Hanomag Sd Kfz 251/1 Ausf C, 21 Panzer division, Normandy | Created by westiebestie |
Paintjob Rating: Need 5 more votes | Number of Views: 567 |
Coolness Rating: Need 5 more votes | Number of Votes: 0 |
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Image Description: First two vehicles for my Normandy Panzer Division finished! A Sd Kfz 222 (Zvezda kit) and Hanomag Sd Kfz 251/1 Ausf C (PSC kit). Don't have an airbrush so painted the soft edge camoflage on these using old school brush techniques - light drubrushes and dabbing with blends from Dunkelgelb to Rotbraun and Olivgrün. Kept weathering reasonably light as most german vehicles seem to have been in decent state by the outset of the campaign, so limited myself to light paint wear, rusted exausts, dirt and dust. 15mm. |
Image Tags:
Battlegroup, Bolt Action, Flames Of War, Germans, Grenadier, Normandie, Normandy, Panzer, Panzer Division, Panzer Grenadier, Wehrmacht, World War 2
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Image Details: |
Resolution: | 4608x3456 |
Uploaded: | 2021-03-06 16:32:15 |