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Made in us
Dakka Veteran

 Easy E wrote:
With the completion of the Cathedral, the Cardinal was free to spread his influence across two new fronts, the first was building up the Out-Hive missionary and shrines. In addition, he began building his contacts across the sub-sector.

He had a tight grip on the food production and a strong hand on luxury manufacture on St. Bonifactius' Reach. In addition, he had a strong hand in managing the Space Port itself thanks to his funding and land grants. He had considerable sway in what cargo could land, where it could be stored, which cargo had easy access to distribution, and what cargo could leave. This power gave him lee-way with the Ad-Mech, but he mostly left them to their own devices; confident that Mechandrite had learned from 01's errors.

However, for the most part he contented himself with gaining more wealth, influence, and power here and abroad. Several times in the two decades he left the planet in order to conclave with his peers, leaving the day-to-day operations to the Bishop. The man lacked some vision, but he managed as an administrator in the Cardinal's absence. However, the Cardinal still preferred to travel lightly, with only a few priestly aides and his own sense of pomp and grandeur to accompany himself.

While off-world the Cardinal looked to three key tasks. First, he strove to negotiate and authorize the opening of a new Convent for the Order of the Sainted Choir of Battle Sisters on St. Bonifactious Reach. Second, he also updated and received, painful Rejuvenate treatments. Third, Richemont spent time building an off-world support network, should his new Governor decide he no longer wanted to play nice with the Cardinal's power network. Afterall, he needed counter-balances to the new powers Loisy held.

The Cardinal had a strong grip on St. Bonafactius" Reach, but one should always hedge their bets.

[Excellent. I'll have to give you a Sisters of Battle Presence! Feel free to start writing them into the narrative. Not a massive presence but at least a convent somewhere]

Summers nodded her head to Gaussenberg.

"Oh you'll be supplying the crews for the tithe as well. Not the officers though. They come from the Naval Academy, but all the enlisted and the servitors. As for the fuel, I'm sure we'll be able to coordinate efforts to extract the necessary resources from across this stellar system."

"In any case, I'm sure you all have much planning to do so I will leave you all to it. I'm anxious to return to my ship, as I am sure you understand."

As she begins to exit Mechandrite begins to rattle off his prognosis out of habit, which causes a smirk from the Captain.

"Exacto...Extremis. Calculating..and extrapolating over 10 year period. Luxury good production, slash to 0% null production. Food subsidies...slash to 50% but may need to slash to 100%...probability unknown. Probability social unrest...high. Probability contagion/sanitation/plague. Medium to High."

Decisions to Contemplate

-Keep the 6 system defense ships in system for planetary defense, or send them into the warp to help the Nabvy look for salvage?

-What do you tell the people about the tithe? Do you tell them about a possible discount if salvage is found?

-Any steps to prepare for the tithe's hardships?

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Administrator von Gaussenberg stands up, makes the sign of the Aquila and bows a little bit, as the Navy representative leaves - which given his age might take a little while and a bit of assistance by his younger aide. "Emperor bless you, Commander"

As the council settles back in he looks over to Mechandrite and points out - in a friendly, not judging way "We all knew this day would come. We had decades of peace and prosperity and that was for the most part because other worlds shouldered the weight of enemy agression and heavy tithes to keep us save. Now it is time to do our part - whatever the cost.

I would like to propose some ideas for discussion. I imagine matching the necessary adjustments with a larger media campaign. Picture a series of not only short advertisements but maybe a mini-series of full fleged picts in the cinemas, narrating the short but amazing success story of our planet, but from an imperial perspective. Show the populace the heavy toil of workers in the manufactorums of Verghast, to produce the prefab blocks that build our hives foundations. Picture the marvelous pearl of our world comming into focus of a perfidious alien invader - fought back under brave sacrifices by the adamant crewmen of Hydraphurs Navy. Some veterans of our first regiments shown fighting side by side with heroes from Catachan, Cadia, Armageddon... all the pathos and gravity you can imagine. And then, when we highlighted how much we were protected to flourish the way we did by the sacrifice of others, shift the focus to some small newfounded colony somewhere else. Show them a happy little family, building a farm to toil away and make a living of their own, besieged on all sides by disaster and enemies and ask the viewer "We had our heroes, will we step up to be a hero now?" - or something like that.

Sell the populace on the idea that this is not a punishment, this is an opportunity to be a hero - whatever this looks like. Celebrate manufactorum crews that turn over to 16 hour shifts as if they were veterans of a battle. Give them imagines of Navy crewman in splendid uniforms going out and seeing the universe to help with enlistment. Where food is rationed, show a healthy Bonifation breaking his bread to give it to a starving imperial child that looks like one from the newer colonies from the pictscreen and so on."
He looks around what the others think about the general line of thought.

[Disclaimer: the following is in character in a very grimdark setting. Anything said does not reflect the writers opinion. If it is against forum standards feel free to contact me and I will edit this post]

"Meanwhile it cannot be denied that some... adjustments will be necessary. I propose to modify our legal code to change all punishments to either hard forced labor or induction to be a servitor. And lets be honest, with hard forced labor I mean working them to death. No point in picturing this any more pretty, because that's what is needed. We WILL loose some of our population to starvation and exhaustion, we might as well let criminals pay most of that price to preserve as much of the innocent as possible. And while we are at it, I feel it is my duty to give another proposition: it might be useful to select a part of our population as sacrifice to take the fall for the rest of them. Choose some group, be it some subsect of the imperial cult, the inhabitants of some region or the like and prop them up as supposed traitors. Doesn't really matter if they are, as long as the majority believes it. Afterwards we can use a significant amount of slave labor without loosing to much of the favor of the majority of the population which will be the base stock of our future population. It is cruel, but instead of everyone paying a hefty price we might as well select some to pay the ultimate price for all of us."

After von Gaussenberg being rather peaceful and lighthanded in his rule so far, the propositions indeed sound quite uncharacteristic for him. But in the grant scheme of things he might have a point as those selected as "survivors" would have a good chance to get through the crisis better.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/30 08:08:24

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Finally, Loisy entered the room. He had urgent matters from the Munitorum to attend and thus he had had his most trusted officer and second in command, Lieutenant-Colonel Boucher, replace him and take notes of what had happened, but he didn't intervene, as he was only here to take the place of his master.

