With the approach of the 4th Edition of Age of Sigmar, I'm contemplating running a very soupy Chaos Undivided army of Slaves to Darkness. While some people have recommended larger vanguard boxes,. I feel that I will buy the smaller unit boxes and character boxes while using the resources I have at my disposal.
I have (as of now) about 150pts these comprise of some Oldhammer Pewter Chaos Furies I plan on refurbishing and two Chaos Spawn I own. I also have about 1k of various Chaos Daemons of Bloodletters, Plaguebearers, Horrors, and Bloodcrushers. Plus some other Khorne units here and there. I plan on having daemonic allies to eventually push up my list to 2k, (when I can).
Another aspect is I want to also run Chaos cultists from the Warcry boxsets, making my army very soupy, diverse, wacky, and unorthodox.
I plan on building up my STD army like I did my Orks, with no real synergy in mind and more or less built as I go along and buying smaller unit packs here and there. Some people have suggested the bigger boxes, but that overwhelms me and I would much rather focus on a smaller project to get completed in a month and build up my army as I go along.
I know the 4th Edition isn't out yet, but as for buying, hobbling, and collecting before a new Battletome would this be a good idea? My army will be very casual and have a little bit of everything in it.