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Dakka painting challenge side quest: Centerpiece  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
How long/what months
June-July 5% [ 1 ]
July-August 19% [ 4 ]
June-July-August 71% [ 15 ]
Other 5% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 21
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Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

The ideal was raised to do a longer then normal painting comp to deal with centerpiece models that need more then one month. This will follow the same general format as the normal painting comp, but run longer and the points will not be included on the league table. This will not replace the normal comp, but will run parallel as a bonus.

So my question is how long and when do people want to do this? Are two months OK, or do we want 3? Keeping to the summer months, as I think of this as the summer blockbuster round, but if people have a solid argument we can push the months around.

But start thinking about what you want to do and getting things together. Normal start of comp primed state only rule will apply, but building and what nots can be done beofre.

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

I Voted (Other)
2 month challenges on top of monthly challenges will be hard. For me 1 or 2 longer bonus challenges in a year will be more than enough. Another words, the longer the better.

A Proposition!
As a League Of Extraordinary Riveteer I saw a decline and the death of the bi-monthly LOER challenge.
Very Sad indeed.
I purpose to include (terrain/diorama) as allowable entry type from the original LOER guides into the Longer-Than-Normal-Painting-Challenge. To combine the LOER into LTNPC. So the Terrain challenge can, in a way, live on, but in a different form.

What say yee?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/13 19:13:57

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 Mothsniper wrote:
I Voted (Other)
2 month challenges on top of monthly challenges will be hard. For me 1 or 2 longer bonus challenges in a year will be more than enough. Another words, the longer the better.

A Proposition!
As a League Of Extraordinary Riveteer I saw a decline and the death of the bi-monthly LOER challenge.
Very Sad indeed.
I purpose to include (terrain/diorama) as allowable entry type from the original LOER guides into the Longer-Than-Normal-Painting-Challenge. To combine the LOER into LTNPC. So the Terrain challenge can, in a way, live on, but in a different form.

What say yee?

It looks like the 3 month option is way ahead at this point, so it looks like you will get the extra time.

I think I entered 3 LoER comps, and even finished one. I always followed them and tried to vote. Shame to see them not being done anymore.

With the painting comp, we have always welcomed terrain as part of the things you could enter. As long as you can wrap the topic around it, it’s all good. Even got one on the podium last month. I’d say we average a little over one a month. A few times we have a couple, but sometimes none at all.

While I’ve tossed my had into the Riveter’s ring a few times, I do not feel comfortable taking up their mantle and trappings to use in the painting comp I’m running. I’m also very not going to run anything requiring people to paint terrain. We’ve danced close a few times with topics, but always left a lot of ways out and options. Many people don’t play at their own table, so have zero desire to engage. And the primary thought when I’m picking topics is to cast as wide a net as I can to gather participants, while keeping a tight enough theme to encourage focus and people gently pushing their comfort zone.

The formal topic is going to be “Centerpiece” but I can include in the long description that terrain pieces are also encouraged. Anything bigger than normal you need more time on is the idea. And frankly, if people need time for small stuff, that’s fine as well. You need 3 months to paint the sistine chapel on an epic scale land raider? You got it!.

If you want to encourage the LoER ethos of rivets, sprue, found objects/upcycling and scratch builds, go for it. If you want to encourage people to follow those ideals in a friendly sub-competition, that’s also A-OK. Give out extra badges to people who complete painting comps to riveter standards.

But mandating them I think would push too many people out of the comp, and that’s not something I can encourage.

All that said, we see regularly that people can do terrain in a month. When I cast the question out asking for topics, toss back some loaded answers. Things at encourage, but do not require terrain. "Homefield Advantage”, “Home Base”, or “Headquarters” could either be the kind of troops that hang out back at camp, or the camp itself. “Strongpoint” could be a fortified bastion, or a squad of Ogres or Aggressors. And once we get a terrain friendly topic, you can whip up people’s enthusiasm to slap some rivets on things.

I don’t know if the summer blockbuster will be a yearly thing. We can see how well it worked after the fact. If it’s popular, we can always do it again. The thought for it really came from “what rules can we break” and the month time limit was one. I had a thought to go the other way as well. Do a 24 hour speed paint. Post your proof with a timestamp, and final work stamped 24 hours or less from that. Do that sometime in the month, and we’ll put the vote up at the end as normal with everyone’s work. But I figure we’ve played fast and loose enough with the rules this year, so maybe save that idea for the next cycle.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/13 20:52:44

Made in us
Scarred Ultramarine Tyrannic War Veteran

Maple Valley, Washington, Holy Terra

Three months seems ideal to me.

As to Mothsniper’s suggestion, I think that a sufficiently large and cool-looking piece of terrain qualifies as a centerpiece.

"Calgar hates Tyranids."

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Made in us
Trigger-Happy Baal Predator Pilot


Would we still be limited to 6 photos?

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

 ShadowsAndDust wrote:
Would we still be limited to 6 photos?