When the Colonel stepped in, he was disappointed to see that the navy representatives had left. In fact, he would have had quite the important question: did they contact the Munitorum about this? All their demands would be de facto null if not, as the world now being a garrison world, albeit yet minor grade, it depended from the Imperial Guard first and foremost. The Colonel new that the greater picture out there in the galaxy was never truly full on their part, so they needed to not divide their contribution too much and instead trust that by firstly paying what they owe they administrative overlord, they'd make sure not to make mayhem in the wider schemes and projections. Besides, diverting that much ressources was not really pleasing to him, at least not in the quantity he vaguely got a glimpse of from some reports that preceded Summers.

Such a question would have to be asked later then.

For now, he saluted von Gaussenberg friendly. While their work relation sometimes got heated, true respect and even some friendship installed. Since then, with the tasked parted in a clever way, they didn,t need to actually have an argument.

To the Cardinal, the salute was colder. When, they had this talk twenty years ago as he became governor, the matters were settled clearly: the cardinal from then onwards knew he was on the radar, as the threats were not even veiled or hinted, but paradoxaly, some measure of balance was reached: stay out of my radar, and everything be find. Overstep, and you'll find yourself dead before you know it. With the backing of the Munitorum, even a contagent of sororitas was not nearly enough to actually tip the threat, and as Loisy trusted, the cardinal, being, he thought, more interested in self agrandisment than risking his life, was most content to just be left to his own devices as long as he posed no hinderance.

The Colonel was visibly worn. To all, he told of his late nights at work, his visits to the garrisons and training fields, the overseeing of manoeuvers, the setting in motion precisely that which he had candidated for. And it was definitly part of it.

However, he had told literaly no one about the nightmares that plagued him for nights on end. Of the cheking in the morning, to make sure his features were unchanged. Of the voluntary bio scan tests to check himself for deviance. Nor of the voices in his head, cackeling and mocking at his fears with alien cruelty. All that was for him, and him alone. But to compensate, he had found a helper. Boucher was the man that managed to restrain, calm, or divert attention in his fits of madness. Unbeknowst to all, Boucher was not just a scribe, nor a second in command. He was the voice of reason to the Colonel's side. He had been the one to make him strike some form of status quo, despite the Colonel's paranoia. Make no mistakes: Boucher was just as relentless, blunt and militaristic, but he hadn,'t fallen to the Colonel's paranoia. Not yet, at least. For now, while he regularly flung into rage, several time sover checked and cleansed the pdf and enforcers, or the workers, things mostly moved in the right direction. But deep down, Loisy wished for one thing above all now: to finish this world's transformation as fast as possible, and step down from his position as governor.

Loisy spoke: "Comrades, what are the news?"

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/05/30 18:35:50

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

The freshly shaved Cardinal entered the chambers, far too late to see the Imperial Navy Captain. As part of his Rejuve treatments, he had to shave off his long, grey beard, and his signature bushy eyebrows were now much less wild. He sported the white robes and red vestments, and it was with some satisfaction that he noted his official hat was the tallest in the room.

He returned the Governor's cool salute with the sign of the Aquila. He noticed that LTC Bloucher was with him, and that gave the Cardinal some measure of satisfaction.

As he feared, the Navy had come to take their pound of flesh. Loisy had gotten his wish, and now everything he (and the others) had worked for was in danger. The requirements of the Imperial Navy combined with the requirements of the Munitorium would be crushing. The challenge of the Worker's Union would pale in comparison to what was before them now.

Be careful what you ask, for the Emperor may grant it.

"Comrades, I am sure we all recall the challenge of the Worker's Union from decades past. We were able to crush them through a three-tiered approach, the Food stipends, the creation of a tiered society, and a harsh crackdown on dissent.

What we will face now will be 100 times more challenging. We all know that the traditional controls we have implemented in the past will no long be sufficient. Our friend Mechandrite has shared the calculations with us all and the Bread and Circus strategy is unsustainable. We can implement Von Gaussenberg's suggestions, and it will still not be enough.

The only way to lessen the burden is via the Salvage option. We all know that we can not maintain order, and meet the requirements of the Munitorium and the Imperial Navy at the same time.

However, I expect that the Governor has more expertise in this area than I or Von Gaussenberg."
The Cardinal bowed his head respectfully to Loisy.

Be careful what you pray for indeed.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/30 19:51:58

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

A few clerks are seen scurrying through the room as one rushes off to transmit an encoded vox message to the Munitorum Liaison Office. A few minutes later a servitor returns with a scroll and hands it to the Governor.

"Munitorum confirms all Navy requests have maximum priority."

That essentially meant that the Tithe is whatever the Navy says it is.

At least that meant that no new Munitorium burdens would be forthcoming. However, the world was obligated to host and accommodate around one full Imperial Guard regiment at a time, and have enough weaponry to resupply additional Imperial Guard units scheduled for re-supply, so most of the existing burdens would not be going away.

However, on the plus side, that also meant that a highly trained Imperial Guard regiment from off world was already on hand to assist the PDF with any civil disturbances.

The Colonel struggled to recall the name of the current regiment...

You guys can use one of the regiments from your own lore!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/31 02:22:00

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Loisy had his answer.

"If the munitorum so wishes, then we will comply. However, I'd rather build these ships rather than try and salvage them. These wrecks are entry points for genstealers, heretics and xenos of all sorts, and I do not want to bring them to our shores. Better they stay in their derelicts. Mechadandrite, what do you say about our industrial and orbital dockyards capabilities?

However, if we find some way to redirect the derelicts somewhere else where we don't risk bringing in any form of infestation from off world, then this could be done. In any case, whatever mission we would mount out there will need total spiritual overseeing. It will come to the Munistorum. Are you able to send priests and sororitas into the stars, if we have got no better choice but to actually go salvage?"

Loisy was again being the malicious player, and it seemed, yet again, that he had gained tremendous experience in pushing others in delicate positions. He would actually make good use for the Cardinal, but deplete him of some soritas or have him liable for blame by the Navy for not cooperating, and no one was better poised than the military arms of the Imperium to that purpose.

