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[WQ] Cursed City question about a replacement part  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Fresh-Faced New User

3 days ago I purchased a new copy of Cursed City from a FLGS. I went out of town and came home, excited to open my new game and start working on building the miniatures. To my shock, I opened it to find that one sprue had punched its way through the cardboard underneath and one of the parts on that sprue is broken. The beard of the hero wizard guy. I contacted the store where it was purchased from, but they don't have any more in stock and offered me a refund. I don't want to return it without getting a replacement. I could repair the part fairly easily, but before I attempt that, I wanted to ask; Whats the likelihood that GW would replace it? I've taken pictures and have the receipt. I hear mixed things about them replacing things. Also, should I hold off on doing anything with the set until I reach out to them first? I'm really itching to start building the models.
[Thumb - 20240317_233005.jpg]
Cursed City broken part

Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

GW, I'd assume, would tell you to return it to the store you bought it from.

Had a similar issue with Blackstone Fortress when I got two of the same deck, but another was missing. For all the hassle involved I just snagged a cheap replacement on EBay.

If its the only issue with the set, had bought it on discount, and are confident of repairing the damage with some sculpting or kitbashing, then I would not worry about it. I assume you'll be painting them up anyway?

Casual gaming, mostly solo-coop these days.

Made in gb
Devastating Dark Reaper

I had the exact same issue when I got my copy of cursed city on release. GW said to go through the FLGS I bought it from and all they could do was offer me a return and refund due to lack of stock.

You can always try GW, but I doubt they'll help and it will probably be less hassle to repair it yourself.
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


I'd email gw. They have stock so can replace it. They are normally good for that and don't care where you bought it. I'd send a copy of the receipt just as proof of purchase as well if you can.

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Decrepit Dakkanaut


 JamesY wrote:
I'd email gw. They have stock so can replace it. They are normally good for that and don't care where you bought it. I'd send a copy of the receipt just as proof of purchase as well if you can.

I've not been through the process in a while, but there are enough reports that GW has been changing their stance on this to one where you have to deal with the store you bought from and get a replacement there instead of going through GW. I think its in response to an increase in fake requests based off people buying things from ebay stores and secondhand on FB. So GW would end up sending replacement stock several times over for the same erroring model that was being sent around the stores. Not to mention any outright fake requests since GW's policy was just to send a new order of a full kit.

Ergo I think the abuse of the system grew and grew and finally GW is making people go through the stores as that way GW knows 100% that the store is trading with them and that the kits are being replaced properly and not generating false reports for them.

It's a huge pain to lose what was once one of the best customer service experiences; but at the same time its understandable and its still very much legal and in-line with standard business practice.

Now it might be some things GW will still directly replace for so it can't hurt to contact them with the full details of the purchase and the error, but just be prepared that they will tell you to go through the store you bought from.

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Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Aah that's a shame to hear. It's been a while since I had an issue of that sort, so a real shame if that's the case. That is why though I always sent proof of purchase, just so that they knew it was a legitimate case.

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