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Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

 LunarSol wrote:
What are you running with Gitz? I have a Squig army myself, but I'm really feeling like all the Gitz love is in Troggs this time around.

I have a very mixed force painted but Troggs seem best right now yea.

In the game I had a Dankhold Boss (with level 1 Wizard artifact) and a Cave Shaman, 6 Rock trolls, 6 River trolls, 10 Bounderz, minimum Squig Herd. Not sure if anything else. Factions manifestations of course, they are mandatory because of the moon.

For my first "real" list I plan to lean even more into Troggs, adding Trugg and a non-hero Dankhold, and more Squig Herds.

If your group plays with legends, Zarbag's Gitz look amazing, they're essentially a level 1.5 wizard with no Hero targeting protections but 18 wounds.

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

A friend & I finally got our 1st game of 4e in this afternoon!

My Sons of Behemet vs his Soulblight.
It was a decent game, slowed down a bit by some looking up of new rules by each side.

In the end the Vampires beat me by 2pts.

I chose the giants for our inaugural game for thier simplicity.
He chose the Soulblight to see in person through play what's happened to his favorite army.
I was not disappointed.
He was grumbling something about having to re-tool his force....
[Thumb - 20240728_164115.jpg]
My Beastsmasher waids right into 40 zombies

[Thumb - 20240728_164122.jpg]
Meanwhile, on the left flank....

Made in nl
Regular Dakkanaut

About retooling howabout those gargant players who have 3 original and 3 small ones. 150 short. Lone small 160 pts...


Bit better if you have 3 separate small ones at 1910.

Gw. Care to drop prlce of one original gargants by 10 points? Please?
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


I've had about ten games including three at a 1,000 point RTT. Overall, I am really enjoying 4th.

You are really engaged during your opponent's turn, and you have to think about that during your own turn. I think this is a good thing!

Shooting is toned down, but still impactful.

The rules are tight, and I like the work that went into Abilities. This might sound like a blindingly obvious thing, but its important to actually read the rules. If you skim you will miss things, and if you plan to come from 3rd Edition and just muddle through with the new warscrolls without a detailed reading of the core rules it will be a tough go. The rulebook could be organized better.

Having all the Indexes at launch was great, but balance is an issue. Nighthaunt is running away with it right now - it has been the only game where I felt I did not have a chance and that we were playing by very different rules.

It is too bad that Battle Tactics are still around. This season's are quite tough, and one side effect is that the Double Turn is very much still a thing. In my tourney games we all took the double when it came up. Giving up a single Battle Tactic when many are hard to achieve can be a good trade for the real chance to utterly crush your opponent.

The GHB is good, and I have enjoyed the missions. The season rules are having their usual warping effect, though, and I think they have to take a good hard look at their utility going forward.

I have not been loving Manifestations, but they have not dominated my games thus far. I think they need to rethink some of the Manifestations themselves and the rules surrounding them.

Now, despite these gripes I have been really enjoying 4th! Our 3rd Ed AOS tourneys usually had between 12 and 16 players, but our intro to 4th Event had 24 players, many of whom were new to AOS. The vibe at the end of the tourney was positive, and I think our community is going to do well.

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

I'm still struggling a bit with the way the rules are presented. I said early on that this D&D 4th edition format where everything you do is a color coded box will not work for me and it isn't, I hate that there is a secret network of relationships between rules that is never spelled out, you have to piece it together by memorizing the keywords of every box, which can be a dozen pages apart.

Other than that, having fun, my Gitz got mauled by SCE at 2k pts but I fluffed a couple of easy rolls that would mean a multiple VP swing (like a full unit of river trolls not scoring a single wound with vomit, which would have halved the target's save for the combat phase, so I barely failed to wipe them out, so I lost an objective and failed a battle tactic)

Krondspine wasn't frustrating to me at all, I was honestly happy knowing my opponent's manifesting is contained on that one base and unless I kill it he can't call anything else in from an unexpected angle.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/08/17 09:42:06

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Central Valley, California

endless spells / manifestations were never my fav, so this edition I'm having to accept they are everywhere. But it is super helpful they can be dispelled by a priest and they have damage points / health now. I primarily play Sons so they were a bit difficult to deal with at a recent GT.

~ Shrap

Rolling 1's for five decades.
AoS * Konflikt '47 * Conquest Last Argument of Kings * Team Yankee * Horus Heresy * The Old World * Warcrow 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

After using my Sons of Behemet in 3/4 of our last games....
I'm thinking I need to dig out my Gloomspite so my regular opponent won't get too discouraged with this new edition already.
His Soul Blight just aren't up to dealing with Giants.
Today's game was effectively over after the top of turn 2.

Hopefully some games full of hoards of crappy skeletons/zombies vs hoards of crappy goblins will restore his moral.

Beyond that? The layout of the book just really annoys me for some reason.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


Sons of Behemet can indeed be a stat-check for some armies. Not sure that blocks of Goblins will solve that? Troggoths and Squigs maybe.

The rulebook is quite frustrating to navigate!

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

TangoTwoBravo wrote:
Not sure that blocks of Goblins will solve that? Troggoths and Squigs maybe.

Well, it should be a more even fight - afterall my melee goblins aren't doing multiple types of attacks, with rend, multiple damage per hit, wounding on 2+.... after causing impact MWs on the charge.
Just alot of spear attacks.

I'll let the sqigs deal with the vampire cav & Radukar.
Made in ca
Secretive Dark Angels Veteran


ccs wrote:
TangoTwoBravo wrote:
Not sure that blocks of Goblins will solve that? Troggoths and Squigs maybe.

Well, it should be a more even fight - afterall my melee goblins aren't doing multiple types of attacks, with rend, multiple damage per hit, wounding on 2+.... after causing impact MWs on the charge.
Just alot of spear attacks.

I'll let the sqigs deal with the vampire cav & Radukar.

That should be a good fight!

All you have to do is fire three rounds a minute, and stand 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

Still waiting to get the Grots vs Skeleton battle.

So, while I wait for our schedules to align....
I've begun the process of crafting proper movement trays for the goblins. The ones I have currently are old, mismatched & of assorted (often poor) quality.
And there's not enough of them.
So if I'm going to spend the time making several more I might as well just improve the rest while I'm at it.
Made in us
Strangely Beautiful Daemonette of Slaanesh

New Orleans

ccs wrote:
Still waiting to get the Grots vs Skeleton battle.

So, while I wait for our schedules to align....
I've begun the process of crafting proper movement trays for the goblins. The ones I have currently are old, mismatched & of assorted (often poor) quality.
And there's not enough of them.
So if I'm going to spend the time making several more I might as well just improve the rest while I'm at it.

Pictures? (please)

I'm trying to decide how to re-do mine;
I have them as llargish rectangles from the old WHFB rank and file system...
they still work, just don't have that AoS vibe...

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