"Von Gaussenberg, I think you are more or less right. We have become a fortress world, albeit minor. The duty of any citizen of saint bonifatius, the primary duty that is, is to die so the imperium can live. Be it in the ammunition dumps as logistics and factory recruits, or on the battlefield far from here. This is what we have been engraining into them from the moment we steered towards this future, and it is now time to mobilise it to full force. I'll have my communications offices roll the drums and motivational efforts wash over this tide like a tidal wave, but we should not forget that even here, traitors are plenty. These traitors musnt get an opportunity to slip away or cause damages.

We will no longer be able to soothe people with luxury goods. But the politic we used for the trade union somewhat stands. Glory, honour and fame to those who follow and sacrifice, bastardly death and toture to those who do not yield.".

Loisy was not very specific here, but he was governor, not administrator, and his role was to lead the way, not to care about every minute detail... Although he would, in shadows, try to, to make sure no one tries to stab him in the back. He relied on the military mindset the newer generation were possessed of to hold the line against all hardship.

As he had more or less adressed all representatives of importance, paused, and looked them into the eyes, waiting for everyone to speak under his half mad glaze, and tell him what they thought... His eyes were ferocious, even tired, and somewhat told everyone that he would probably not actually have got an ear for just any proposals. But they were used to his temper, and knew how to contradict him in a way that didn't spark his paranoia, so there was, hopefully, no reason this would derail this time.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg did not really love the signs of Loisys paranoia showing again, even though he understood where the man was coming from. Regarding the possible attempt to salvage ships he gives his council "I would suggest we try our luck with salvaging, it's the best way to provide the Navy with the ships they need immediatly in a time frame short enough to plug the holes in our battle lines before the enemy can seize the initiative. But I understand that we have to be careful. We could steer for smaller vessels, which seem to me to be easier to cleanse and control, should they be infested. And while it might be easier to rebuild them in direct contact with our world, we might be able to do it in a highly quarantined shipyard not to close, maybe at the L4 or L5 Lagrange points." he looks over to Mechandrite if that would be possible.

"While I agree that the Sororitas with the emperors blessing - and their heavier arms and armor - might be excellently suited to clean up these vessels during a bording action, we will need "boots on the ground" to hold the decks that have been cleansed and support the daughters of the convent. And only the PDF and Guard can supply the numbers necessary for that. We should also keep in mind that PDF soldiers are much easier to replace then the Adeptas. As our world will suffer a lot more attention from the Imperiums enemies in the near future, regardless of our actions, we should be vary of expending a ressource as valuable as these elite warriors."
Which was his way of not outright refusing Loisys idea to hand the cleaning operation to the Cardinal, but putting it in a perspective that might actually work. Even though it was obvious what Loisys intentions had been, he indirectly had a point that powerarmored troops with the holy trinity of flamer, bolter and melta were excellently suited to fight in the confined environment of ships.

"I would not concede the luxury item production just yet. Our artisans have gained significant experience and fame in this regard. With the starport opperational we might be able to barter our production away to other worlds and Rogue traders in exchange for usable ship hulls and bargain used trading or older military vessels. Anything we can get cheap now and then transfer into a halfway usable support ship with weapons as soon as possible. Mid- to long term we should and will build serious and well functioning battle ships like Sword classes and the like, but for the immediate future we need first and formost just hulls with guns strapped to them and we need them now." he looks over to the Cardinal, hoping that this way he could preserve some of his well developed domain while stil chipping in for the immediate crisis.

"I will try my best to pull every string I can to get us ships or ressources. Over the years I hope I made some friends in the Administratum. Who knows, maybe we get lucky and can convince some fleet Admiral to lend us some Destroyers until we are able to set things up for production."

He turns to Mechandrite and poses a question, without shame or feeling any guilt to be blunt about it "Esteemed colleague, could you make contact with your superiors and bargain with them for as much support as possible to construct a shipyard in our system? I am fully aware of the old saying that you can never have "fast, good and cheap", usually only one of the three and two only if you suffer in the third. We need that shipyard fast an and it must not be bad, so it will be expensive. If they would agree to lend us a factory ship I would recommend to offer them extensive mining rights in our system. Of course only if the Governor agrees. But we should try to set up such a deal, as it would help tremendously."

[by the way: the dark and sinister propaganda film used to lure young people into the clutches of the Navy...]

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

The Cardinal gritted his teeth. Yet again, the man's paranoia would lead to ruin for the Imperium.

"Of course, I can have Priests go with the boarding parties for any salvage." He could think of a few to send away.

"As you are well-aware, the Sororitas are beholden to their own command structure and make their own decisions on operational duties. I can inquiry, but highly doubt they will have sufficient numbers. They are better suited acting as the righteous hand of the Emperor in supporting the Adeptus Arbites and Enforcers planetside to ensure your will is done.

If we lose the food stipend AND the luxury goods then we will surely need them to quell the people. Patriotic and religious fervor can take some citizens only so far.
" There was no way in the Warp he was going to let Loisy manage all the guns planetside. The man was unstable. Plus, the Cannoness of the Order had valuable connections of her own to keep on-side.

"We may also want to consider press-ganging work gangs and the like from the underhive with the help of the Astra Militarum, PDF, and Enforcers. We can use the press-ganged underhivers in the Manufactorums until we have a ship to send them off on. It would reduce any delay in supporting our Navy bretheren. Perhaps they could boost Luxury productions temporarily and stockpile them for the more difficult times ahead. Such a stockpile, strategically dolled out would allow for Richemont to keep the aristocracy inline with the new Governor's agenda. Of course, he knew if he said as much out loud, the Governor would simply dismiss him out of hand.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/31 19:18:19

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Loisy listend carefully. He shook is head, and answered first on where he was most comfrotable: army.

"I will talk to the Sisters. The PDF nor the guard have got the strength of will and equipment to actually cleanse ship wrecks. They are ill trained to taht. Sending them would end in disaster. However, manning the docks will be their task no questions asked, but we need to redirect as many bioscanners as possible to make sure no taint goes through and quarantine all docks that are to receive the derelicts. And hear me: as heartbreaking as it is for me to sacrifice men in this way, I am not certain yet that this will not be a suicide mission for those. We cannot afford the least taint, and should it break trhough, i'll yet have got to actually see what mettle the guard were hosting are made of...
waiting to know what regiment it is!

