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Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Hi all

New to warhammer and just ordered the starter intro box set. Any good tips on finding other deals that will not break the bank? I saw patrol boxes but each of those are over 100 each. Any place I could get 3d printed warhammer?

Thank you

Also recommendations for extra paint brushes? Or info on air brushes?

Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Yes, this is an expensive hobby, especially if you buy direct from Games Workshop.

There are a lot of model manufacturers that sell models that can be used in 40K that will have prices more to your liking.

It is possible to buy 3D printed 40K models, though that's illegal so people on this forum shouldn't be recommending sellers. 3D printed sci fi models that aren't direct rip offs of Games Workshop models are OK.

If you want to stick to Games Workshop models then second hand models can sometimes be got at a good price, both on Ebay and Facebook. It can be time consuming to find a deal that's right for you though.
Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Generally if there is a bundle box there are savings over just buying the units individually.

You can find people parseing out units on ebay, especially for things in starters.

Many local game stores will offer sale prices. 10-15%, maybe more or less depending on the shop.

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Are there any lines that tend to be a bit cheaper? Anyone who sells them cheaper then directly from the company. I have the intro set coming for 65 dollors, I do really like the space marines!
I did see one youtube video that talked about paint and recommended pro acryic paints but I see their set goes for 100 dollars, Sheesh a set of paints for that much.
Made in us
Humming Great Unclean One of Nurgle

In My Lab

oumpaa wrote:
Hi all

New to warhammer and just ordered the starter intro box set. Any good tips on finding other deals that will not break the bank? I saw patrol boxes but each of those are over 100 each. Any place I could get 3d printed warhammer?

Thank you

Also recommendations for extra paint brushes? Or info on air brushes?

Welcome to Warhammer!

Shop your local gaming stores, not GW stores for a 10% or so discount, usually.
3D Printed models of a similar style to GW models should generally be fine at local gaming stores-not at official GW stores, though. And even for local stores, ask just to be sure.

For painting, I've little advice since I'm not huge on painting. But I will say to do what makes you happy in the hobby-if you like painting, paint! Like building? Build! Gaming? Game your butt off!

Clocks for the clockmaker! Cogs for the cog throne! 
Made in us
Twisting Tzeentch Horror

Welcome to the game. It is a fun hobby, I have been playing for almost 30 years.

I agree with others and think the best way to create an army on a budget is Ebay. Especially keep your eyes out for units that are older but still playable, (old model terminators are probably dirt cheap) or units that are in the good to meh range as they will usually sell for less. If you are going to use a common paint scheme (like Ultramarines) you can usually get painted stuff cheap if it is not newer and if it is not meta hotness and many times you can get assembled or badly conditioned units for cheap and then just put a little love into fixing them. With space marines be a bit careful as a lot of the "first born" units were moved to legends and it is likely the remaining ones will as well at some point. Personally I play with and against legends units all the time so I don't care, but I think it depends on where you live.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

For your 3d printing needs get to know the regulars at your local gaming store. Odds are someone has a 3d printer.
Made in us
Ultramarine Chaplain with Hate to Spare

As others have said, Ebay is a great resource.

And They Shall Not Fit Through Doors!!!

Tyranid Army Progress -- With Classic Warriors!:
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

oumpaa wrote:
Are there any lines that tend to be a bit cheaper? Anyone who sells them cheaper then directly from the company. I have the intro set coming for 65 dollors, I do really like the space marines!
I did see one youtube video that talked about paint and recommended pro acryic paints but I see their set goes for 100 dollars, Sheesh a set of paints for that much.

For paints, unless you want every paint in the big box set, only grab the colors you specifically want. Odds are, if you buy a 100 dollar paint set while just starting the hobby, you will have a bunch of paint just sitting on your shelf for years.

For the most part, for a super quick just starting the hobby job, you want A) PRIMER - this step is important as the primer helps keep the rest of paint on the model. B) the primary colors you want the models to be, C) a wash to help darken up the recesses of your models and then D) a highlight color, something to make the edges and surface areas pop out a little bit. I would also suggest getting a varnish as well, likely a matte varnish, as throwing 2 coats on will make sure it takes a lot of effort to remove the paint - just make sure you do this step last and let it set for a day or so before doing another coat.

