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Battletech (particularly wizkids) experts, can you help me ID these mechs?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Using Inks and Washes

San Francisco, CA

Hey pros,

I have a bunch of Battletech mechs from Wizkids old clickey game, but they're all rebased, and I don't know what any of these are. Two questions:

1. Once I've identified them, how do I search for the images on the Master Unit List page (e.g., I want to customize a card, and use the image of the mech I own, even if it's not quite the mech on the card, like I own this mini: http://masterunitlist.info/Unit/Details/7633/vulture-mk-iii-mad-dog-mk-iii-blo, but I want to put his image on this card: http://masterunitlist.info/Unit/Details/1982/mad-cat-timber-wolf-e)


2. Can you help me identify these 16 mechs (one is technically a tank... And apologies for the slightly blurry pics for a few, hopefully that's adequate)


I play...


Who am I kidding? I only paint these days... 
Made in us
Not as Good as a Minion

Astonished of Heck

Sorry, not so good with the Dark Age stuff, so I can't do much in the ID department.

 pancakeonions wrote:
1. Once I've identified them, how do I search for the images on the Master Unit List page (e.g., I want to customize a card, and use the image of the mech I own, even if it's not quite the mech on the card, like I own this mini: http://masterunitlist.info/Unit/Details/7633/vulture-mk-iii-mad-dog-mk-iii-blo, but I want to put his image on this card: http://masterunitlist.info/Unit/Details/1982/mad-cat-timber-wolf-e)

However, I'm pretty decent at this part.

First you need the image on the internet, and it's URL.

Second, get the stats you want to put on the card. If it's just a carbon copy, great, just open the other card in another window, and you're good (though your example IS two different chassis). Most of those should have an Alpha Strike card once you know what to look for and it's type over. Being able to have 2 windows side-by-side will make this a lot easier.

Third, go to the Tools option in Master Unit List, and select the Alpha Strike Card Generator.

Fourth, fill out the stats so they are appropriate. At the bottom is the "Image URL" box which is where you put the URL of the image you are trying to import.

Fifth, click the "Generate Card button and it will generate an image of the card, which you can save, copy, etc, and then play.

So, here's the expanded image of my Thanatos that I use for my Avatar as its baseline card:

Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
Megavolt wrote:They called me crazy…they called me insane…THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right.
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Master Engineer with a Brace of Pistols

washington state USA

here is a list of them


the pointy nose one is a raptor II, i see some jupiters in there as well as

The tank is a DI Schmitt

the blocky red/white one with the rotary cannon on the shoulder is a legionnaire, behind it is the RAC rifleman

GAMES-DUST1947/infinity/B5 wars/epic 40K/5th ed 40K/victory at sea/warmachine/battle tactics/monpoc/battletech/battlefleet gothic/castles in the sky,/heavy gear 
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Ragin' Ork Dreadnought

Monarchy of TBD

3 are a pair of Crimson Hawks.
1A is either a Goshawk, or Goshawk II.
1B is a Blade

Klawz-Ramming is a subset of citrus fruit?
Gwar- "And everyone wants a bigger Spleen!"
Mercurial wrote:
I admire your aplomb and instate you as Baron of the Seas and Lord Marshall of Privateers.
Orkeosaurus wrote:Star Trek also said we'd have X-Wings by now. We all see how that prediction turned out.
Orkeosaurus, on homophobia, the nature of homosexuality, and the greatness of George Takei.
English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleyways and mugs them for loose grammar.

Made in us
Been Around the Block

I was having trouble telling what was solved and what wasn't so I've complied everything in the thread so far, plus my own additions below.

1A Goshawk, 1B DI Schmidt, 2A Ghost, 2B Shockwave, 3A Crimson Hawks, 3B Rifleman-8D, 4A spider-8x 4B Jupiter

Group 2
1A raider, 1B Blade, 2A Raptor 2, 2B Uller, 3A Panther probably the 14R variant, 3B Firestarter, 4A Dasher 2, 4B koshi

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/02 18:16:55

Made in us
Using Inks and Washes

San Francisco, CA

Thanks a TON for the help guys, much appreciated.


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