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Planning A Very Unorthodox Slaves to Darkness Army  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Yellin' Yoof on a Scooter

Somewhere in rural Georgia

With the approach of the 4th Edition of Age of Sigmar, I'm contemplating running a very soupy Chaos Undivided army of Slaves to Darkness. While some people have recommended larger vanguard boxes,. I feel that I will buy the smaller unit boxes and character boxes while using the resources I have at my disposal.

I have (as of now) about 150pts these comprise of some Oldhammer Pewter Chaos Furies I plan on refurbishing and two Chaos Spawn I own. I also have about 1k of various Chaos Daemons of Bloodletters, Plaguebearers, Horrors, and Bloodcrushers. Plus some other Khorne units here and there. I plan on having daemonic allies to eventually push up my list to 2k, (when I can).

Another aspect is I want to also run Chaos cultists from the Warcry boxsets, making my army very soupy, diverse, wacky, and unorthodox.

I plan on building up my STD army like I did my Orks, with no real synergy in mind and more or less built as I go along and buying smaller unit packs here and there. Some people have suggested the bigger boxes, but that overwhelms me and I would much rather focus on a smaller project to get completed in a month and build up my army as I go along.

I know the 4th Edition isn't out yet, but as for buying, hobbling, and collecting before a new Battletome would this be a good idea? My army will be very casual and have a little bit of everything in it.
Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

Hard to say now how 4h works and allows what you plan.

Good news it can mostly help you as ally rules are very restricting and basically stops your idea. 1/4 units and max 400pts. So you can get 400 pts worth of daemons. And no khorne mortals.

And allies generally don't benefit from army rules. 1st prince legion and basic daemons exception.

Would try to limit allies for now to future proof.

Warcry boxes much safer to go wild on.
Made in pl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Belthanos wrote:
Warcry boxes much safer to go wild on.

Wellllllll, about that... You might want to reconsider this answer
Made in gb
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk


Yep they're going away.
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