Good question and one I hadn’t thought about. More time, bigger things, more time to make details pop? Makes sense to allow more pictures; is a dozen enough? Double the normal?

I’ll allow it, but you guys are going to have to do the work. No just attaching pics to your final post. All entries must be in the following format:

<your name> - <title of entry>
Spoiler tag
<link to picture1>

<link to picture12>
EndSpoiler tag

This is the format I use for the vote threads. Normally there are 2-3 hours of me cutting and pasting, figuring out the title of the work, and dredging pictures out of galleries for people who attach directly to their posts. It’s a lot of work. Especially the getting linked pics. I used to click through to the pic and apply my own img tags, but that caused sizing issues. Now I go to the person’s gallery (where Dakka uploads them) and try to grab the right ones and put them in the correct order. Massive PITA either way. So if we want more pictures, I’m going to want final entries in a quick format I can just C/P into the vote thread, no muss, no fuss.

Your name is your username as it shows on Dakka. Capitalization, numbers, punctuation etc. Less relevant here as we don’t need to worry about the League table as this is a bonus round. But consistency prevent database errors and duplicate entries. If you are entering for someone without a Dakka account (like your kids or SO) you can enter for them, as a completely separate entry. Just give us a name for posterity/lists.

I don’t know if there is a max length for poll options, I suspect there is. Keep it on the short side and descriptive. Don’t use formatting tags.

Links do not need to be to the Dakka gallery, but we do encourage that. They can include URLs to take to to the hosting site. It can be one giant composite pic, 12 small ones, or something in between. You don’t need to use them all, but try to give us a few different angles and maybe some close-ups of the detail bits?

You can include whatever else in your finished post. Unspoilered pictures, links to more, extra pictures with non-comp entry stuff, background stories. All the normal stuff people do. Just as long as the formal final entry is in there.

(It would be nice if people did this all the time, but I try not to make too many demands, or make things stuffy and formal)

Made in gb
Fireknife Shas'el


Despite my lack of participation in the monthly competition recently, I’m going to try and do this. I wholeheartedly support taking on some of the admin to help you out Nev, because you’re already doing a stand-up job.

Couple of thoughts/questions:

Is this going to be a model, or a project, which could consist of multiple components?

What’s the rules going to be about part progressed projects?

For example, one of my options could be to continue my desert board, but I”ve already done one section under the LoER, and it would consist of three board sections and some scatter terrain (again, one already completed). Don’t worry if the answer is “no”, I have other options! (And this might be totally over-ambitious!)

 Zed wrote:
*All statements reflect my opinion at this moment. if some sort of pretty new model gets released (or if I change my mind at random) I reserve the right to jump on any bandwagon at will.
Made in gb
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator


 Nevelon wrote:

<your name> - <title of entry>
Spoiler tag
<link to picture1>

<link to picture12>
EndSpoiler tag

I host my pics on a separate website; so where it says 'link to picture', do you want me to use [url] tags or [img] tags? Basically, should the pics be visible, or just be click-through links?

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York

Jadenim wrote:Despite my lack of participation in the monthly competition recently, I’m going to try and do this. I wholeheartedly support taking on some of the admin to help you out Nev, because you’re already doing a stand-up job.

Couple of thoughts/questions:

Is this going to be a model, or a project, which could consist of multiple components?

What’s the rules going to be about part progressed projects?

For example, one of my options could be to continue my desert board, but I”ve already done one section under the LoER, and it would consist of three board sections and some scatter terrain (again, one already completed). Don’t worry if the answer is “no”, I have other options! (And this might be totally over-ambitious!)

Multi-part projects are fine, but they should form a cohesive entry. We are also not lifting the 5 model cap. So a board section and a handful of scatter terrain would be fine.

You need to start fresh for the part you were entering. So if you wanted to work on your table, start one of the sections (ideally the center of the 3 due to the topic )and the bits and bobs for that. The parts you are entering need to be at best primed or have a basic uniform basecoat, as per the normal competition rules. I see this no different then having a squad of 5 guys you’ve already painted 2 of. As long as the remaining 3 just start the competition in a primed state, they are fair game. If they are partially painted, then they don’t qualify.

Lovejoy wrote:
 Nevelon wrote:

<your name> - <title of entry>
Spoiler tag
<link to picture1>

<link to picture12>
EndSpoiler tag

I host my pics on a separate website; so where it says 'link to picture', do you want me to use [url] tags or [img] tags? Basically, should the pics be visible, or just be click-through links?


Pics should be visible. What you are doing now is fine. The goal is that this should be how they appear in the final vote thread. If you wanted to embed them into a link, you could if you wanted. The pic links in the Dakka gallery come with an embed url to take you to the pic’s gallery page, and if you wanted to do something similar I’d not begrudge you that. I can’t say I can ever recall anyone embeding links to external sites before, as it would be a pain to set them up manually. But who knows what people are using to host out there.

so < img >picture’s address< /img > or < URL=more cool pics here >< img >picture’s address< /img >< /URL > are both fine.