Like for Marines, basically just pick the color you want the armor to be, then work from there. Grab a color wheel and see what color might complement it for your secondary color (like for shoulder pads, knee pads, or what have you). A black wash like Games Workshop's Nuln Oil can go a long way as well, there are many other colored washes but its hard to go wrong with black and for your first models its not too complex, though if you see something that complements your color scheme better go with it.

Before you buy any paint look it up online too, see what it looks like! Most of the bigger brand paints just a simple google image search will show you several examples of what that paint looks like. Often times its hard to visualize it with just the color bar most websites have for it. Don't be afraid to bring a model to a game shop and just hold it up next to various paints as well, see what you think of it held up to paint pot X or Y.

For your very first models, you'll probably only need 5-10 paints at most. Expand on those core paints as you go and feel more confident in the hobby.

There are plenty of places to get models cheaper online than retail, but for a newcomer to the hobby without the experience of sifting through scams etc, I'd suggest ebay - just open a window to the main Games Workshop website to see the retail price of an item, then look it up on ebay and you can usually find it about 15% off. Local game shops sometimes have discount racks too of things they want to get rid of. You won't find any of the hot ticket items there but you might find one or two things you'd like there.

Lastly, get some sacrificial models. Be it some cheapo model soldiers or those green army men, or some marines someone is parting with that were sitting in their garage for 20 years. Just something to test your paints on before you get to your big expensive models. I still have some old starter set marines I got 10 years ago now that are half painted in one color, half another, as I've used them to test various paints over the years to see how I like the look of it.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

On ebay what should I look for? What is the most common Models people tend to sell or part out?
Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

oumpaa wrote:
Are there any lines that tend to be a bit cheaper? Anyone who sells them cheaper then directly from the company. I have the intro set coming for 65 dollors, I do really like the space marines!
I did see one youtube video that talked about paint and recommended pro acryic paints but I see their set goes for 100 dollars, Sheesh a set of paints for that much.

army costs can vary a lot. armies like AdMech, Genestealer Cults, or Sisters of Battle have a lot of models, which means you'll be paying more, while more "elite" armies, for example Space Marines or Custodes, will be cheaper. Custodes is, i think the cheapest army in the game right now (but nobody is happy with the recent codex, so that army isn't in a great state right now). combat patrols are a good place to start, but the starter box you get includes most of the tyranid and space marine combat patrols. if you end up liking both of these armies, you could pick up another copy of the starter box, since everything in it can be duplicated, or if you only like one, you can go in a few different directions, like picking up whatever individual kits you think look cool

regarding paints, you don't need to get a big set to start. GW have some starter paint sets for you to paint what comes in the starter box. you'll want to also get some primer, which you can guy from GW, or buy generic on amazon or whatever. once you have enough paints to get started, from there you can add to it slowly, picking up new paints as you want to expand your collection. space marines and tyranids are both simple to paint, so you won't need a lot of different colors to start

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in de
Longtime Dakkanaut

oumpaa wrote:
On ebay what should I look for? What is the most common Models people tend to sell or part out?

It really depends on what you want to get into. Warhammer encompasses various games, each with their own armies and factions. From what you've written, you seem to like Marines, so you might want to make yourself familiar with the various chapters and their unique quirks, such as colour schemes, combat doctrine, bespoke units and maybe even their lore, if you enjoy that kind of thing. If you don't mind any of that too much and just want to get your dudes on the table, that's also fine. If you worry about power levels and meta picks, make sure to read up on that - there is plenty of info around.

So the first step would probably be to home in on one faction (or two if you want to expand both starter factions alongside eachother), check out their codex entries, look up the corresponding kits online and find a compromise between what you'd like to play rules-wise and what you enjoy from a visual standpoint. I'm a models-first kind of person, but you might be otherwise inclined.