Choices have got to be made. Food is necessary and should remain aflot. Luxury good will wait. While von gaussenberg's reasonning is good in a sense, that we should retain this experience for further use when the tithe has passed, it is probably impossible, although I want to here the Magos again and in details about this. Of course, as our esteemed prime minister said, I grant all access to all the ore ressources you need for the time being, as long as we are not back to normal. Should some luxury goods still be produced, I task you, Cardinal, with hoarding them, and to be ready to hand them over to the administratum in case of emergency.

As for the gangers... One should be wary of those. I lay this to your better understanding. Do we want to put them at work and risk uprising? Or to send them as cannon fodder for the navy, and risk hurting our reputation? This is a matter of politics i'm not too sure about. "

Loisy paused for a moment to rethink somewhat before continuing. In fact, he was being honest, but he also wanted to discharge some of the decision making, feeling himself overweighted. More or less, he'd give his approval, but his own decisions would mostly stick to measures to make sure the Munistorum is conainted, potential genestealer cults contained, and military common sense enforced.

"What say you, while my second in command tries to form all this into concrete measures on paper?"

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/31 20:28:39

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran


Implementation of the heavy tithe was in full swing some three months after that meeting.

Manufactorum work schedules nearly doubled while the price of food and other necessities slowly crept upward. Many things that the people had come to take for granted slowly faded away, leaving grimness and hardship in its wake.

And yet so far the people had shouldered their burdens admirably. Apart from a few scattered food riots, easily handled by the enforcers, there had been few serious civil disturbances. Meanwhile the Medicae had become proficient in using hive sector quarantines to keep various influenza like viruses from killing too many citizens when they swept through a hive sector.

The orbital dockyards had expanded rapidly in the last few months as the rough skeleton of a new frigate was starting to take shape. Meanwhile, one of the system defense ships had returned with confirmed reports of a hollowed out Imperial Cruiser that had drifted in from the warp. The Cruiser had been towed into the dockyards and was now being extensively worked on. The tonnage salvaged from this find alone promsied to a serious boon for the planet and...perhaps even an earnest respite from the merciless tithe.

[An important event will happen now. Please describe where your character is and what they are doing on this day. At least one character should be on the orbital dockyard inspecting the progress being made on fleet construction. (All of you can be but that's optional, just need one]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/01 17:07:13

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Administrator von Gaussenberg sits in the break room for the orbital dockyards command staff, sunken deep into a large pile of schematics, economic forecasts and complex calculations. In Front of him stands a large cup of recaf that by now has become as cold as his buttered bagel has become stale, but he wasn't really a gourmet anyway as long as the stuff kept him going.

He had grown fond of the place, mostly because it was relatively quite and a large window offered a good view on the salvaged hull of the cruiser. With a bit of luck that thing would save millions of workers lives down in Bonifatius reach - if they could make it voidcapable again that is.

He leaned back from his schematics, taking a bite and a sip of his tepid drink, letting his mind wander for a moment.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Colonel Loisy was in the PDF HQ, recieving his counterpart from the Longknives, the Sororitas Superior, and the enforcers, to discuss matters of training, protection of the salvage crews and orbital docks, and other matters. Behind him sat Lieutenant Colonel Boucher and his bodyguards.

The room was a mess of maps and display boards detailing reports, protocols, and of agitation as everyone present srambled to factor all new elements into the managment of their own units. Envoys and liaison officers ran to and fro, in and out, as messages and orders where delivered. At 6 pm, a break is ordered for all exhausted officers to take their breathe and clear their thought, as they hadn't seen the light of the day since late in the previous night.

It was during that pause, as Loisy and Boucher were talking about how they started to get suspicious of some enforcer elements, that on of their bodyguards ran towards them, and alarms started blaring...

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The Orbital Dockyard

The first thing Gaussenberg noticed was the large beam of light shooting across his window. He may not have noticed it at first, but then it happened again...and again and again. Large beams of light shooting out into the void.

At that point it probably registered for him that the orbital defence batteries were opening fire at something in the void..

Then the alarms sounded.

PDF HQ Command Information Center

Loise on the other hand knew exactly what was happening as soon as it happened through the large volumes of data displayed for all to see and the chatter of the officers.

"Six infidel class raider confirmed inbound. They'll be on top of us in under an hour."

"Confirmed larger reading is a cruiser. Designation: Devastation Class. It's an attack carrier."

"How did they translate from the warp so far from the mandeville point? Those readings can't possibly be right."

"Can anyone raise the Rightous? They were supposed to be on patrol in the outer system right?"

"Vox from the Rightous confirms they are burning hard back in system to assist. Same with the system defence ships."

"Not nearly fast enough. We'll have to weather this on our own for the time being. Emperor help us..."

Soon all eyes were on the Governor.

A stumbling aide managed to address him.

"Sir, PDF Orbital and Suborbital are ready to do their duty. Aircraft are in the air and any void capable craft are scrambling to join the defense in the void. PDF ground forces and the Bronthians are stationed on bases across the continent, all outside the Hive." "The Hive is lightly defended but has capable void shields to wary an orbital bombardment. Do you wish to send some of our forces to defend the Hive or maintain the current ground force deployment?"

Orbital Dockyards:

Soon Von Gaussenberg found himself ushered into the dockyard's command center where he saw a similar display and heard similar anxious assessments of the PDF and Naval Officers stationed there.

Eventually one of Gaussenberg's protection detail approaches. "Sir, we can try to get you down to the surface via a light shuttle, but the window is closing fast. It's your call sir."

The Cardinal

[The Cardinal can write himself into the story at any location but he faces a simialr choice. The Sisters of Battle can be deployed to defend the outer shrines or the Central Cathedral but not both. They ask the Cardinal for his direction]

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Loisy yelled "Brigadier, report!

-Sir, Heretic fleet detected in orbit, they are inbound planetside, ETA 24 hours, orbital bombardment ETA 12 hours.

-Clear out, to the meeting room, Boucher, send message to the Imperial Guard Sector command. Brigadier, go get the other commanders now."

