You can redress your ranks by giving up half your movement to move max 5 models from your back rank to your front rank
or from your front to your back rank. Thats clear
xxxxx = xxxxxxxxxx
To reform a unit you have to give up your movemt to change your facing and unit formation, my quistion is is there no limit how far a model can move at a reform.
unit 5X4 reform in a sinlge rank 1x20
xxxxx = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In the 5x4 unit only 5 model can fight in the other all can fight and will score more kills then a +2 combat resulution from the rankbonus.
Can i reform a 5x4 unit into a 1X20 rank. you want more movement then reform a unit 5x8 unit in to 1x40 thats a lot off movement i get for free.
Maybe im missing something.