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Made in ca
Poisonous Kroot Headhunter

Update points are finally out and damn did we make out like bandits. I was expecting some points reductions, but they really got aggressive with it. I think all Kroot is going to be pretty solid. Infantry Spam will probably be a better tournament list, but here's the balanced list I'll be bringing to Play On's tournament at Gamescon next month.

Kroot Hunting Pack 2000 Points:

Lone-Spear with Javelins: 90pts
Lone-Spear with Javelins: 90pts

War Shaper with Dart-Bow & Tri Blade + Root Carved Weapons: 70pts
War Shaper with Bladestave & Prety-Hook: 60pts

Trail Shaper with Nomadic Hunter: 85pts
Trail Shaper: 65pts

Flesh Shaper with Bothrod Gland: 70pts

Carnivores x20: 150pts
Carnivores x20: 150pts
Carnivores x10: 75pts
Carnivores x10: 75pts

Farstalkers with Dvorgite Skinner x12: 85pts
Fasrtalkers with Londaxi Tribalest x12: 85pts
Farstalkers with Londaxi Tribalest x12: 85pts

Hounds x5: 40pts
Hounds x5: 40pts
Hounds x5: 40pts

Rampagers x3: 110pts
Rampagers x3: 110pts
Rampagers x3: 110pts

Krootox with Repeater Cannon x3: 105pts
Krootox with Repeater Cannon x3: 105pts
Krootox with Repeater Cannon x3: 105pts

Total Points: 2000

I was originally thinking of running a backfield Lone-Spear with the flock, but since I couldn't squeeze those extra 10 points in efficiently without cutting a Farstalker unit which I really didn't want to do, I decided to go full agro with double Javelins.

If I get first turn, I can re-deploy all three Farstalker units onto a flank and with a little support target down an exposed unit, if I get second I just pull them back to safety and set up for turn 1 retaliation charges.

The Krootx and Rampagers have both proven reasonably durable and punchy in my test games and with more infantry to cover them and the hounds to now screen and support, I think they'll do a lot better.

A Trap Well Laid is going to be the bread and butter stratagem for bringing down anything reasonably tanky, but for the most part, if I can focus down any flamers or anti-infantry firepower, I don't expect to have too hard a time against most lists.

What are your thoughts? Anything you think that I need to be weary of? Honestly, one of the lists I'm most scared of is another fluffy list. I know that another player is running Cybernetica and bringing 12 Kastelan Robots and I'm really afraid of all those S6 flamer on giant chunky bodies.

Made in ca
Poisonous Kroot Headhunter

Update on this list. Went 4-0 at the tournament rather handily. It was very narrative themed, so I wasn't playing top tier meta armies, but this list still performed incredibly well.

I was expecting to have a lot of trouble against vehicles, but aside from a tank heavy Astra Militarum list, I never had issues downing armour. I took out a Land Raider Redeemer and Baal Predator in game 1, as well as a Brutallis and Venerable dread, plus Bjorn in game 4. The armour list was tough, running a Baneblade, Rogal Rogal Dorn, 3 Russ' and 2 Chimera's, but I still took out half his vehicles and put the big ones I couldn't kill in Kroot Hound jail for the first couple turns.

Against infantry heavy lists, even terminators which I was worried about the 2+ save, Kroot just shred them with oceans of AP -1/2 attacks and eventually they fall over. The trick is to bait out AoC then switch to something else and put your AP there.

The benefit of going first with this list and setting the tempo for the entire game cannot be understated. Against that tank list, I had 4 turn 1 charges and had 2 more in easy charge range, but chose to hold them back. Kroot are FAST, however fast you are thinking, they are faster.

The 3 Farstalkers with 4 redeploys turned out great, either taking down a key exposed unit if I went first (which was only once and they killed a Leman Russ plus an infantry squad since I had firepower to spare. But people underestimate how hard they hit with their lethals and with some good positioning can jump on a baited target. I had them down Gabriel Seth with Sanguinary Priest FNP on 10 Intercessors in game 1 (though they did have a little support since I had to use one to bait the charge), as well as downing the Lion in game 3 after I baited him into the center, and the Brutallis in game 4.

The Krootox and Rampagers proved to be reliable damage dealers against pretty much any target so long as I had the impossible to pin down Lone Spears around to support.

The army can also be everywhere all at once. In game 4 turn 2, I had about 90% of the board screened out from his 2 Deep Strike units so he had to spend his turn just clearing spots to put them on the table.

Some games we had to call early because the one downside of the army is that it takes a long time to move so many bodies around. Between deploying such a big army, doing your re-deploys, then all your scout moves, it's a long time before you even start playing. Totaled points for anyone wondering were (or calculated to have been had we made it to turn 5) 100-30 against Blood Angels, 88-47 against Astra Militarum Tanks, 90-27 against Dark Angels, and 90-70 against Space Wolves.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/06/19 00:47:17

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