They went, as Loisy ran towards the strategium to assess the situation. He was thinking of von Gaussenberg, there in orbit, and hoped he'd escape the orbital docks, he would be needed again. He looked at the charts and deploiement maps he had, updated every ten second or so as reports came upwards and units were activated. When the Sororitas and the Longknive Colonel entered, followed by the enforcers, Loisy made them sit and listen. Just as with that ambush, all paranoia and fear had left him. He was changed right befre their eyes, rejuvenanted by the adrelanine and instinct pumping into his every fibre. He was no longer the maddened governor. He was the beast of war Loisy. Even the Sororitas Sister Superior could feel something had changed in the man and didn't truly there answer back. Loisy started frantically pinning points on the map.

"Remember your duty. Delay the ennemy, while help arrive. Acknowledged?"

They answered positively. This was a strange way to introduce them to his plan. He paused for a second, sending away an order toa tank regiment to hand repair a minor track failure.

"Our goal is to force the traitor to confront us in a way that doesn't allow themm to concentrate their forces and to make use of our every heavy equipment."

He paused and draw.

"To that end, first, we must safeguard as many assets as possible. As the void shileds are not 100% effective, I dedicate my PDF to stay outside the hive, they arz already spread out to this end. Order has already been given to dig in, shelters are in place. And yes, vehicule shelters too, which means we have got heavy asset spread across the whole continent. They are relatively safe from orbital assauts, and they are impossible to kill all at once, but they will individualy be easily overwhelmed by traitor assaults."

He displayed pics of the hive.

"Two pissble objective are at hand according to my estimates. The dockyards themsleves in a attempt to thwart the Navy's restoration, or the Hive City to make the planet collapse. In any case, Only the Sisters would be able to make such a deploiement to the dockyards. Which means, considering the size of the armada, we cannot hope to hold them. As we cannot retreat either, every square inch must be mined and made to slow down and tire the ennemy as best as possible, while all ships part must be ready to be sabotaged lest the neemy expands its own fleet. The Navy won't say anything about this - they now what war is.

As for the Hive, the best case scenario is a full thrust assault, concentrated on the hive. Bronthian longknives are to be positionned in the Hive, in regards to their specialisation in close combat. Sisters of battles will assist as well, to bolster the numbers and bring welcomed powerarmour support. In thatr scenario, my PDF, after mustering following the orbital barrages, will be able to trap the traitors in the Hive and to harass them.

Another positive scenario would be to have the traitors run from pocket of PDF resistance to pocket of resistance. The time they'll need to overcome all of these mini strongholds will be too long for them to actually threaten the hive, and even make them vulnerable to counter attacks coming from the hive. However, the hive should ne be defenseless, as there is a risk of diversion. "

Loisy paused and started to draw some other schematics. For a moment, he fully forgot that if his PDF were to be decimated, the Cardinal would get the upper hand on him and his only protection and way to not have the world fall apart under his schmes would be to call in the Guard permanently. But he was far from this, and all focused on the coming war.

"Least good scenario for us is a two fold assault, where the traitors would pin down or encrile the hive without entering it, while destorying the pDF peace meal in the open. While this would devide their forces greatly, it would force us to make counter attacks least they actually take control of so much of the planet they can deny access to the IG relief forces. In that case, we would have to rush out in the open and shake the line to draw their forces to the hive, where to most resistance can be offered.

Arbites and enforcers will be fully committed to managing not only riots, but mostly monitoring the underhive, as it is totally possible the traitors have got accomplices down their ready to pounce at our backs and take the hive by surprise. This must not be allowed to stand."

"As for the docks, their militarily lost if the invasion force decides to go for it. However, in case we get any opportunity to hold longer, Sororitas QRF must be designated in advance and ready to fly there.".

"Any question? If not, then you know what to do: enforcers, arbites, contol the underhive. Sororitas, designate QRF to relief the dockyards if possible, and station the rest of your forces to defend the Hive. Longknives, defend the hive. To all PDF personnel, dig in, and hold your ground until any order to move it issued. That we perish if we weaken."

They went to their units, and all prepared to hold out against impossible odds.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg stared at the beams of lance fire with a mix of dread and fatalism. Well... sooner or later something like this was about to happen. While he went to the command center he mused about how much time he might have left... half an hour maybe? Looks like this would be one of the most important half hours of his live. He went in simultanously siphoning data through his cerebral implants and taking in as much Information as he could to make the best with what little he got. As his security detail approached him, he shook his head. "No, I'm only a humble servant of the Imperium and others can take my place. But the cruiser future navigator is already on board to oversee her thrones installation. She is a far too valuable ressource to fall into the enemies hand. Escort her planetside immediatly, then look for Konrad von Bülow. Until my safely return he is in charge of Administratum concerns on world. Protect him accordingly." With that he dismisses them, taking control of the dockyard unless he is met with serious resistance.

His immediate measures would be to try if the mechanics would be able to get the cruiser weapons, void shields or propulsion going again within that half hour, even if it is just enough for a single shot or five minutes of flight. Anything that would make them more then sitting ducks. He would also try to organize the dockyards crew to fight back as good as they can, using the space stations infrastructure like local depressuration or shenanigans with the artificial gravity to delay possible boarding parties. He gives the impression that delaying the enemy would be enough, as reinforcements were underway even though he very much doubted that. But any minute they could buy up here would save lives on the surface. Last but not least he taps into the command protocols of the stations and cruisers reactors, preparing them to overload... if the worst came to pass, von Gaussenberg would not go silently into the night...

Edit: He summoned up a vox unit nearby, hacking in his priority access codes to directly contact Cardinal Richemont and Governor Loisy. His voicemail was short and calm "I will do my best up here to buy you time. It was an honor serving on your side, gentlemen. Emperor with you and good luck."

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/06/02 14:20:49

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
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Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

The Cardinal was giving a speech to the people about "Faith carrying you through tough times" or some such pablum to help keep them in line. He had been touring the outer regions in an effort to keep food production up and wave the flag to the populace across the planet.

He was mid-speech when an terrified priest ran up on stage, waving his arms frantically. The Cardinal paused, reassured the crowd as the priest whispered the news frantically in his ear. He nodded grimly, his large hat bobbing.

"Get word to the Order. The Cathedral is in the hive, and can be defended by the PDF.

