselves. The Goblins (LRM) moved up onto the nearby hill as no one was bothering to give them spotting information. The Rifleman moved to try and reach a better position to cover the Artillery Park, but was too slow to reach it quickly. Most of the rest of the units settled down to provide fire where they were at.


The Falcons continued their advance. The Locust continued Sprinting up the flank to hit the Artillery Park as quickly as possible. Meanwhile one of the Adders, a Shadow Cat, and a Mist Lynx continued to do a firing flank up the Goblins’ and Strikers’ side. The other Adder dropped the Elementals they were carrying, which attracted the attention of the Firestarter. The Stooping Hawk kept back and continued to snipe at targets in the middle. The Kit Fox moved into an aggressive position to try and get a firing solution on the artillery. The Horned Owl moved up to cover the Stormcrow, along with the Vapor Eagle.

The Goblins did little more than alter their facing, trying to keep the Kit Fox in sight, but exposed their rear to the Mist Lynx. The Strikers linked up to try and combine their firepower more easily on the flanking Adder, Shadow Cat and Mist Lynx. The Clint stayed in position to continue sniping. The Griffin Ran ahead to try and beat the Kit Fox with its Battle Fists, only to lose its PPC in returning fire, but just flying over the Kit Fox’s head. The Pattons felt secure in their woods, only to have the blue Patton take fusillade after fusillade from the center Adder, its tough Armor barely holding… for now. The Firestarter was able to stand up and Walked down, only to be smashed by the Stooping Hawk. One Hawk Hover Tank sped up to provide covering fire to the central gap. The J. Edgars finally woke up and sped into firing positions, to fire on the Vapor Eagle, but finding little of their fire to hit. The Hunchback ran up to smash the Horned Owl, and the Vulcan Jumped to take its Rear, but the fire from the 3 Clan Mechs would see the Ammo from the Hunchback explode, and the Vulcan knocked down. While the Crusader and Thunderbolt stayed in position to try and make sure their LRMS hit, they were successful in hitting the mobile Vapor Eagle, doing the most Damage to any Clan unit in this scenario (39 Missiles hit).



The next Turn, the Locust finally managed to close range with the Artillery Park, using its Lasers to strip 2 of the Artillery Teams of personnel, but not enough to stop their firing. The flanking Adder and Shadow Cat continued their advance, attracting attention from the Dervish and Trebuchet. The Stooping Hawk hopped into a position to cover it from Periphery fire, while the center Adder and Shadow Cat pushed forward. The Kit Fox leapt up to a commanding position to try and put fire on the Artillery Tanks. The Horned Owl and Vapor Eagle leapt forward to be the first to notably advance on this flank, while the Stormcrow moved in to finish off the Vulcan.

The Goblins and Strikers just spun around to keep the flanking Adder and Shadow Cat in view. The Clint tried to keep the peak of a local hill between him and the flankers, but the Adder just put him down. The Pattons stayed in their Woods to try and stop up the gap, but the Adder’s fire finally smashed through Blue’s thick Front Armor. The Griffin tried to do a Death From a Above on the Kit Fox, but losing Actuators threw off it’s flight profile causing him to crash where he thought the Kit Fox would be, doing even more Damage to itself. The Vulcan Ran to try and bring its Lasers to bear on the Horned Owl, but the fire from the Clan Mechs would end up shredding it to pieces. The Thunderbolt and Crusader stood still to help their aim, but all they managed to do was rearrange the landscape. The Goblins (LRM) and Hover Tanks tried to fire on the Vapor Eagle as well, but were equally unsuccessful.


In the final push of the night, the Locust IIC stayed in place, to focus its fire on one of the Field Artillery, shredding it, and leaving only a few men to run and flee. The flanking Adder ran up to try and take out the lance providing the closest cover to the Artillery, with the Shadow Cat covering them. The Kit Fox and central Adder moved into position to pour fire on some of the Artillery Tanks, managing to kill one. The central Shadow Cat Ran up to get into a commanding position, to severely damage one of the Artillery Tanks. The Elementals stayed behind to put in some pot shots on to the Griffin. The Stormcrow ran up in to a position of cover to fire on the Crusader, and the Horned Owl, and Vapor Eagle leapt out to continue to flank them. Their combined fire managed to set off one of the many Ammo Bays in the Crusader.

The Goblins split up, with Yellow going forward to try and help the Pattons hold the gap, with Blue Goblin chasing after the Flankers. The Strikers stood still to help their aim, but with minimal effect. Yellow Patton left alone, stayed still hoping the woods would provide enough cover. The Hawk and J. Edgar Hover Tanks raced up to help provide cover, but with minimal effect. The Griffin Carefully Stood to bring its LRMs into play, but lost its Gyro, from returning fire. The Goblins (LRM) turned around to help out as well, but their fire was relatively ineffectual. The Crusader’s and Thunderbolt’s shots also failed to do any notable damage. The Lancelot pilot finally woke up to units crossing the gap and poured its Lasers in to the Shadow Cat, but only doing little more than provide an annoying light show. The Dervish, hearing of the Field Artillery being hit, leapt over to pour Laser and SRM fire into the Locust IIC, to minimal Damage. The Trebuchet, seeing an opportunity, ran to the flanking Adder’s rear, but its Damage wasn’t enough. The return fire from the Adder and Shadow Cat left it without a Gyro.


[SaKhan Timur Malthus]
Good job in silencing that artillery, Falcon Wing. It is too bad that you could not get there in time to stop them from firing at all. It is fortunate that their skills are as poor as their morality as their shells ended up only hitting bare dirt.

Get back to the Dropship and have your ‘Mechs repaired. The Khan has another job for you, and we need you ready to tackle it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/06 16:50:34

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Megavolt wrote:They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.
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