On eBay you'll find all sorts of things, but starter set content will likely be more prevalent, because people tend to buy those boxes for one half and sell the other. There should still be plenty of Leviathan kits around, which thematically tie into your own intro starter. Another thing to look out for are Kill Team squads. These are made primarily for the Kill Team specialist game, but they are cross-compatible with their superordinate faction in 40k. Cool thing about these is that some also come in two-faction sets and are often split as a result. They also often contain additional customization options compared to standard squads, because Kill Team places a bigger emphasis on individual specialist troopers. While those may not be represented with the same granularity in 40k, the visual detail absolutely carries over and the assembly tends to offer a lot more in terms of variation.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/05/01 22:51:12

Made in us
Brainy Biophagus Brewing Potent Chemicals

oumpaa wrote:
On ebay what should I look for? What is the most common Models people tend to sell or part out?

you can generally find any models that GW sells on ebay. as long as it's not online only, it's available to retail vendors, who get it at a discount and thus can sell it at a discount

basically, if you see something on GW's website, you can check it on ebay and see if it's cheaper there. alternatively, if you have a local game store, you can check there

i have played games of the current edition 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User



For airbrush what else would I need? I know a airhose but no clue what will work between the compressor and the airbrush. Anyone know if this compressor is very quiet? Or have another one in mind
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


oumpaa wrote:
On ebay what should I look for? What is the most common Models people tend to sell or part out?

I recommend FB market place. You can often find people unloading entire collections for pretty cheap. I usually miss out on the good deals because I buy models on the weekend and most people seem to post good deals Monday - Wednesday for some reason.
You can find anything from a single model to entire painted armies. Sometimes people want to sell everything as a single lot or they're willing to part it out if you want enough stuff.

3D printed stuff of GW products exist but we don't promote piracy here. There are countless alternatives from other model companies though. For example, I wanted some Death Korps of Krieg engineers and some Centaur tanks but both are discontinued models from the Forge World range. I was able to find a European company that sells upgrades to turn newer plastic Krieg into engineers by adding the proper weapons, helmet designs and body armor. The Centaurs I had to get through a Russian/Chinese recaster but since they're extinct models I don't find any harm in it.

Good luck in your journey. If you're interested in some space marine models I might have some left overs I could sell you. Don't forget to check the Dakka Swap Shop too.
Made in eu
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

Southampton, UK

oumpaa wrote:


For airbrush what else would I need? I know a airhose but no clue what will work between the compressor and the airbrush. Anyone know if this compressor is very quiet? Or have another one in mind

Unless you're desperate to learn to airbrush I would avoid it while you're getting started. It's an expensive way to frustrate and disappoint yourself (and you seem to have general concerns about budget), and absolutely not needed.
Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry

3D printed models are listed and discussed here: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/forums/show/96.page

You've already found the P&M section for airbrushes, so you're good there. I usually only use the airbrush 'manufactured' models. Vehicles and armoured models, mostly.
For a small number of paints, I have been attempting the 'slap-chop' technique. It is something like "prime black, spray grey from above *, drybrush white for edges. Then use Contrast or speedpaints for the colours. It's quick, and doesn't require a lot of different paints.
* The airbrush comes in handy here.

Poorhammer and papercraft (and lots of others) are a big part of the hobby. Getting an army built cheaply can be difficult for people starting, and lots of people play against someone who puts in effort, with that in mind. Touraments probably not as much, but you've got to start somewhere.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/02 13:16:52

6000 pts - 4000 pts - Harlies: 1000 pts - 1000 ptsDS:70+S+G++MB+IPw40k86/f+D++A++/cWD64R+T(T)DM+
IG/AM force nearly-finished pieces: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-38888-41159_Armies%20-%20Imperial%20Guard.html
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw (probably)
Clubs around Coventry, UK 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I think I might at least for now just stick with using a brush at first and hold off on the airbrush. Recommendations on brushes?
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

oumpaa wrote:
I think I might at least for now just stick with using a brush at first and hold off on the airbrush. Recommendations on brushes?

Honestly, just buy some cheap brushes for now, you probably want a size 1, a size 0, something to use as a dry brush, and if you are feeling really spicy, something to use for washes. Either look up a cheap set of brushes on amazon or the like, or go to a craft shop and look through their brush selection there - they will usually have more of a selection for a touch cheaper than a hobby shop since stamping 'Games Workshop' on a brush increases the price by 5$.