We the need the Order deployed to the outer-shrines in order to protect our resource supplies. Without them, the war is over before it even starts. Start to have the priests organize the Frateris Militia as well, they will report to the Sisters.

Finally, get my Aquila Lander ready, I need to get to capital immediately!"

The Cardinal then turned back to the crowd. He beamed out them and wrapped up his speech on a triumphant note. With that, he made is way through the crowd of well-wishers, waving, smiling, offering blessings, and shaking hands. His pace was measured and unhurried.

Once clear of the crowd, he tucked his hat under his arm and rushed to the Aquila lander. Things were about to get ugly and he hoped Governor Loisy and his troops were up to the challenge.

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Loisy was made aware of Von Gaussenberg's vox call, and ordered a private box call to be established, hoping to give him some orders and ideas as to how to defend. The colonel was more frenzied than ever, all politics still absent from his mind as he bent all of his will to the war at hand.

"Gerbille, do you copy?
This is Panthère Alpha ."

"Gerbille, do you copy?".

In full military mode, Loisy was not even calling him by his name, but by his radio call sign. He swore. Then, with a crackle, Von Gaussenberg's voice was heard reporting back on air.

"Listen, barricade all entry points, especially those from below and over. Make sure all warriors are holding the corridors and set up patrols to listen so that no chaos forces can break through the walls and circumvent your positions. All docks and ship parts must be sabotaged, but detonated only.when.the ennemy is about to defuse them.

Whenever a corridor or stronghold is about to fall, make them retreat to the nearest, until all forces will end in the safest, easiest to defend room, so as to gain as much time as possible. Do not hesitate to insulate a section of docks from the rest once retreat is complete. Delegate this to the NCO, they know their business and will carry out the manoeuvres. Good look. It was an honour serving with you." The vow crackled again as Von Gaussenberg acknowledged, and this gave Loisy an idea. He should contact his old ennemy - an see what he was up to, as he could have got some additional, valuable informations.

He orders a private box call be set with the cardinal.

"Carabosse, this is Panthère Alpha, do you copy?

Report on you status, over."

No answer came, and Loisy calmy set to have a soldier go fetch some info from the Sisters of battle, as the vox crackled. But it was nothing more than interference, and he waited some more still.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

So for some of the battle scenes I'll be relying on some opposed leadership rolls to determine outcomes. First battle sequence Von Gaussenberg assisted by Louise vs. Chaos Naval Commander. Gaussenberg scores 5 successes to chaos commander's 3 successes. Results in delaying the invasion for a day

Within a few hours of detecting the enemy ships, the Naval engagement around St. Bonnie's Reach was in full swing.

The engagement lasted for a good eight hours.

The two large orbital gun batteries along with several squadrons of void capable Thunderbolt fighters stationed at the docks acquitted themselves well in the conflict. Combined they managed to destroy 4 of the 6 Infidel class raiders before the orbital batteries were finally silenced from torpedo fire. The remaining two Infidel class raiders were forced to alter course away from the planet. The enemy cruiser however continued it's approach.

Then the fighter bays took a direct hit from a lance (massive energy weapon) from the Cruiser.

Orbital Dockyard Command Center

The station shuddered and jolted as void shields collapsed under withering lance fire from the enemy cruiser.

"Damage control teams and medicae to the fighter bays!" An officer yells through the vox as damage reports started to come in.

"Throne help us, there's nothing left down there."

"Contact. Bearing 580. Boarding torpedoes inbound."

Tension filled the air as the prospect of boarders filled everyone with dread.

PDF Command Center

Officers are pouring through the latest data on the battle above.

"Sir, revised projections based on the arch enemy cruiser's telemetry. It's slowed down considerably in the face of the orbital defenses. It looks like it's going to take an additional day now for the enemy to achieve low orbit."

Another officer laughs. "Looks like the old man upstairs has bought us some time eh. We better put it to good use then."

The Cardinal

A handful of Battle Sisters bow in reverence as the Cardinal prepares to depart for the capital. In their power armor they appear utterly fearless and determined to defend the outer shrines, and the sacred relics they contain.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/04 02:04:10

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

As Governor - or in this situation rather General - Loisy instructed him, von Gaussenberg confirmed "We'll do our best. In my absence Konrad von Bülow will assist your endeavors on the surface."

Then it was up to the fighter pilots of the dockyard and by the throne, those daredevils indeed did a tremendous job. Von Gaussenberg could not prevent a little tear forming in his eye, as he witnessed their hangars being hit and destroyed, with all lives of the pilots and their groundcrews lost to the battle. He saluted them one last time at the window he stood at. A gesture that was not really common to him but felt right at the moment.

As the signal warning of boarding torpedos came in he ordered the defenders to their stations, reiterating the task of sealing of lost sections, to fight from one strongpoint and corridor to the next. All the while scrolling through the stations manuals to see if there were some tricks up his sleeves he could use to help the defenders. Maybe some sections could be flooded with hot steem to kill some intruders or throw the boarding torpedos of target, maybe some others could be vented in the right moment. He also made sure that the defenders got the intel they needed to fight - even if "that they needed" sometimes meant not telling them how bad their odds were to keep them in the fight.

Von Gaussenberg himself knew, that he would be little help in a fight with his flimsy laspistol. But in a way he also knew that the laspistols last shot was likely for himself to spare him the pain of being tortured by the enemy.

Should Gaussenberg die, could it be in a manner that enough remains to turn him into a Servoskull? I would find it fitting if he stuck around a bit longer, even if he is just decoration.

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
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Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Cardinal Richemonte arrived at the Imperial Governor's palace, and was met be a PDF liason officer who tried to unsuccessfully buffalo his way past his small entourage waving a vox set.

Richemonte waved him in and grabbed the vox, "What is the situation?, he grimaced when the officer simply shook his head back.

" Panthere... ah..... Alpha..... this is ..... ummmm..... Carabosse...... I have just landed in the capital. Awaiting instructions.... ah..... Over?

Guilles has spent plenty of time recording on and using Vox for sermons and other lectures, but the intricacies of military communications were a bit unusual for him. They did not come natural, and he struggled to recall the coded phrases Governor Loisy had assigned them.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/04 23:10:40

Support Blood and Spectacles Publishing:
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

[Yes he can be a servo skull LOL. Don't count yourself out yet though. Your character is rolling well so far!]