FYI, this is what your last entry looked like last month:

As an example of what I’m asking for if anyone is curious how the markup code here works.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/14 10:07:52

Made in nl
Stubborn Hammerer

Struggling about in Asmos territory.

I voted 3 months because painting a Maggothlord already woke me up to how much time is sunk into painting bulbous zits and gore properly..
I cannot imagine doing a Glottkin in 2 months by that standard.
(Do note I am not someone who paints daily)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/14 11:26:17

"Why would i be lying for Wechhudrs sake man.., i do not write fiction!"

Made in gb
Impassive Inquisitorial Interrogator


 Nevelon wrote:

Thank you! I'll make sure I use that format for my entries from now on.
Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

 Nevelon wrote:
 Mothsniper wrote:
I Voted (Other)
2 month challenges on top of monthly challenges will be hard. For me 1 or 2 longer bonus challenges in a year will be more than enough. Another words, the longer the better.

A Proposition!
As a League Of Extraordinary Riveteer I saw a decline and the death of the bi-monthly LOER challenge.
Very Sad indeed.
I purpose to include (terrain/diorama) as allowable entry type from the original LOER guides into the Longer-Than-Normal-Painting-Challenge. To combine the LOER into LTNPC. So the Terrain challenge can, in a way, live on, but in a different form.

What say yee?

It looks like the 3 month option is way ahead at this point, so it looks like you will get the extra time.

I think I entered 3 LoER comps, and even finished one. I always followed them and tried to vote. Shame to see them not being done anymore.

With the painting comp, we have always welcomed terrain as part of the things you could enter. As long as you can wrap the topic around it, it’s all good. Even got one on the podium last month. I’d say we average a little over one a month. A few times we have a couple, but sometimes none at all.

While I’ve tossed my had into the Riveter’s ring a few times, I do not feel comfortable taking up their mantle and trappings to use in the painting comp I’m running. I’m also very not going to run anything requiring people to paint terrain. We’ve danced close a few times with topics, but always left a lot of ways out and options. Many people don’t play at their own table, so have zero desire to engage. And the primary thought when I’m picking topics is to cast as wide a net as I can to gather participants, while keeping a tight enough theme to encourage focus and people gently pushing their comfort zone.

The formal topic is going to be “Centerpiece” but I can include in the long description that terrain pieces are also encouraged. Anything bigger than normal you need more time on is the idea. And frankly, if people need time for small stuff, that’s fine as well. You need 3 months to paint the sistine chapel on an epic scale land raider? You got it!.

If you want to encourage the LoER ethos of rivets, sprue, found objects/upcycling and scratch builds, go for it. If you want to encourage people to follow those ideals in a friendly sub-competition, that’s also A-OK. Give out extra badges to people who complete painting comps to riveter standards.

But mandating them I think would push too many people out of the comp, and that’s not something I can encourage.

All that said, we see regularly that people can do terrain in a month. When I cast the question out asking for topics, toss back some loaded answers. Things at encourage, but do not require terrain. "Homefield Advantage”, “Home Base”, or “Headquarters” could either be the kind of troops that hang out back at camp, or the camp itself. “Strongpoint” could be a fortified bastion, or a squad of Ogres or Aggressors. And once we get a terrain friendly topic, you can whip up people’s enthusiasm to slap some rivets on things.

I don’t know if the summer blockbuster will be a yearly thing. We can see how well it worked after the fact. If it’s popular, we can always do it again. The thought for it really came from “what rules can we break” and the month time limit was one. I had a thought to go the other way as well. Do a 24 hour speed paint. Post your proof with a timestamp, and final work stamped 24 hours or less from that. Do that sometime in the month, and we’ll put the vote up at the end as normal with everyone’s work. But I figure we’ve played fast and loose enough with the rules this year, so maybe save that idea for the next cycle.


And agree 199%. I must of miscommunicated a bit, but you nailed it. The point of including (terrain/diorama) is to promote and aid participation.
I love terrain work, but even for me It is difficult to find the room for project, and then the room for the storage of the project. So I do understand.

Most enjoyable aspect for me in the LOER was the themes, that would set a challenge not only in (the theme) but for the material or bits. Like - (use a piece of a milk carton in your entry)
Similarly imagine if the the Monthly Painting Challenge had theme challenges like a: 3 color limited color palette, or do not use white, or nmm round, or dry brush only, ets.
I understand that is unreasonable for the event, I am just saying what challenge type are most exciting for me.

24hr challenge is interesting. Perhaps once a year lolz, I saw some 24 hr challenges and pain is real.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/14 23:27:27

Made in us
The Marine Standing Behind Marneus Calgar

Upstate, New York


Competition thread is up. I decided to go with the official/unofficial definition of summer, so from Memorial Day to Labor Day (May 27th to September 2nd this year) So this gives us about a week extra time. And also offsets the start/stop times so I don’t need to worry about this comp as well as the normal one on the same day.

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