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Questions ariving from reserves t1 and regrowing units/models.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in no
Liche Priest Hierophant


Hello. There is in some rule clarification that units that start on the table can arrive from reserve turn 1. How ever I do not know where that is, and I need to confirm it by Sunday.

(Start some models on the table. Put them in reserves with return from the shadow if my opponent goes first. My turn deep strike them back in.) But I don't know where that is. Anybody know?

I assume the mission rules perhaps since it is mission rules that prevent is from deep striking turn 1.

Also, if I regrow a unit either an entire new unit, or a model with a banner, can I use one use items again? Looking at you demolition accolytes.

Made in us
Confessor Of Sins

Tacoma, WA, USA

 Niiai wrote:
Hello. There is in some rule clarification that units that start on the table can arrive from reserve turn 1. How ever I do not know where that is, and I need to confirm it by Sunday.

(Start some models on the table. Put them in reserves with return from the shadow if my opponent goes first. My turn deep strike them back in.) But I don't know where that is. Anybody know?

I assume the mission rules perhaps since it is mission rules that prevent is from deep striking turn 1.
I am unaware of any such rule. If you place a unit into Strategic Reserves, it may be deployed until the Second Battleround. Some Missions also prevent any units from entering from Reserves, not just Strategic Reserves, during the first battleround.
Also, if I regrow a unit either an entire new unit, or a model with a banner, can I use one use items again? Looking at you demolition accolytes.
New units are new units and thus have not used their one-use items/abilities yet.

Returned models are the same models returning to the unit. They cannot use one-time items/abilities again.
Made in se
Slaanesh Chosen Marine Riding a Fiend

Uppsala, Sweden

This is a bit tricky. But let me try to explain.

In the Core Rules, there are two types of Reserves: Strategic Reserves and Deep Strike. Strategic Reserves has a built in limit saying you cannot arrive earlier than round 2. But the Deep Strike rule has no such limits, so if playing with only the Core Rules, you can deep strike turn 1.

However, the Leviathan missions has further limitations. And since almost everyone plays with those missions all the time, you need to consider them.

"Reserves units cannot arrive during the first battle round and any Strategic Reserves or Reserves that have not arrived on the battlefield by the end of the third battle round count as having been destroyed, as are any units embarked within them (this does not apply to units that are placed into Strategic Reserves after the first battle round has started)."

Notice how this is all one long rule that does not apply to units placed into Strategic Reserves during the battle.

But, remember that Strategic Reserves have a built in limit to when you may deploy using those rules. The workaround for that is that a unit in Strategic Reserves where every model has the Deep Strike ability, they may deploy using the rules for Deep Strike. Which is not limited to turns.

The rules commentary explains it like this: "Deep Strike (and Strategic Reserves): If a unit with the Deep Strike ability arrives from Strategic Reserves, the controlling player can choose for that unit to be set up either using the rules for Strategic Reserves or using the Deep Strike ability. This also applies if a unit with the Deep Strike ability is placed into Strategic Reserves during the battle."

As for your second question. Shooting with a One Shot weapon does not remove or destroy that weapon. The model still has it. (which is great with Demo Charges, because they are assault weapons so the unit can Advance and still be "eligible to shoot", so they can do many missions after advancing)

So if a particular model is destroyed, and then Ressurected/returned to that unit (Cult Icon for example) then it will be the same model with the same weapon as it begun the battle with. And the game will remember if it is used or not.

But, Cult Ambush and the Astra Militarum stratagem Reinforcements!, those doesn't return destroyed models. They _replace_ the entire unit. That means instead of the acolyte André with the Demo Charge Deborah, we get the Acolyte Annie with the Demo Charge Duncan. And Annie has not yet shot with Duncan.

So André can never "reset" or reload his Demo Charge.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Good luck tomorrow. I hope you see this before then.

And you should know that a lot of people think that One Shot weapons are destroyed/removed when used, despite the rule not saying anything like it, but instead clearly forbidding further shooting with them. Which implies they are still there. (it makes a lot of sense in the fiction that a Demo Charge is destroyed on use, but that is not the rule)

A few people are still confused over the whole "new unit" and how that means they are new models with new One Shot weapons.

So please talk through the above with the Tournament organiser or your opponent before playing.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/03/23 16:11:31

Made in gb
Eternally-Stimulated Slaanesh Dreadnought


Only rule I can think of is grey knights "first to the fray"rule which allows a leader and deep strike capable squad to come in on turn 1 2 or 3 regardless of mission rules
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

The rule that allows t1 reserves, is in the Pariah Nexus Battles sheet.

See section 8, under Reserve Restrictions, second bullet point:

"Reserves units cannot arrive on the battlefield during the first battle round (excluding units placed into Strategic Reserves during the battle).

Personally, I dislike this new twist, but that is what the Pariah Nexus rules state, unless they have fixed it with an errata update.

The only time this comes into play is for the player who goes second, and has units that return to reserves during your opponents turn.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/07/10 15:18:49

Made in us
Confessor Of Sins

Tacoma, WA, USA

Seems to be a clarification of rules to avoid a catch-22 problem. Otherwise, what do you do in those circumstances that a unit is placed from play into Strategic Reserves with the instruction to be deployed on your next turn that happens to also be during the first Battle Round?
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

As it reads now, unless I missed an update, units that usually arrive on T1, are prevented from arriving until T2. So the only units that can come in on T1 from reserves are units that start on the battlefield, and only for the player going second.

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