Next Round:

Gaussenberg Leadership + Fellowship+ 1 bonus dice assist from Louise vs Chaos Champion's Leadership +Fellowship. Both re-rolling failures with wrath and ruin respectively. Gaussenberg 7 successes to Chaos's 4 successes.

The dockyards were helpless to stop the boarding torpedoes from closing the gap and attaching themselves to various parts of the station and then boring in.

In the command center Gaussenberg heard the frantic reports trickle in.

"Confirmed enemy are Heretic Astartes. Repeat heretic astartes have boarded."

The next hour was filled with intense dread as Gaussenberg watched via the vid screens as the Traitor Space Marines smashed their way through various defensive points, slaughtering everything in their way with horrifying speed and efficiency.

But then the traitors reached the second defensive perimeter, places where Gaussenberg had laid out his traps, and by some miracle the defensive line held.

After three long hours of unsuccessful probing attacks, the traitors were forced to fall back. Undoubtedly, they would attack again, but for now the defenders were holding on. But who knew for how much longer?

PDF Headquarters:

As the PDF and Bronthian Officers assessed the data at the station, other more disturbing reports started to trickle in.

"Sanctioned psykers report significant warp disturbance sir. Intelligence anticipates the arch enemy may try something soon."

Moments later...

"Contacts at nearly every air field and defensive silo and all the bases. Emperor help us. Traitors, heretic astartes, and deamons. They're coming right out of the warp and attacking."

At this moment, Loise may have realized the enemy's grand strategy. Overwhelm the planetary defenses with an onslaught from the warp before the cruiser arrived in orbit, then finish the paralyzed defenders off with landing parties and bombardment.

Hive Gallows

As air raid sirens sounded in the distance, crowds of people swarmed in around the Cardinal begging him for a blessing, and the Emperor's mercy. Only the menacing boltguns of his entourage of Sisters was enough to keep the crowd from rushing them.

Once the Cardinal drew closer to the PDF headquarters he saw a panicked stampede of people pressing in all around him and heard screaming in the distance. He saw an explosion in the distance and heard the sounds of las fire and bolter fire. Had the enemy breached the capital already? How was that even possible?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/05 02:00:20

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


As the Cardinal neared the PDF HQ, Loisy, who had picked up the vox, used it to have the Cardinal's way freed and a meeting.point found so that he could enter.

Now was the worst possible time for the governor and the military commander he both was. The invasion that he faced was clearly over his ressources to actually counter, and with the Warp gates vomiting demons and traitors all over the planet, including inside the hive itself. As many ressources were put toninsure the safety of the shield generators, for fear the hive might be obliterated from orbit. His strategy of having most of his troops lay in ambush or pockets of resistance outside crumbled. Yes, it did work to a small extend, but with the Warp,.the strikes were so simultaneously carried out that what should have been a days on end rolling battle was over in matters of hours instead.

For the governor, it was probably even worse. He was now forced to consort with the Cardinal with matters about the warp and psykers. Forced to give in to his nemesis. But, the warbred madman that was currently overtaking Loisy's mind somehow managed it.

After a brief, but detailed exposé, he asked the Cardinal.

"Cardinal, what can we do to hold on longer in the face of demons? It is the greatest threat, even worse than Chaos Space Marines.

Besides, as you can see, what we now truly hold are parts of this hive, and the dock, to which we cling still. The QRF force that I had prepared should depart and help protect it. We need either the docks or the space port for Imperial guard Landers to deliver reinforcements. We must hold at least one of.those, but the odds are such in both places that there is no safe bet even in choosing only one to hold. However, if we can force.the ennemy to engage more troops in the docks, it is easy to sabotage and have them explode with all.hands, thus cutting the enemy's manpower.

As for the Hive, I have already given the order for total mobilisation, every tool is turned into a weapon and every weapon has been given to someone able to fight. All these people, unfit for dockyards urban combat, while sell there lives as dearly as possible.

But in face of the warp, we'll need more than grit and skill at arms, and it falls to the Munistorum to provide. Your expertise in this field is far greater than ours.".

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Von Gaussenberg was quite surprised, that they had managed to withstand this first onslaught. Especially in the light of heretic astartes being involved in the attack. All the more reason to not get cocky about it. Assuming that the heretic counterparts had not forgotten their loyalist brethrens modus operandi over the millenia, Friedrich tries to organize the defenders to take special care regarding the reactor rooms and life support, as those would be excellent targets for an elite infiltration team. He also selects a couple of personell who are to frail to be of much use fighting and sits them on the cogitators to tightly monitor the datafeeds, looking for attempts to infiltrate their systems. If that hasn't happened already he orders the vital systems to be cut from all external access temporarily to make it harder to hack into them from outside.

As another measure he spreads out what could be called their "command structure", decentralizing it, so that a potential decapitation strike against the command center would be less fatal. Should it be stormed, the rest of the defence should not falter but instead organize around secondary and tertiary command lines.

Last but not least he gets to an internal vox, trying his best to raise the defenders spirits with a rousing speach, adressing them as the heroes they are and stressing that the enemy already threw his most elite troops at them and still mere mortals, humbly voidsmen, mechanics and clerks had withstood them. True scions of humanity and beacons of faith and good. That he was sure the emperor himself looked down on them right now with pride and that it was the greatest moment of pride of his - von Gaussenbergs - life, to serve amongst these brave few, that held the docks against overwhelming odds.

He knew full well that he did not have the Cardinals rhetoric talent, nor Governor Loisys militaristic experience, but tried his best to give the remaining crew the strength to endure what was still to come.

Contacting the surface he tried to get through to Loisys command bunker using the rather unfamiliar military code "Panthère Alpha, here is Gerbille. We were able to repell the first onslaught under considerable losses. The secondary defense line is stable for now, but the presence of heretic Astartes is confirmed. We are holding on, over."

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


The Cardinal was about to give his opinion and advice.to Loisy, when the governor raised his hand to cut him short.

The vox was on, it was Von Gaussenberg, transmitting the new that, in fact, they were no just fighting for their lives but actually repelled the first wave.

"Gerbille, this is Panthère Alpha. Well done, report when assaults resume, sending of reinforcements is being discuss. Read back, over.".