I know Army Painter used to have a 3 brush 'starter set' that I first used, its probably overpriced (no clue how much I spent on it back in the day), and I ruined the main two brushes on it within a few months while learning the ropes, but I still use the dry brush to this day.

Regardless, keep it cheap for now until you know for certain if you like painting, no use dumping 20+$ on a fancy brush with all the bells and whistles only to learn you hate painting. I know I personally hate the process of painting but absolutely love watching the models come together as I go, and put up with it due to the joy of that part.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I did look at army painter and their 3 brush set is like 24 dollars. Yup pretty darn expensive and amazon was able to get a set of 10 brushes for about 10 dollars.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Just noticed the introduction set does not seem to include glue. Is glue needed and or a good idea?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/03 00:46:47

Made in gb
Moustache-twirling Princeps

Gone-to-ground in the craters of Coventry

I use size 2 brushes for most things. A wash and a base brush, and a detail (size 1 or 0) too. Downgrade older brushes to drybrush use.
Get a cheap set from a craft shop for learning and mass painting, and a couple of GW-type brushes for detail and fiddly work.

You will want a pallette, and I use a plastic lid from a takeaway tub.
Get a jar for water, and a jar for brush storage.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/03 09:29:42

6000 pts - 4000 pts - Harlies: 1000 pts - 1000 ptsDS:70+S+G++MB+IPw40k86/f+D++A++/cWD64R+T(T)DM+
IG/AM force nearly-finished pieces: http://www.dakkadakka.com/gallery/images-38888-41159_Armies%20-%20Imperial%20Guard.html
"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing." - George Bernard Shaw (probably)
Clubs around Coventry, UK 
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

oumpaa wrote:
I did look at army painter and their 3 brush set is like 24 dollars. Yup pretty darn expensive and amazon was able to get a set of 10 brushes for about 10 dollars.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Just noticed the introduction set does not seem to include glue. Is glue needed and or a good idea?

You will want glue, even for push fit models its a good idea just to make sure they stay together. You want either super glue (stuff like gorilla glue, krazy glue, etc) or plastic glue, depending on your needs. Super glue well...glues the joins while plastic glue actually fuses them together, and both work just fine. Just note that if you ever get metal or resin models you DO NOT want to use plastic glue as it will be pretty useless on them, but these days Games Workshop is mostly plastic. Just noting in case you find some third party sculpts or 3d prints you like etc.

Also just note, those 10 brushes for 10 dollars won't last too many paint jobs, but they WILL give you practice and experience so that you either don't churn through the next cheap-o brushes as fast, or a more expensive brush might last you a decent amount of time. All brushes will go bad with time, but you can delay it with care.
Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


oumpaa wrote:
I think I might at least for now just stick with using a brush at first and hold off on the airbrush. Recommendations on brushes?

I bought a pack of brushes at Walmart in 1998 and I still use them to this day. The big one I've been dry brushing with started as my "blue" brush for my Ultramarines. The base of the bristles are a rainbow of every color I've ever used in bulk lol. Blue marines, purple dark elves, green orks, many colors of demon and chaos marine... its handle is even broken in half at the center but its been a good companion all these years.
I always buy cheap Walmart brushes and and one or two fine detail brushes from hobby lobby. Just remember to clean them often while painting, especially if youre using washes and shaders. One of my brushes turned into a rock after shading each bolt and panel on 10 vehicles.
Made in pl
Fixture of Dakka

Specific make up brushes are great for dry brushing, vehicles, slap chop, doing bases etc Somehow they are also more resilient then GW brushs.

I also have one brush, which we here call the "window edge" brush (2" lenght). Nothing beats it in doing stuff like terrain, bases etc and it is super easy to clean. Also for armie like my GK or Custodes you can litteraly cheat with it.

If you have to kill, then kill in the best manner. If you slaughter, then slaughter in the best manner. Let one of you sharpen his knife so his animal feels no pain. 
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