Loisy waited for the administrator to read back, staying totally impassible and professional, looking at the Cardinal.

"We need to send a sororitas complement. We can slow them down up there some more for relatively small expeditures of forces."

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Battlefield Tourist

MN (Currently in WY)

Cardinal Richemont gulped, and then mopped the sweat from his brow. Now was not the time to worry about resources and such. The threat was existential. That said, he did not want the spaceport to become the focal point of the battle, but without it no help was going to arrive.

He didn't bother with the niceties of military Vox protocol this time.

"Of course, we will need to hold the docks as it is our only offensive space capability, and we need to maintain the void shields or the battle is over. Those jobs are well-suited to any Sisters that remain locally. All other regions are secondary for the moment. The spaceport will have to fend for itself.

There is nothing we can do about the warp portals but pray and have faith. Astartes and Demons can make break-throughs, but they can not hold ground long-term. I recommend that the Bishop and his staff get on the public Vox network and broadcast motivation around the clock.

I will personally go to the Void Shield generators and rally the troops there. The sight of the "Demon-slayer" with them will hearten them to resist harder.

Have we had any contact with Mechandrite and his house troops?"

This was not the kind of thing that the Cardinal was comfortable with. His place was in moving things around in the background, not on the front-line. However, he knew that their best weapon was the faith of the people and their willingness to fight on.

He put his hand on his sword, it was a much more functional one than the one he had desperately ripped from the wall those decades ago. However, he was starting to rue the day he got the "Demon-slayer" nickname.

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Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


Loisy seemed shocked for a moment.

"You're right, where in the Warp is Mechadandrite, he hasn't shown up to any strategical meeting nor given sign of life. I'll try to contact it. Meanwhile, Cardinal, if faith and élan are our only protections, then I trust your aptitude with words to make sure our boots on the ground don't lack any. Do as you said. I'm dispatching the sororitas QRF now to the docks."

Minutes later, Loisy was desperately trying to get in touch with Mecadenrite, as his troops too would be direly needed...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/05 15:25:37

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

PDF Headquarters

An officer chimed in with the latest report.

"Welcome news Governor. Ad Mech Skitaari are counter attacking aggressively against main arch enemy advances in the Hive. They've punched a hold straight through their lines and are en route to relive the space port."

Mechandrite cuts through the vox traffic:

"Vox relay stations boosted, improving communication. Size and composition of attacking forces manageable so far."

The unexpected and successful counter attack created an opportunity for the Governor and the Cardinal.

Relief forces could now be shuttled up via the space port and attempt to join the space dock defenders, but the enemy attack was far from over and several critical installations inside the city were still under attack. Any relief forces wouldn't be able to assist the defenders in these other ongoing battles...

[Decision time!]

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in fr
Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot


The Cardinal had already left to join the efforts in the shield defence operation, and Loisy was the only one to hear the Magos answer. He smiled, and confirmed the order: send the Sororitas QRF force towards von Gaussenberg... with a special cargo to make sure they go out in a fiery and coslty way in the end, should they be overrun - which was bound to happen. But as the docks were so vital, there was no doubt that the ennemy had no other choice but to press onwards to get the docks at last and rush more troops in, and thus, this little help should actually be a profitable operation in the grander attrition.

40k: Necrons/Imperial Guard/ Space marines
Bolt Action: Germany/ USA
Project Z.

"The Dakka Dive Bar is the only place you'll hear what's really going on in the underhive. Sure you might not find a good amasec but they grill a mean groxburger. Just watch for ratlings being thrown through windows and you'll be alright." Ciaphas Cain, probably.  
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

Battle Results: Orbital Dockyards: 6 Dice for Gaussenberg (1 bonus for Louise's reinforcements) and he spends his last wrath to get 3 successes. 5 dice for chaos and they spend a ruin to re-roll failures and they get 4 successes. Chaos Space Marines always recover 1 ruin every round so that is how I'm representing just how challenging they are to fight.

After a few hours pause, the attack began again, this time in conjunction with a handful of newly arrived boarding torpedoes that had attached themselves to sections of the station that lay behind the secondary defensive line.

The heretic marines attacked swiftly and were utterly ruthless. In the span of less than an hour, Gaussenberg watched as the various Bronthian and PDF icons on the tactical viewer went silent.

However, before the attackers could take the remainder of the station, two newly arrived shuttles containing small groups of Sisters of Battle were able to dock and board the station. Their subsequent rapid counter attack led to the formation of a very small last line of defense, which contained the command center, and a few other critical station components.

Still, the defenders were clearly outnumbered and surrounded by the heretic marines now.

The Sisters were a welcome addition, but it didn't seem like they would be nearly enough to hold the docks...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/08 00:52:05

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
Made in us
Dakka Veteran

The Void Shield Generators

Battle Result: Tie! Six successes for each side but the Cardinal did NOT have to burn a wrath point.

The Cardinal gave a rousing speech and with the help of the servo skulls accompanying him it was amplified across the Ministorum defenders. Everyone remembered the deamon slayer had earned that title for a reason, and it renewed the defender's sense of purpose.

They were opposed by a force comprised almost entirely of demons. The most hideous, evil looking devious things imaginable. Blessed Bolter fire, the purifying fires of the flamers and rightous swords set against the sharp teeth and claws of an enemy of pure evil.

And yet for every demon that appeared to be slain, two more appeared to take their place, whereas each Sister that fell in battle could not be so easily replaced. The Sisters held...and held...and held some more. But with each passing hour the defenders looked a little more wary, more fatigued, and less in number, whereas the enemy horde continued.

This left the Colonel in a precarious position.

His own PDF and Bronthians were in the midst of fighting their own battles. His forces had taken loses, but for the most part were holding out. Still...some reinforcements could be spared while still leaving ample reserves to protect his own forces.

Both of his rivals were in danger of being wiped out. He had enough reinforcements to assist one. Who would it be?

[Louise choice. Reinforce the Cardinal or Gaussenberg? Or neither? LOL]

[Cardinal and Gaussenberg Choice. Attempt to run, or stay in the fight!]

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/06/08 01:21:57

"Iz got a plan. We line up. Yell Waaagh, den krump them in the face. Den when we're done, we might yell Waagh one more time." Warboss Gutstompa 
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